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Title: Mundhongo, m., a Nunnagurdee of Kunnalagunda , Arranooba , etc. Northampton Magisterial District Nunnagurdee people



Mundhongo m., a Nunnagurdee of Kunnalagunda, Arranooba, etc. Northampton Magisterial District Nunnagurdee people

Man, his relationships, etc.
Aunt Mungana
Baby Ngowelee
Blackfellow Maajee
Blackwoman Moonee
Boy Kagga
Brother Koorda
Brother-in-law Ngabbarree
Daughter Kajja
Daughter-in-law Ngarraia
Father Mamma, mammatha
Father-in-law Kajjarree
Grandfather Kammee
Grandmother Kammee
Husband Mardoongoo
Man Weeabandee (single man)
Mother Beebee
Mother-in-law Mungana
Nephew Maiooroo
Niece Maiooroo
Orphan Warreejee
Sister Eego
Sister-in-law Koomba
Son Kajja
Son-in-law Maieroo
Uncle Kangoo
Virgin Moordee bundee
White man, white woman "Weetfella", moondungoo
Widow, widower Ngarra weelyoonoo
Wife Mardoongoo
Woman Moonee
Parts and Functions of the Body
Ankle Woolba
Back Koogoorda
Beard Ngarngoor
Blood Ngoorba
Bone Mamboo
Breast, breastsMeemee
Calf of Leg Wandooba
Cheek Ngangoo
Chest Beelboo
Chin Ngangoo
Cry, to Woolaia
Drink, to Ngallana gabbee
Ear Koolga
Eat, to Ngallana
Elbow Nyooana
Eyelash Kooroo nganba
Eye Kooroo; squint eyed = kooroogandee, walleyed = kooroo ngajjow
Fat Karnoo
Finger Mara
Finger nail Beeree
Forehead Jilba
Hair Mungaja
Hand Mara
Head Mogga
Heart Koordoodoo
Heel Yarnda
Hip bone Wooloo
JawMamboo, yeerawurdee, ngangoolyeeree
Kidney Woogoo
Knee Tharda
Liver Maieree
Lung Eetha
Mouth Eera
Muscle Wandooba
Nape of the neck Nanga
Navel Nyoo-ilya
Nose Moolya, moolyatha; blowing the nose = nyoo-il-ya
Rib Bimbilya
Sinew Eelanya
Skin Koolila
Sleep Ngarreea
Smell, to Beenoo wunga
Sneeze, to Kootchee naaloo
Speak, to Wonga
Spit, to Booja warninga
Stomach Waaree
Tears Kongora
Teeth Eera
Thigh Thoonda
Thirsty Eera jinda nabbarnoo
Throat Wardoo
Thumb Mammadhurra
Tongue Thallain
Walk, to Yangoogoo
Windpipe Wongara
Wink, to Koor windeeba
Yawn, to Warree garrong
Animal (generic) Thooroo
Bandicoot Windaaroo
Bat Meelanya
Cat, native Barjerra
KangarooYowera, maaloo
MouseOobāngoo marowa
Bald coot, red bill Thoonda
Bird (generic) Nyoomboonya
Bustard, Wild Turkey Bardoora
Cockatoo (generic) Wannawarra
Cockatoo, Black, red tail Theerundee
Cockatoo, Black, white tail Ngoolyoo
Cockatoo, Galah, grey and pink Ngoogootgurra
Cockatoo, white, northern var.Beeaagoo
Coot Nyingarree, nyeenya
Crow Kaala
Crow, Shrike (Squeaker) Baalee
Curlew Weeloo
Duck, Mountain Ngarroo, bilērin
Eagle Hawk Warrida
Emu Yalleebeeree
Flycatcher (Wagtail)Jiddee jiddee
Harrier, Swamp Hawk Boojoora
Hawk, Fish (Osprey) Geerrgoorda
Hawk, Sparrow Balla meelgoon
King-fisher Wannamalloo
Lark Billik-a-kurree
Magpie Koorrbarroo
MopokeKoorrgoordoo (curlew = weeloo)
Parrot, Rosella Weeooroo
Parrot Joogunya
Pelican Ngoolyambiddee
Pheasant (Gnou) Ngow
Pigeon, Topknot Kakkara
Robin Thootha binyoo
Swan Kooroodhoo
Teal Tchoordeedoo
Wattle Bird Jaggow
Cockle Wilya wilya
Crab Atta
Flatfish Murdeeta
Flounder Murdeeta
Herring, Sea Eerinoo
King fishOogoolandee
Mullet Winilya
Yellowtail Theera
Frog, edible Wandeeroo, beeoola, ngarran, koondeedal
Frog, large green Wattooga
Iguana (generic) Burnga
Iguana, white and blackJooluree, gooyal
Iguana, long-tailed Bungarra
Iguana, stump-tailed Beejooroo, boodhoodhoo
Lizard (generic) Windilya
Lizard, Horned (York Devil) Minjinoo
Lizard, large black Thattow gooloo
Scorpion Thowwa
SnakeTheega (black), nyeeroona, boolee (carpet), thaiaree, kooneroo (very large mobburn)
Tadpole Ookooroo
AntMinga, mowin mowija
Ant's nest Mingow waggoo, thaa
Ant (sergeant) Beerdal yarrogoo
Ant (white) Minga, sand ants = eeree
Bardie (a grub) Bardee, mookong
Beetle (generic) Mindeen mindeen
Blowfly Thattoo
Butterfly Ngow meelee meelee
Caterpillar Yootoo, yoortoo, kanba
Centipede Theedala
Cricket Nyandee
Flea Billee
Fly (generic) Boowarra
Grasshopper Joonda joondarla
Hornet Joolya
Leech Mai mai
Louse Boora
Mosquito Nyoonee
Worm or maggotsMindhil yeenoo
The Elements, etc.
