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Title: Muggabeen (m.) Of Maanwa , Karngoo Murrum Magisterial District

Languages: Muggabeen (m.) Of Maanwa, Karngoo Murrum Magisterial District Mt. Magnet are yallandhurra people Yalgoo are meenung people.


Folio 56/118-144

XII 2F, 18

Muggabeen (m.) Of Maanwa, Karngoo Murrum Magisterial District Mt. Magnet are yallandhurra people Yalgoo are meenung people.

Man, his relationships, etc.
Aunt Mungan
Baby Jooba
Blackfellow Maajee
Blackwoman Moornee
Boy Yalbooroo
Brother Koorda, boa
Brother-in-law Wajjeera
Daughter Kajja
Daughter-in-law Ngarreea
Father Mamma
Father-in-law Kammee
Grandfather Kammee
Husband Mardungoo
Mother Beebee
Mother-in-law Mungan
Nephew Ngarreea
Niece Ngarreea
Orphan Beebeegootoo
Sister Eego
Sister-in-law Mungoo
Son Kajja
Uncle Kangoo
Virgin Mardung goola
White Man Moondoong
White Woman Moondoong
Widow Mardung goola
Widower Waljoo
Wife Mardoong
Woman Moornee
Parts and Functions of the Body
Ankle Woolba
Arm (left) Jeelee goorgoo
Arm (lower) Jeelee
Arm (right) Jeelee thamboo
Arm (upper) Jeelee
Back Wannaja
Beard Ngarngoor
Blood Ngooba
Bone Eega
Breast, breastsMeemee
Calf of Leg Mullaja
Cheek Ngangoo
Chest Beeloorn
Chin Ngangarn
Cry, to Woola
Drink, to Kaabee ngaala
Ear Koolga
Eat, to Ngaala
Elbow Nyooran
Eyebrow Nganba
Eyelash Nganba
Eye Kooroo
Fat Karnoo yaagoo
Finger Marra
Finger nail Beelbooroo
Forehead Ngala
Hair Mungalya
Hand Marra
Hand (left) Marra goorgoo
Hand (right) Marra thamboo
Head Mugga, mukka
Heart Koordoodoo
Heel Durnda
Hip bone Yangarl
Kidney Banda
Knee Jarda
Liver Marreeree
Lung Thaatoo
Mouth Eera
Muscle Yajja
Nape of the neck; neckNyanga
Nose Moolya
Perspiration Ngoodee
Perspire Ngoodee
Rib Bimbil
Seeing Now'a
Shoulder Maalee
Sinew Marboo
Skeleton Eega
Skin Koolil
Sleep Koobel yeree
Smell, to Burndeea
Sneeze, to Jeeboa, jinyaroga
Speak, to Koora galla
Spit, to Jailbee warnoa noa
Stomach Warree
Tears Balgan
Teeth Eera, wilga
Thigh Joonda
Thirsty Moorda burn
Throat Wardwanga
Thumb Mammardurra
Toe Mammardurra
Tongue Jallain, jallin
Vein Marboo
Walk, to Yarra
Wink, to Meendoo ngurra
Yawn, to Ngooilya
Animal (generic) Thooroo
Bandicoot Marroowa
Bat Meelain
Cat, native Bajjarda
DingoDhoodhoo, ngoobaanoo
Kangaroo, generic Maaloo
Kangaroo, brush Beegoorda
Kangaroo, Rock Baggooldharra
Kangaroo, young, in pouch Kabba
Bald coot, red bill Thannndee
Bell-bird Boggooboggoo
Bird (generic) Jeedamin
Bird's egg Ngow
Birds' Nest Munga
Bustard, Wild Turkey Bardoora
Cockatoo, Black, red tail Deerandee
Cockatoo, Galah, grey and pink Beeagoo
Cockatoo, white, Northern variety Koggalagoo
Crane, Blue Bagga, bogga
Crow Kaala
Crow, Shrike (Squeaker) Baalee
Duck (generic) Ngarroowa
Duck, Mountain Karbagoora
Eagle Hawk Ngoolal, warrida
Emu Yalleebeeree
Flycatcher (Wagtail)Jindee-jindee
Harrier, Swamp Hawk Geergoorda
Hawk, Sparrow Eerdeedee
King-fisher Jeedooroo
Lark Burna buraardee
Magpie Koorbardoo
Mopoke or CurlewKoorgoordoo
Parrot, King, yellow-cheekedBeel-bal
Parrot, Rosella Joogin
Parrot, Twenty-eight Beelbal
Pelican Wardoo malloo
Pheasant (Gnou) Ngarnama, ngannamurra
Swamp-hen, Coot Thannindee
Swan Kooriloo
Teal Woonjagoorda
Iguana (generic) Wardabee
Iguana, long-tailed Jillawarra
Iguana, stump-tailed Beejooroo
Lizard (generic) Gooroo ngooroo
Lizard, Horned (York Devil) Minjin
Scorpion Wanna
SnakeMiloora, ngowara, boolee, boornagarlee, diroo, nyeedoo
