Document details

Title: Karreedee and Bindaweeree Of Mongoola , dhooarree , woolgarrunga , Ngannagooragoor ," Mindoola , Kaajoomunga , Weld Range , Cue Magisterial District Wanmala people Mindoola , hill eastward of township site.



Karreedee and Bindaweeree of Cue

Karreedee and Bindaweeree Of Mongoola, dhooarree, woolgarrunga, Ngannagooragoor," Mindoola, Kaajoomunga, Weld Range, Cue Magisterial District Wanmala people Mindoola, hill eastward of township site.

Man, his relationships, etc.
Aunt Marrajee, wabbee, kajjardee
Baby Joora
Blackfellow Boggalee, yammajee
Blackwoman Nyaaloo
Boy Moordin
Brother Koorda
Brother-in-law Ngabboree
Daughter Kadha
Daughter-in-law Balyongoo
Father Mamma
Father-in-law Kambarnoo
Grandfather Kammee
Grandmother Kundharree
Husband Mardungoo
Man Boggalee
Mother Yaagoo, yaago
Mother-in-law Marrajee, wabbee
Nephew Balyongoo
Niece Ngarraia
Orphan Yaagoo goodoo
Sister Joordoo
Sister-in-law Mardungoo, mungajoo, mungadhoo
Son Kadha
Son-in-law Balyongoo
Uncle Kombarnoo
Virgin Mardungoodoo
White man, woman Moondung, moolya millee
Widow Tnandajee
Widower Binga burndee
Wife Mardungoo
Woman Nyaaloo
Parts and Functions of the Body
Ankle Burlba, bulba
Arm (left) Thambo
Arm (lower) Kattee
Arm (right) Ngoondal
Arm (upper) Beereejee
Back Wardoo
Back-bone Eega
Beard Ngangoor
Blood Yalgoo
Bone Eega
Bowels Goomboo
Breast Mimmee
Calf of Leg Mullaja
Cheek Ngangoo
Chest Ngarga
Chin Ngangal
Cry, to Ngoola
Drink, to Babba ngarnagoo
Ear Koolga
Eat, to Ngarnagoor
Elbow Nyoorlga
Eyebrow Dallee dallee
Eyelash Nganbanjin
Eye Kooroo
Face Moolya
Fat Beelarr
Finger Marra
Finger nail Beeree
Foot Jinna
Forehead Ngalla
Generative Organ (female) Weela, maaloo
Groin Koordee ngaalung
Hair Koolooweel
Hand Marra
Hand (left) Marra thambo
Hand (right) Marra ngoondal
Head Mogga; brains = ngaangoordoongoo
Heart Koordoodoo
Heel Danda
Hip bone Yangal
Instep Eega
Jaw Karda
Kidney Burnda
Knee Boordoo, boodoo, booroo
Kneecap Jooarda
Leg Mamboo
Lip Woodee
Liver Marredee
Lung Nyindil
Moustache Moolyongoon, moolongoon
Mouth Eera
Muscle Warraga
Navel Nyoorul
Neck Nyinga
Nipple of breast Boordoo; between the breasts = mimboordoo
Nose Moolya
Palm of the hand Marra warree
Penis Weela
Perspiration, perspire Weel weel
Rib Bimbil
Rump Murnda
Seeing Nanga
Shoulder Beedee
Sinew Jootee
Skeleton Weejedee, woolgala
Skin Meeree warndoo
Sleep Nyoobara ngaia
Smell, to Barndala
Sneeze, to Jeeree banya
Sole of the foot Jinna binya
Speak, to Wonga
Spit, to Karngar
Stink, to Yoorna
Stomach Marnda goomboo
Tears Nyoorel
Teeth Weelga
Temple Nangurdiddee
Thigh Joonda
Thirsty Meenee
Throat Boggarn, warda wongal
Thumb Mammerdurra; ngoonagoodna = 1st, 2nd, 3rd fingers; koobain = little finger
Tongue Thallin
Vein Malboo
Walk, to Yanma ba; walking = yarraba
Wink, to Kooroo kardain nye-ee
Womb Weela, maaloo
Yawn, to Ngoolyoor malla
Animals (generic) Kooga
Anteater Koondoowa
Bat Ibbil yibbil
Cat, native Marroowa
Dingo Dhoodhoo
Dingo, puppy Kooloyn
Kangaroo, generic Maaloo, joordoowarra (female)
Kangaroo, brush Beegoorda
Kangaroo, Red Beegoorda
Kangaroo, Rock Kalyow'urree
Kangaroo, young, in pouch Koonaloo
Mouse Murdagoa, minneea
Opossum Waioorda
Wallaby Maaloogooda
Bald coot, red bill Thannindee
Bell-bird Boggoon boggoon, burn burn
Bird (generic) Jeedameeng; bird that says, "M-m-m" = boordoonja
Bird's egg Ngow, walla
Bustard, Wild Turkey Bardoora
Butcher bird Wardo-warda
Cockatoo, Black, red tail Jeerandee
Cockatoo, Galah, grey and pink Beearrgoo
Cockatoo, white, Northern variety Koggalow
Crane, Blue Bogga
Crow Kaagoo
Cuckoo Koolgurdoo
Dove, little Weeajoo
Duck (generic) Ngarrawa
Duck, Mountain Koobardee
Eagle Hawk Ngoolal
Emu Yalleebeedee
Flycatcher (Wagtail) Jindee jindee
Hawk, Fish (Osprey) Geerrgoorda
Hawk, Sparrow Wooreejeeree
King-fisher Wailba ?
Lark Milga
Magpie Koorbarrooin
Mopoke, curlew Weeloo
Owl Nyoomee
Parrakeet Weerooloo
Parrot, Twenty-eight Boorill boorill
Pelican Kallarbee
Pheasant (Gnou) Ngannamurra, meenmurra
Pigeon Munbee
Pigeon, Topknot Wallara
Plover Yallogulbee
Robin Kurdallee kurdallee
Snipe Burna burnaa dingoo
Swan Kooriloo
Teal Boy'
Wattle Bird Bibbin
Fish (generic) Babba jeeree
Herring, River Walbee
Frog, edible Wangoora, koondee-dadal
Frog (generic) Eelee walga
Frog, large green Weoroon
Iguana (generic) Wardabee
Iguana, long-tailed Bungarra, jillawarra, jillawarra burrow = jooral
Iguana, stump-tailed Gooyal
Lizard (generic) Koorong ooroo
Lizard, Horned (York Devil) Minjin
Lizard, large black Warroora
Scorpion Wanna, kanbarga
Snake Mullara (black, magic), boolee, jilloo-warra, jeedoo
Turtle Kandarra
Ant Minga
Ant's nest Mudnooroo
Ant (sergeant) Gunda gundara
Ant (noney) Weeda weeda
Bardie (a grub) Joola bardee, jowalgoo
Blowfly Boorda bee
Butterfly Beedee beedee, mindin mindin
Centipede Jee-erla
Cricket Meerin
Flea Kooloo, booda
Fly (generic) Goora goora
Grasshopper Joonda joondaraaree
Grub Baggardee
Louse Kooloo
Mosquito Goonma, boordabee
Spider Kamburga
The Elements, etc.
Afternoon Karragarra
Atmosphere Weenjoo
Cave Thaa
Clay, red dooarree, dhooarree
Clay, white Yoweree
Cloud, cloudy Mundarda, maddurda
Cold Moordee
Country (desert) Yalga
Country (hilly) Murda barna
Country (swampy) Winna; clay pans = Karrain
Creek Warn
Dark, darkness Moonga
Day Doorin'ga, d'ringa
Daylight Millee
Earth, the Barna
Feather Wommooloo (down)
Fire Kala
Fog Mooroo
Frost Wanda
Grass Boolga
Ground (surface of) Barna
Gum Gooyangoo
Gum tree Yarloo
Heat Ngalboorga, wardamat
Hill, hillock Murda
Hole Meela, waggoo
Lake Karrain, nabbaroo
Land Barna
Leaf (shrub or tree) Bibbera
Lightning Goondee
Lime, limestone Yoweree
Manna Meena ngaia
Milky Way (dark spot in) Eendeeree, yeemerree, yeenma
Moon Weelarra
Moon, waning Jimba murda
Moon, waxing Jaalee
Morning Moongawarra
Mountain Murda
Mulga Mingarga
Mushroom Wil-ēga
Night Moonga