Ant (common small) Minga
Ant's nest Moongoolbee
Ant (sergeant) Goolong goolong
Ant (white) Manjoor
Bardie (a grub) Bardee, joolabardee
BeetleKammee gooroonda
Blowfly Boordoobee
Butterfly Beedee beedee
Centipede Jeerala
Flea Kooloo
Fly (generic) Goora goora
Grasshopper Winjinjee
Louse Kooloo
Mosquito Nyeergoo
Praying Mantis Maarlga
Marginal notes by Muggabeen original vocabulary
Weeloo West
Yabbaroo North
Meenung South
Kaggara East
Peedung E.N.E.
Yalladhurra E.S.E.
Wanmala S.E
Ngooragoo yarra Go in to your camp
Meelya Soft
Kandee Flint 'Knife'
Banna gurdee The other side
Bala Over there
Moordee Winter
Boornor Autumn
Naana This
Ninna an neena That
Ngannungoon Mine
Nooneengoon Yours
The Elements, etc.
Afternoon Karragarra
Atmosphere Weenjoo
Cave Nanga
Clay, red Dhooarree
Clay, white Yoweree
Cloud Mundurda
Cloudy Mundurda
Cold Moordee
Country (burnt) Yanba
Country (hilly) Moongoor
Country (swampy) Karrin
Dark Moonganga
Darkness Moonganga
Day Kallarn
Daylight Kallarn
Dew Warrool
Earth, the Barna
Feather Wommooloo
Fire Karla
Fog Thoondoo goomara
Frost Kowwarn
Grass Babburda
Ground (surface of) Barna
Gum Bimba, gooyangoo
Gum treeYardoo, eelajee, kooljarra
Heat Thooree, meedanjee
Hill Marda
Hillock Marda
Hole Thaa
Lake Ngabbaroo
Land Barna
Leaf (shrub or tree) Bimbeelee
Lightning Koondee
Manna Minnangarra
Moon Weelarra
Moonlight Weelarra la
Moon, waning Weelarra moola
Moon, waxingBEeree
Morning Mungal
Mountain Marda
Mud Joon goolongaia, meelee
Muddy Joon goolongaia, meelee
Mulga Yaaloor
Mushroom Yarling
Light Moonganga
Pleiades Nyarloowarree
Pool Daagool
Rain Babba, kaabee
Rainbow Wallandee
Resin (blackboy) Barroo
River Waan
Road Barreea
Rock Yadhoo
Rockhole Meela
Root, of tree Mala, marla
Sand Barna
Sandalwood tree Wallarda
Sandhill Boordun
Sandplain Weereea
Sea Weeloo
Seeds, of plants Wallar, ngoorar
Shade Maagoonoo, minda
Sky Beela
Spinifex Billa
Star Boondara
Starlight Boondara
Stone Marda
Sun Karrongoo
Sunrise Karrongoo bogganee
Sunset Karrongoo warninga
Thunder Dooloor
Thunderstorm Dooloor
To-day Koardee
To-morrow Warba garrongoo
Track Jinna
Tree Winda
Tree, Bark of Meeree
Tree, Gum of Gooyangoo
Vegetable food Warrain
Water Kaabee, babba
Water (deep) Babbad aggool
Water (fresh) Barndee
Water (salt) Yabba
Waterhole Meela
Whirlwind Wombaraaree
Willy willy Wombaraaree
Yesterday Warba garrongoo
General Vocabulary
Abduct, to Jeeda
Abscond, to Yarra
Abundance Yailba
Adultery Kooraga dhatta
Afraid Ngoorloo
Aged Jooja
Alive Wee'a
Amuse, toJoornee
Anger; to be angryBajja
Arise, toBoggan
Ashes Kooba
Assault, toBoongaia
Go astray, to Dhatta maia
Back, to go Mullagoo yarra
Back, to bring Mallagoo konganee
BadDhatta, thatta
Bag Ngooree
Bald Mugga been
Bandy legged Joonaa ngardura
Barb of a spearNgangara
Bare Koolba gooloo
Bark (used for making huts) Ingarra
Battle Bajja
Go before me Kardundha yarra
Go behind me Mallagurdee yarra
Belt Nanba
Bite, to Bajjala
Black Moongarda
Bleed, to Yalgoo
Blind Goomaroo
Blow with the mouth, to Karboo ngail mela
Blunt Nganga
Board, for throwing spear Meeroo
Body Moola
Body (dead) Moola
Bony Eelyeera
Boomerang Walannoo
Both of us Ngallee
Break, to Kardow'ela
Bring me Kongarnee
Bundle Karda jootee
Burn Goojala
Bury, to Ngardee joola
By and byWoorda
Camp, native Ngoora
Cannibal Ngaala maajee
Change, to Eenyerree, inyerree
Charcoal Yeergaroo