Peach, native Walgoo, kernel of fruit = warraladdee
Pleiades Nyallawarree
Pool Karrain
Rain Babba
Rainbow Mooroo
Resin (blackboy) Barroo
River Weela
Road Jinna
Rock Murda
Rockhole Kaiara
Root, of tree Boolara
Rush (a fibre) Biljaa
Sand Burna
Sandalwood tree Wallarda
Sea Weeloo
Seeds, of plants Mungarda, weetoo and other kinds.
Shade Maggoonoo
Sky Beela
Star Boondara
Stone Karba
Sun Karrongoo
Sunrise Karrongoo boggan yinnaba
Sunset Karrongoo taaggoolonga minnaboo
Thunder, thunderstorm Goomarda
Ti-tree Ngooloorbee
To-day Warba garrongoo
To-morrow Moongoo warra
Track Jinna
Tree Winda
Tree, Bark of Bingarra
Vegetable food Warrain
Water Babba
Water (deep) Yannoonga
Water (salt) Yabba
Waterhole Meelee
Whirlwind Boodaraara
Wind Weenjoo
Yam Burndeejellee
Yesterday Warba garrongoo
General Vocabulary
Abduct, to Jeeda
Abscond, to Yardarna boonana
Abundance Yallba
Adultery Dhatta
Afraid Ngooloo
Aged Weenja
Alarm Ngooloo
Alive Wanga
Amuse, to Joornee abbow
Anger, to be angry Bajja
Another Warba
Arise, to Bogganba
Ashes Gooba
Ask, to Wongaba
Assault, to Binyago
Go astray, to Bambaar nganna, balbarreea
Autumn Boornor
Back, to go Banna bannai
Bad Dhatta
Bald Mugga yella
Bandy legged Ngurdara
Bare Munda, wallaga
Battle Bajjagoo binyarree
Before Kardundha
Behind Mallagurdee
Belt Nanba
Big Jallee warraga
Bite, to Bajjala
Black Moongarda
Bleed, to Yalgoo
Blind Goomaroo
Blow with the mouth, to Bo'mella
Board, for throwing spear Meeroo
Bony Nar'nar
Boomerang Walannoo
Both of us Ngallee
Break, to Kardagoola
Bring me Kongarnee bo
Bundle Eendee
Burnt, to burn Kalongoo naanabo
Bury, to Ngardee joola
By and by Woorda
Camp, native Ngoora
Cannibal Ngaala
Carry, to, on the shoulders Thallee mella
Cataract (film over eye) Ngalgal
Change, to Inyarree abbow
Charcoal Yeergaroo
Charm, to (by a spell) Mobburn
Cheat, to Jimba
Choke, to Nyeegindalla (half strangle); nyingalla = to choke
Circle, circular Doolgoo
Clasp, to Moorna mella
Clay Barna
Clay, white lime Yoweree
Climb, to Kalbungaia
Close (near) Koola
Club Koondee, weeardoo (2 kinds)
Cold, a; cold, to be Moordee
Come in, to Yannai
Conceal, to Yerdajee
Cook, to Bowinbo
Cooked meat Naana bow
Corroboree Mamma kannoola
Couple Koodnarra
Covered Balle eeba
Coward Ngooloo
Creep (to creep on game) Marrow'ree abba
Crooked Ngardara
Cure, to Barndee abbow
Dance Kannoola, ngardee
Dead Moondoong eenyaba
Deaf Koolga boondoo inyabo
Decay, to; decayed Beelaa
Deceit, deceive Jelyai goodoo
Deep Womba bow
Depart, to Yaaba
Devil Moondung, kanbong
Dig, to Bala malla
Dog's tail head-dress Weeboo
Down (short hair) Yoondoo
Dream Yaara goa
Drink, to, Water Ngarnagoo babba
Drown, to Warninya bo
Dry Moorgarn
Dumb Wonga goorongoo
East Koggara, S.W. = wanmala
Enough Wajjee bo
Erect Ngoorndal
Exchange Eenyeelee eenyarreea
Far away Womba, mowana
Fillet for the head Ngooleroo
Finish, to Wajjee murnabo
Flat Ngai-ee minna
Flesh (of animals) Kooga
Food (forbidden)

Moonoo, jeerajeer, wabbee

Forbidden – also applied to mother-in-law

Fresh (lately made) Kumbarra
Friend, friendly Wannara murda
Frightened Ngooloo
Full Ngummurl
Fur Yoondoo
Game, a Bee'a min'na
Game (animals) Kooga
Get up, to Boggan minna
Ghost Jangara, moondung, biljil, ngalba
Giddy Mogga goo'een goo'een
Girdle of opossum hair Nanba
Give, to Yoongadna
Glutton Ngardee ngan minna; greedy = warran
Good Barndee jallee
Good, no Dhatta
Grave Ngalyee milla
Graze, to Nganmina boolga
Grease, to Kargai beelarr
Greyheaded Weenja
Gum, edible Gooyangoo
Gun Yooalgoo
Half caste Beeaarung
Hair stick Kandee
Hair string (wound round head) Ngooleroo
Hammer (native) Kandee, marna (no handle), kandoo
Handsome Barndee
Hard Dhandna
He Bala, baaloo
Heavy Boordongoo
Her Balla, baaloo
Here Nunna gunda
Hidden, hide, to Yerdajee
Him Baaloo
His Baalung
Honey Weeda weeda
Hop, to Yoorndoo
House Moggoornoo
Humpbacked Nyinga
Hungry Nyowern nyooa
Hunt, to Barra barla, mujja = hunting
Husband Mardungoo
I Ngadha, ngaiyoo
Ill (sick) Beega
Immediately (directly) Kwardee
Improper Ngooba dhatta
Indeed Eeja, eejaga
Itch Mindin mindin
Jagged Yaar goolgoo
Jealous, jealousy Boogul immina
Jump, to Wobar nunga
Kick Karboo gannargoo
Kill, to Beenya
Kiss Boonjalabba
Kneel Booree nyinnaboo
Knife Jeemarree, used at initiation, kandee , white stone.
Know, to Meeanoo
Laugh, laughter Joornee minna bow
Lazy Mallardee
Leave (to go away) Yarrabo
Lie (to lie down) Nyoobarra ngarreeboo
Lie (to tell a lie) Jel yai munnee
Lift up, to Mulboo malla
Light a fire, to Meelee mella, kala meelee, meeleebo
Listen, to Ngangoon
Little Koolooin, jinja murda
Long (tall) Weelballa
Long ago Weejeree, woorgala
Long hair Weelballa, mungalya
Look out, to Kajjerdee
Look, to (to see) Nungaba
Lose, to; lost Warninya
Many Yailba, walya; everybody = kooreegooree
Master, a Mardooa (the "eeko" of the southern corroborees)
Me Ngadha
Meat Kooga
Melt, to Meemee
Mend, to Woggala, wogala
Message sticks Bambooroo
Milk Beebee
Mine (my own) Ngannajungoo
Mix, to Thardooree milla
My Ngannajoo
Naked Wallaga
Name Yinnee, innee
Native well Beemarree (spring)
Near Koola
Never Wajjee
No, nobody Wajjee
North Wardal, tchargoordee, N.W. = yabbaroo, N.E. = beedungoo
Nose stick Eega
Oh! Yaggai
Old Weenja
One Kooteea
Open, opening, openly Beeja ganba
Our Ngannow nunna, ngandnungoo (that is ours)
Paint, to Walbara maigoo
Pair Koodharra
Pant, to; panting Ngaail ngaail malgoo
Passion Bajja jallee
Path (track) Jinna
Paw Marra
Pearl-shell Meendee, mindee
Pebbles Jinja murda
Peeled Stick (hair ornament) Kandee (also knife)
Pick up, to Mannaba
Pierce, to Ngoorndal murnoo, koorardoo
Pinch, to Mindee jalgoor
Pinion (wing) Kaalee
Pit Waggoo, ngardoomba
Play, to; playing Beea minna
Plenty Yailba
Pluck out feathers, to Yoondoo malgoo
Plume, a Jangara (cockatoo feathers)
Point, to Barda burdongoo
Pole (rod or stick) Wanna
Pound, to (to beat up) Burdalgoo, boodalgoo
Pull, to Winna mannee
Pursue, to Barra barn
Putrid Yoorna
Quick, quickly Ngardee jammanee
Quiet, quietly Yowarnee
Quiver, to Walla wallai eegoo
Raw Wanga
Red Dhooanee, jooarree
Relation, a Moorurdoo
Ring (circle for enclosing game) Binga
Rob, to; robber Mabbai nyimmina
Roll over, to Ngarree ngarree na minna
Rope Marrboo
Run, to Ngardee jambanee
Salt Yabba
Scab Beejee beejee
Scar Woolbarrga
Scold, to Kalla kallai goodoo
Scrape, to Nyeerinbilgoo
Shake, to Balla wallaigoo
Shavings Kalga; shaved sticks carried in the hand at dances = jalyee; shavings on upper arm = yardabulja.
Shield Woonda
Short Dooroon
Shout, to Mirra ("listen to the shouting" = ngangoolada mirra)
Sick (ill) Beega
Sinews of kangaroo's tail Marrboo
Sing, to Warn minna
Single Kooteea
Sit down, to Nyinnagoo
Skewer Binjooloo walgoo
Slily Dhatta
Slow, slowly Yarnoo
Small; small piece, a Kooloyn
Smoke, of fires Yoola; big smoke, or bush fire = koongai joona
Soft Milya
Song Warn, minna
Sorcery Mobburn
Sorrow Ngoola munna bow
South Meenungoo
Spear (generic term) Koorardoo, kooilba
Spear (hunting)