Charm, to (by a spell) Mobburn
Cheat, to Naggareena
Choke, to Nyingarna
Circle Meela
Circular Meela
Circumcision Boggalee
Clasp, to Moorna malla
Clay Barna
Clay, white lime Yoweree
Climb, to Kalbunga winda
Close (near) Koola
Club Koondee
Come in, to Koolaree
Conceal, to Yarrajeea
Concealed Yarrajeea
Cook, to Bowela
Cooked meat Narranya
Corroboree Kareea mama
Couple Koodharra
Covered Ngardee joola
Coward Ngooloo barndee
Crawl, to; creep, to (on game)Marreearra
Crippled Ngardara
Crooked Ngardara
Cry, to Woola, ngoola
Cut, to, with a knife Kurda baiala
Dance Karreea
Dead Moola, dhingarreegoo
Deaf Koolga bundhoo
Decay, to Yoornaareea
Decayed Yoornaareea
Deceit Jal yarreea
Deceive Jal yarreea
Depart, to Yarra
Devil Moondung
Dig, to Baiala
Direct (in a straight line) Dhooban yarra
Dirty Yoongooloo
Dog's tail head-dress Bilbainja
Down (short hair) Ngorl'bul
Dream Nyarra go'a
Dried, parched ground Barna bindin
Drink Kabbee ngaala
Drink, to Kabbee ngaala
Dumb Jallin dhatta
East Mulleearra; E.S.E. = yallandhurra
Enough Wallaja
Erect Dhooban
Evil spirit Moondung
Exchange Inyarree
Fall, to Warneea
Family or tribe Moorurdoo
Far away Warda
Fear Ngoorloo
Fillet for the head Jootee
Find Goolbulla
Finish, to Weerdee mella
Fire-stick Kala
Flat Kangara ngarree
Flat, to lie Kangara ngarree
Flesh (of animals) Warraga
Food (forbidden) Moonoo
Fresh (lately made) Boordoola
Friend Koojoo
Friendly Koojoo
Frightened Ngoorloo, winya beea
Full (filled up) Ngandarna
Fur Jootee
Game, aBeea
Game (animals) Kooga, thooroo
Get up, to Boggan
Ghost Maangoo, winjee
Giddy Goorin-goorin
Girdle of opossum hair Nanba
Give, to Yoonga
Glutton Eela ingarna
Go away, to Yarra
Go out, to Bannin yarra
Good Barndee
Good, no Dhatta, thatta
Grave Ngardijee
Grease, to Kargarreea
Greyheaded Mugga winja
Half caste Moolya millee
Hair stick Laaroo
Hair string (wound round head) Jootee
Handsome Koomba boorain
Hard Marrga
Heavy Boordong
Here Banna
His Bannow
Hold, to Marra
Hop, to Nganja ngaia
Humpbacked Waddardoongoo
Hungry Nyarroon
Hunt, to Majjee yarra
Husband Mardoong
I Ngadha
Idle Mungarree
Ill (sick) Beega
Immediately Jamban
Initiate, toBoggalee
Itch Mindin mindin
Jagged Yaara ngunna
Jealous Jindoo
Jealousy Jindoo
Jump, goObernangoo
Kangaroo trap Ngardumba
Kick Kannoola
Kill, to Boongaia
Kneel Doorbun nyinnaia
Knock, to (down) Boongaia warnijella
Know, to Meeanoo
Languid Munga
Large Yeenda
Laugh Joorneea
Laughter Joorneea
Lie (to lie down) Ngarreea
Lie (to tell a lie) Dal yarreea, jal yarreea
Lift up, to Kanga mella
Light a fire, to Kala koojalla
Listen, to Angoola
Little Jimba
Long (tall) Wangooroo
Long ago Woorgala jee
Long hair Mungalya wangooroo
Look out, to Biljoo nyinnaia
Lose, to Thatta murna
Lying (down) Ngarreea
Many Yailba
Me Ngadha, ngaia
Meat Thooroo
Melt, to Joo eedungaia
Mend, to Waggala
Message sticks Bambooroo
Mia (native hut) Ngoora
Milk Meemee
Mine (my own) Ngannajoo, ngammungoon
Monster (fabulous) Thaabeea
Name Yinnee
Near Koola
No Weerdee
North Yabbaroo; N.E. = koggara; E.N.E. = peedung
Nose-piercing Moolya eedee
Old Weenja
One Kooteea
Open Baggee mulla
Opening Baggee mulla
Openly Baggee mulla
Paint, to Walga jooreea
Pair Koodharra
Pearl-shell Meendee
Peeled stick (hair ornament)Boongoorn
Pinch, to Bindala
Pinion (wing) Kaalee
Plenty Yailba
Pluck out feathers, to Ngalboo boong'aia
Plume, a Ngal'boo
Point, to Yee'ree