Woggalgoo; wannabindee = spear from

Beedung; bilbagooroo = spear from koggara; wanarree = spear from

Meenung; all bartered for dhooarree, wogarree and other "home" products.

Spear (war) Wanarree
Spill, to Boogan bow
Spin, to (weave) Yooalgoo
Split, to Yaar goolgoo
Spring (season of) Jimba wanda, bingarra
Spring (native well) Beemarra
Squeeze, to Joolgoolgoo
Stamping Dhandonga, dhoonbil mella
Steal, to Mabban yeea
Stick Wanna
Stop! Nyinnabo
Straight Ngoorndal
Stranger Woojanoo
Strangle, to Nyeergindalla
Strength Jallee warraga
Strike, to Boomaia
Strong Murnda jallee, beelarr jallee
Sulky (cross) Bajja
Summer Ngalbararga, wardoomarra = late summer
Sweat Weelgee, weel'weel
Swell, to Boordoo baljoo
Swim, to Koora malgoo
Tall Weenma, winma
Tattoo, to; tattooing Woolbarrga
Tease, to Winna minba
Tell, to Wongaba
Their Thannungoo
Then Thanna
There Balla, ballana
This one Naana
Thrash, to Boomaia, goorningenna
Three Mangoor
Throwing board Meeroo
Tickle, to; ticklish Giddee giddilgoo
Tie, to; tie up, to Joodilbba
Tomahawk None, kandee or meerda (stone) only
Track (footprint) Jinna
Track, to Wandala jinna
Tuft (ornamental) Jangara
Twist, to Joodeea
Two Koodharra
Ugly Dhatta
Uncooked meat Wan'ga
Under, underneath Ngardeearra
Upside down Kangarra min
Us Ngandhoo
Very bad Dhatta
Very good Barndee
Vessels Thagga (made of yarloo (gum) or nalla, tree grown at Mindoola)
Wait, to Woorda woorda, kardundha
Wash, to Wilyellabo babbango
West Weeloo, S.W. = weelooroodhoo
What Naa
Where Thallana
Whistle Wooinmurna
Who Nganna
Why Nowooloo
Wicked Dhatta
Wild native Woojanoo
Winter Wanda
Witchcraft Mobburn
Wood Winda, dry wood = beerdeedee
Yam-stick Wanna
Yellow Bilyarra
Yes Goa
You Nyinda
Young (of animals) Kooloyn; giving it milk = inyaba mimmee
Your, yours Nyindunga
Short Sentences
Afraid, I am not, of you Walee ngadha nyinda ngooloo
Afraid, What are you, of? Nowa nyinda ngooloo
Asleep, He is Balo nyoobarrunga nunna
Bad, That is very Dhatta naana, dhadda naana
Bad, You are Nyinda dhadda
Brother, He is my Ngannajoo boa
Brother, That is my Ngannajoo koorda
Bury him Moola ngardee joola
Carry this Konga, maalingoo konga
Cattle, Bring in the Kongarnee "koolee"
Cattle, Did you see the? Nyinda nunga "koolee"
Children, Where are your? Thalla nyindunga kajja
Come from, Where do you? Thalla nyinda yennai
Come here Yannai nunna gooee
Come, I, from