Pole (rod or stick) Wanna (woman's)
Pound, to (to beat up) Boodurla, yabboo
Quick Jambarn
Quickly Jambarn
Quiet Koorongoo
Quietly Koorongoo
Quiver, to Ngoordoo
Raw Wanga
Red Dhooarree
Refuse, to Weerdee
Rob, to Boogarree
Robber Boogarree
Roll over, to Yingeelungaia
Rope Jootee
Rubbing Yoo'arree'a
Rub, to Yoo'arree'a
Run, to Jamburn
Salt Ngabbaroo
Scar Woolbarga
Scrape, to Narra
Scratch, to Narra
Shake, to Weerin boongaia
She Baaloo
Shield Woonda
Sinews of kangaroo's tailMarrboo
Sing, to Warrala
Single Kooteea
Sit down, to Nyinnaia, nyinna
Slow Meendeer
Slowly Meendeer
Sly Meeanoo
Small Jimba
Smoke, of fires Yoola
Soft Meelya
Sorrow Warree dhadda
South Meenung; S.W. = wanmala
Spear (generic term) Koorardoo
Spear (hunting) Bilbagooroo
Spear, to Waggala
Spear (war) Doordee, wanna bindee
Spill, to Weealgooloo warnijilla
Spin, to (weave) Woornoo
Split, to Yaargoola
Spring (season of) Bingara
Squeeze, toNyooragoola
Stick Wanna
Stiff Ngarrarloongoo
Sting Bajjala
Stir, to Windee windela
Stop! Karreea
Stranger Woojanoo
Strangle, to Beerinja
Strong Malga
Sugar Bajja
Summer Meedanjee
Sweat Ngwuttee
Swell, to Boogil boogil
Take, to (more)Kowana murra
Tear, to Yaargoola
Tell me Wongaia
Tell, to Wongaia
Their Banna moordoo
Them Banna moordoo
There Bala
This Baana, naana
This one Naana
Three Marngoor
Through, pierced Kardai yow'aree
Throw, to Yooala
Throwing Yooala
Throwing board Meeroo
Tickle, to Giddee giddila
Ticklish Giddee giddila
Tie, to Jootilee
Together Wanarree yarra
Track (footprint) Jinna
Trackless Jinna goodoo
Twist, to Koolerin jooala
Two Koodharra
Ugly Moolya dhatta
Uncooked meat Wanga
Under Ngardee era
Underneath Ngardee era
Understand, to Ngangoola
Upside down Beeda goolaga
Wait, to Woorda woorda
West Weeloo
What Naa wai, naa woolee
Where Thalla
Which Thalla nyabboon
Whistle Wooin
White Yoweree
Who, whoseNganna
Why Now
Wicked Dhatta
Wild native Woojanoo
Winter Moordee
Witchcraft Mobburn
Wood Winda
Yam-stick Wanna
Yes Gooa
You Nyinda
Young (of animals) Jimba, jeemba
Your Nyindongoo
Yours Noonongoon
Poor fellowGoorningoorninyoo
Short Sentences
Afraid, I am not, of you Ngadha waiee ngoolooree nyindurla
Afraid, What are you, of? Now nyinda ngoolooree
Asleep, He is Nyoobarree
Bad, That is very Nyinda dhatta = you are very bad
Brother, He is my Ngannajung boa
Brother, That is my Ngannajung boa
Bury him Ngardee joola
Care, Take, of Boorain mulla
Carry this Baana marra
Cattle, Bring in the Kongarnee "booleegoo"
Cattle, Did you see the? Nyinda nyinya "booleegoo"
Children, Where are your? Thalla nyindongoo kajja inna
Come from, Where do you? Thalla gurdee nyinda yanna inna
Come here Yannai
Come, I, fromNgadha ngannai inna thahoo
Come in Yannai
Come, I will Ngadha yannai
Coming, They are Thanna yannai minna
Coming with you, I am Ngadha nyindala yannai
Cook that --- Bowela
Country, What is the name of your? Nganna nyinaa ngoora
Country, Where is your? Thalla nyinda ngoora
Coward, You are a Ngooloo barndee nyinda
Daughter, Is that your? Naa nyindungoo kajja
Dead, he is Baaloo moola
Deceiving me, You are Nyinda jal yai minna
Dingoes, Are there many? Naa yailba dhoodhoo
Do this Baanee yal mulla
Doing, What are you? Naan yalman
Father, he is my Ngannongoo mama, ngannajoo mama
Find, Where did you, them? Yaalin munna
Finish this Wajjee munna, weerdee dan
Fire, Make a Kala koojalla
Fire, Make by friction Yardee yooalla