Ngadha "wanmala" yannai inja

Warda jeereen yarra

Come in Yannai
Come, I will Ngadha yannaia
Coming, They are Woorda yannaia balla yailba
Coming with you, I am Ngadha nyinda yannaia
Country, Where is your? Dhalla dhanna barna dhannoo
Coward, You are a Nyinda ngooloo bindee or burndee or bamdee
Daughter, Is that your? Nyindung kajja
Dead, he is Bala moola
Deceiving me, You are Nyinda jel yaia bandee
Dingoes, Are there many? Dhoodhoo yailba
Doing, What are you? Naa naan munna, naan yalman
Father, he is my Ngannajoo mamma
Find, Where did you, them? Thalla goola nyinda manna
Finish this Wajjee ba
Fire, Make a Kala koojan
Fire, Make by friction Yarda yoalla
Fish, Catch some Manma winilya
Fish, Cook that Babba jeeree manma
Food, Give me Yoongadha warrain
Food, I have no Wajjee warrain
Food, I want Warrain joo kamboojin
Food, I will give you Ngadhunda yoongala
Food, Where shall I find Thallanya warrain
Friend, I am your Ngalleeja wannara
Get along Boogallee yanma
Get up Boggan nganda, boggan bow
Give me; give it to me Yoongadha; get it = manma bow
Go away Mow yanma
Go before me Kardandha yanma
Go behind me Mallagurdee yanma
Going away, I am Ngadna yarraba
Gone, He has just Koardee yanna
Gone, Where has he? Thalla yanna
Good, That is no Dhatta
Good, You are very Nyinda barndee
Go quickly Yardeejee yanmae
Go quietly Jindee yanma
Go you Mow yanma, balla yarra
Here it is Naa nunganna jungoo, naa nungarree
Hill, What is the name of that? Nganna innee mowinda murda
Horses, Bring in the? Kongaanee "oro"
Horses, Did you see the? Nyinda nyeenya "oro"
House, Am I near a? Ngoora koola
Husband, Is that your? Nyindongoo mardoongoo
Husband, Where is your? Thalla nyindung mardungoo
Ill, I am Ngadha beega
Ill, You are Nyinda beega
Kangaroo, Are you hunting? Nyinda maaloo beenya
Kangaroo, Where shall I find? Thalla maaloo
Killed, He has been Bala beenya ba
Killed, Who has, him? Ngannaloo beenya
Killed, You have, him Nyinda googul, beenya, nyinda beenya, kaggoolthoo
Know, I Ngadha mee'anoo
Know, I do not Meeanoo goodoo, yoodul, yootul
Lake, What is the name of that? Nganna innee mowanda ngabberoo
Lake, Where is the? Thallana ngabbaroo
Lazy, You are Nyinda mallardee
Let it alone Kanda boogaia, kanda ngarreego
Lie down Ngarree
Listen to me Ngangoola doo
Long time ago, That was a Koolgala, weejeree
Look out Wombaia mugga