Food, Give me Waain or warrin yoonga
Food, I cannot get Ngadha waain gootoo
Food, I will give you Ngadhunda yoongaia
Food, Where shall I find Thallun goolbulla
Friend, I am your Ngadha nyindung yammajee
Get along Banneeyarra
Get up Boggan
Give me Yoongaia, yoong ngaia
Go away Banneeyarra
Go, I will, now Ngadha yannabo
Gone, He has just Wardee baaloo yanna
Gone, Where has he? Thallai yanna
Good, That is no Dhatta
Good, That is very Barndee
Good, You are no Dhatta
Go quickly Jamban yarra
Go quietly Meendee yarra
Go there Balla yarra
Go you Nyinda yarra
Here it is Baana ngarree
Hill, What is the name of that? Nganna yinnee murda
House, Am I near a? Maggoona koola yallee ngadha
Husband, Where is your? Thalla nyindung marding
Ill, I am Ngadha beega or kallajeea
Ill, You are Nyinda beega, nyoondoo kallajeea
Kangaroo, Are you hunting? Marloo ngallai
Kangaroo, Where shall I find? Thallin goolbulla
Killed, He has been Beenya woorgala
Killed, Who has, him? Ngannaloo beenya
Killed, You have, him Nyinda beenya
Know, I Ngadha meeanoo
Know, I do not Meeanoo goodoo
Lake, What is the name of that? Mganna yinnee ngabbaroo
Lake, Where is the? Thalla ngabbaroo
Lazy, You are Nyinda munga
Let it alone Nyinda munga
Lie down Ngarreea
Listen to me Ngan goolee
Long time ago, That was a Woorgala jee
Lying, He is, down Ngarree minna
Mother, She is my Ngannung beebee
Mother-in-law, She is my Ngannung kaamee
Name, What is your? Nganna nyindung yinnee
Natives, Where are the? Thallan yammajee yallee
Native, Who is this? Nganna baanee yammajee
Noise, What is that? Nganna maralman
Relation, What are you to? Naa nyinda ngannajoo
Rising, The river is Mulbai binnoo kaabee
River, What is the name of that? Nganna yinnee warn
River, Where is the? Thalla warn
Roots (edible), Find some Warrain ngarlāree
Roots (edible), where shall I find? Thallin goolbula warrin
Run away Yarda bulla jambarneea
Sea, Am I near the? Weeloo koola
Sleep, I shall now Ngadha nyoobara ngaia
Slow, You are very Mindeer murda
Speak, Do not Wai wongaia
Spear, Where is your? Thalla nyindong koorardoo
Stay with me Nyinnaia
Stay, you, here Ngadhala nyinda nyinnaia
Steal, From whom did you steal?Ngannarla boogaia munna
Stop here Nyinnaia
Tell .... to come to me Baana wonga yannai goo
That, I want Nganna jingoo baana
Track, Where is the? Thallin jinna
Tree, what is the name of that? Nganna winda baanoo
Tribe, To what, do you belong? Yallanjeeree nyinda yannee
True, That is not Jel yai munna
Turkey, Where shall I find a? Thallingoolbula, bardoora
Understand, Do you? Naa nyinda meeanoo
Understand, I do not Ngadha meeanoo goodoo
Want, What do you? Now nyinda yanna inna
Water, Am I near? Kaabee koolago
Water, Give me Kaabee yoonga
Water, Where shall I find? Thalla kaabee (or babba)
Way, Come this Ngabbai yannee
Way, Go that Banna jiddeea
Well, where is the? Thalla "well"
What is it? Naa naa'woolee
Where are you going? Thalla yarra
Where do you come from? Thalla yannai inna
White man's house, Where is the? Thalla moondung ngoora
Who is that? Nganna baaloo
Who is there? Nganna baaloo
Wife, Is that your? Nyindongo mardungoo baano
Wife, She is my Ngannung mardungoo
Wife, Where is your? Thalla nyindung mardungoo
Wood, Find some Kala ngalarreea
Wounded, I am Woggarna
You and I Ngallee (we two), ngalleeja (we three)
You two Nooballee
1. Native marriage laws in district?