Lying, He is, down Nyooballee ngarreea
Mother, She is my Ngannajoo yaagoo
Mother-in-law, She is my Ngannajoo marrajee or wabbee
Name, What is your? Nganna nyinda yinnee
Natives, How many, are there? Naarnee yammajee
Natives, Where are the? Thallana yammajee
Native, Who is this? Nganna yammajee
Noise, What is that? Wai marral man, wai wonga
Rising, The river is Babba ngoo ngandana, nganda nabba babba
River, What is the name of that? Ngannana yinnee weela
River, Where is the? Thallana weela
Roots (edible), Find some Warrain marrain
Roots (edible), where shall I find? Thallana warrain
Run away Jambarnee
Sea, Am I near the? Weeloo koola ba
Shoot that Yooalla bo, yooan bow
Sleep, I shall now Ngadha ngarreegoo bai yarra
Slow, You are very Nyinda munga murda
Speak, Do not Wai a wonga
Spear, Where is your? Thallana koorardoo
Springs, Are there any here? Nunnee wai beemarra
Stay with me Nyinda nyinnaia
Steal, From whom did you? Thalla nyinda mabba nyinna
Stop here Nyinnaia, nyinna abbow
Tell .... to come to me Wonga ngadhala gooeea yannai eegoo
Tired, I am Mallardee eeman
Track, Where is the? Thallana jinna
Tree, what is the name of that? Naa winda
Tribe, To what, do you belong? Thalla jeeree nyinda yannai
True, That is not Jel yaia barndee
Turkey, Where shall I find a? Thallana bardoora
Understand, Do you? Nyinda waia ngangoon
Understand, I do not Walba wonga, ngadna koolga dhatta
Want, What do you? Nowan nyinda kamboojin
Water, Am I near? Babba koola
Water, Give me Babbadha yoongadha
Water, Have you found? Babban wai goolbarna
Water, I cannot find Wajjee ngallai minna
Water, I want some Babba kamboojin
Water, Where shall I find? Thallana babba
Waterhole, Where is the? Thalla meela
Way, Come this Koola koolee
Way, Go that Mowee yanma yanma ba
Well, where is the? Thalla meela
What is it? Now ooloo gai, naa
Where are you going? Thalla yarra
Where do you come from? Thallana nyinda yannai innee
White man's house, Where is the? Thalla moondungoo ngoora
Who is that? Who is there? Nganna yannai immina; nganna
Wife, Is that your? Nyindongoo mardoongoo
Wife, She is my Ngannajungoo mardungoo
Wife, Where is your? Thalla nyindingoo mardungoo
Wood, Find some Kala manma
Wounded, I am Ngadhana woggarna
You and I Ngallee, ngalleeja
You two Nooballee
1. Various rites, ceremonies, circumcision, etc. in district?