Paljeri father Boorong father

Boorongo mother Paljeri mother

Boorgooloo kajja Kaimera kajja

Kaimera father Boorgooloo father

Boorgooloo mother Kaimera mother

Boorong kajja Paljarree kajja

2. Native modes of burial in district?

Mt. Magnet - head east, feet west.

Yalgoo - Head north, feet south.

The feet are always placed in the direction of the dead man's country.

3. Hairdressing, various modes of?

Thabbagooroo - chignon

Meelee = dhooarree

4. Names of weapons, implements, and domestic utensils in district?

Koorardoo = spear

Walannoo = kailee

Woonda = shield

Koondee = club

Kandee = knife

Mingarree = wooden vessel

5. Game traps, other methods of capture?

Ngardumba - hole or pit

Mardee - fence

Ngarra gurra - poisoning the waterholes for emus.

6. Carvings and paintings?None.
7. Native names of trees, shrubs, plants, etc.?Yaaloor, mulga (spears), yoora (woonda), kooraara (koondee) mingara, bardinyoo (pine), kaiar (kurrajong), gooraara
8. Native names of tribes in district? Wanmala.
9. Do the tribes meet at any distant places for exchange or barter? Yes.
10. Native foods in district?

Koggoola, like a bean

Gooraara - seeds

Mingarda - seeds

Marnain - seed

Walgoo - quandong fruit

Beebil - a bulbous fig-like plant, the fruit of which is eaten.

Koggara - a bean

Booleeboolee - seed, grows at Meelya near Field's Find

11. Is cannibalism known to exist in district?Yes.
12. What woods are used in making fire by friction?

Wallarda, sandalwood

Walgoo, quandong

Yalloor, gum?

Ngarragurra and Gowera - sandplain trees.

13. Method of obtaining water from trees, etc.?Yoora.
14. Is there a sorcerer in tribe?Sorcerers in every tribe and every native believes in the magic powers of healing or killing possessed by these magic doctors.
15. Is there a gesture language amongst the natives in district? Yes.

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