Meeree - the foreskin is supposed to be put away either in the eye or the stomach of kombarnoo or kammee; subincision also practised.

Malyoor bela - operation on women. Two women who are friends go with the ngalloongoo yarra, woman operated on, they are called ngalloongoo yarra.

2. Hairdressing, various modes of?

Beenarra - chignon.

Koorgurdee gurdee - little ball made of hair, blood and other matter attached to beard.

3. Names of weapons, implements, and utensils in district? Various spears - see vocabulary. Spears made of mulga. Walannoo made of needlewood, woonda and thagga made of beefwood.
4. Game traps, other methods of capture? Ngardumba baiala, digging holes (pits)
5. Carvings and paintings? Yes, chippings, hands, feet, claws.
6. Native names of trees, shrubs, plants, etc.?

Thanjooroo, shady tree.

Beelabirdee, yellow flowering shrub

Boggoorda, tree with pods, edible

Mallarangoo, flowering acacia

Ngaggar, tree with "koolyoo", like food.

7. Corroborees, etc.? Milgoo, doolyoo, mamma.
8. Native name of tribe? Wanmala
9. Do the tribes meet at any distant places for exchange or barter? Eemjeelee eenyarreea, changing. Spring time, or all the year round. N.W. give kailees, wanmala give spears and dooarree.
10. Native foods in district? Boolee boolee, kooraara, thardunga (fruit), mungarda, poonamarra (mulga root).
11. Are any instances known of the natives boiling their food? No.
12. Is cannibalism known to exist in district? Yes.
13. What woods are used in making fire by friction? Boordardoo, growing in creek, also boolgoroo (green wood) Walgoo and wallarda
14. Method of obtaining water from trees, roots, etc.? Wallingooa, a species of mulga, roots contain water.
27. Native belief in ghosts, or a future state?? Moondung, biljil, ngalba.
1) Marginal notes from vocabulary Karreedee & Bindaweeree Weld Range areas
Beenarra Chignon
Spider webbed ornament Kurdee kurdee
Small "Bullroarer" board. Nyanēr'se
Large sacred board Eemarree
Forbidden applies to foods & 'mother in law' Jeerajeer
Widower Binga burndee
Black Moongada
Between the breasts Mimboordoo
Who is that I see coming here Nganna Yannai iminna
Binnal apron worn by boggalee only.
Sisters in law call each other - Mungajoo; Mungadhoo
The owl is the "mamma" (Father) of all Yamaji Nyoomee
Made all the hills on his travels Koggan East Nyeeroo doode boolaja
The dark spot in the Milky way. (Sacred board) also eendeeree Yeemeree
Clay pans Karrain
Brains. Ngaangoordoongoo
Winter Wanda
Summer Bingara
Autumn Boornor
Light the fire Kala meelee meedeebo
Greedy Warran
"Yes" "aye" "indeed" eeja, eejaga
Where (did you) lose (it) Thallanaa warninya
We all sleep together Ngarreea ngallee
Deep water Yannoonga
Betrothed Child Bilyoonoo
I don't see it Ngadha wai ninya
N.E. Beedingoo
E. Koggara
S.E. Wanmala
S. Meeningoo
Thumb Mammardurra
Three fingers Ngoona goodha
Little finger Koobain
Crying Sorry

Ngoola minina bow

Ngoola meenya bow

Spear Wannabeerdee Beedung
From East Spear Belbagooroo
From Meenung Spear Wanarrēe
2) Contd Marginal notes in vocabulary Karreedee & Bindaweeree Weld Range areas.
murderers slippers Jinna marndoo
I will beat you Ngadhanda boomaia bow!
(I) didn't hear. Koolgoorda
I "nothing see it" Ngadha Wajjee nungana
That one over there Ballana
Giving it milk (breast) Inyaba mimmee
Poor fellow Goorneen ganna
One mother Kooteea Yaago
Directly Kwardee
We will go Ngallee yarra
Go over there Balla yarra
Gone there Balla Yanma
There Sitting. Balla nyinna
at the Camp Ngoora goola
You Killed him young Nyinda beenya Kaggooldhoo
What has it to do with you Nowala walboo nyinda minna
I go myself.

Ngadha Kaggool Yarra

Ngadha yarra kaggool

You stay here Nyinda Nyinnain
(I) dont know Meeannoo goodoo
Get it Manna bow!
to go astray Balbarreea
(I) come from long way Warda Jeereen, Yarra
Sit here & talk Wan'ga nyinnagoo
Little ball of hair, blood & other matter attached to beard Koorgurdee guralee
Over there Mowana
The "eeko" of the South west old man in charge of young men & women at Dhoolgoo father Ceremonies Mardooa
Pearlshell Mindee
Norwest barter "Kailies" (boomerangs
People barter spear throwers (meero) Wanmala
Man calling a woman of his wife's clan Mardeea
Mt Gould. Thalgardunga
Mt Taylor. Moongarda
Mindoola (Small mining settlement Dhooarreedha
Moustache Moolongoon
he killed it Nannaba
3) Contd Marginal notes A mindoola Pedigree Weld Range Karraadee & Bindaweere's Vocabulary

Nyoomagooroo m Boorgooloo

Malbun'go f Kannera

Oobar nan'goo f paljarri

Mullaigai f dead Paljarri

Balbabbuna m dead Paljarri


Oobarnangoo f Paljarri

Yoornagooroo m Boorongoo


Meelamurra m Kannera

Janginja f Boorgooloo

Nyooreegooroo f Boorgooloo

no issue

no issue

all dead

Yamaji (men) sometimes gave their women ngalloongoo (totems) either their own on a "new" one. They do not eat their ngalloongoo these are apparently tokens of affection.

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