Afternoon Maawurda
Atmosphere Weendhoo
Cabbage tree Waatka
Cave Waldhoo
Clay, red Marnee
Clay, white Yalbara
Cloud Bitharra, yooga; western clouds = wangee yerrikerra
Cloudy Bitharra, yooga; western clouds = wangee yerrikerra
Cold Weejoonoo
Comet Burndow
Country (burnt) Oogathoo, yarnbo
Country (desert)Woorooroo
Country (hilly) Marda
Country (swampy) Woondoodoo
Creek Kalga
Dark, darkness Marroo
Day, daylight Jeegarda
Dew Booroo
Dusk (getting dusk)Battinga thowinjerrigoo
Earth, the Moolaia
Echo Maialarra
Feather Wommooloo, ngoorbooa
Fire Wajjanoo
Fog Booroo
Forenoon Mowwa
Frost Nyowana; hail = mulgarreeba
Gorge or gullyweerana
Grass Warro winya
Gum Bimba
Gum treeKoolalyee
Heat Ngalboo gooroo
Hill, hillock Barloo
Hole, hollow place Woggoola
Lake Beedee murra
Leaf (shrub or tree) Neebeeree
Lightning Bee'ain'bunnoo
Lime, limestone Bindooroo
Manna Meenangarra
Moon Ngalloongoo
Moon, waning Beeree
Moon, waxing Boordee werra thurroo
Mud, muddy Boonba
Mulga Yalloor
Mushroom Tchoondee
Paper-bark tree Naara
Peach, native Walgoo, weeloongoo
Pleiades Mooninyarree
Pool Wooroomalloo; koolga bungoo
Rain Eereejoo
Rainbow Koogareedee
Resin (blackboy) Oo'a
River Weereea
Road Baaya
Rock Murda
Rockhole Dharrooro
Root, of tree Marla
Running water Eerinyow
Sand Burna, kaaroo = river sand
Sandalwood tree Walla goa, walgara
Sandplain Woorardoo
Scrub, the Jee'
Sea Weeloo
Sea-shell Wilya = wilya, wanna goolanya
Seeds, of plants Gooraara, waama, mungara
Shade Mowera
Sky Kara
Star Burndowoo
Stone Marda, koonjeerdee, flint stone = beelyar baia moolyoo
Sun Kaang'oo
Sunrise Barrin maanoo
Sunset Kow'win ngoogarnoo
Thunder, thunderstorm Wallajarree
Ti-tree Ooleenya
To-day Jeegurda
To-morrow Mow'wa
Track Dhoorda
Tree Winda
Vegetable food Waa'in'ya
Water Kaabee
Water (deep) Koolga boongoo
Water (fresh) Jeeoo woola
Water (salt) Nyeedoo
Waterfall Wanga ara
Wattle tree Ngoogoolja, goonma
Whirlwind; willy willy Boordaara
Wind (East) Nyeela
Wind (North) Beedoordoo
Wind (South) Beedoordoo
Wind (West) Beedoordoo
Yesterday Mowgurrana, mow'galumboo
General Vocabulary
Abduct, to Yarrinyoo
Abscond, to Yarra garrong
Abundance Booldha
Accuse, to Bajjarow
Across Kardabajjee
Adultery Koolga gooraaee
Afraid Waiongoo
Aged Winja
Alive Walga, wanga
Anger; angry, to beBajjayago, boorakarra
AnotherWarrba mee
Arise, toKarra
Ashes Boorna
Ask, to Thaabee
Assault, toBooma
Go astray, to Goolga watha jerrinyoo
At onceWa'wa thoo yennoo
Back, to go Koolow yadda
Back, to bring Kangoo anna
Bag, [bat] in which a child is carriedNgoonaaree
Bald Mogga been
Bandy legged Mamboo ngurda
Barb of a spearNgaldharra
Bare Marathurra
Bark (used for huts & vessels)Yaaloo
Battle Bajja, wa-wilya
Before Koorandha
Below Ngurdee erra
Belt Yallahda
Big Yaagoo
Bite, to Bajjalgoo
Black Mowerdoo
Bleed, to Ngoobar ongoo
Blind Koomeroo
Blow with the mouth, to Boo'eldha
Blunt Boonthoo
Board, for throwing spear Meeroo
Boast, to Moora boongoo yaggoona
Body (dead) Mamboo moorla
Bony Wajjeenya
Boomerang Walaanoo, jinnardee (2 kinds)
Both of us Ngalleeja
Break, to Karda angoo
Bring me! bring, to Kai ngarronga
Bundle Boordeerdee
Burn Bow
Bury, to Tharda
By and byYoorda
Charcoal Eerrga
Charm, to (by a spell) Booldha
Cheat, to Namboo wooran dinoo
Choke, to Nyangarnup
Circle, circular Dhoonbidhee
Circumcision Moondungoo, kowiroo
Clasp, to Beeainbin warrangoo
Clay, white lime Minba
Climb, to Warndee jalgoo
Close (near) Koola
Club Weeraba, weelba, joona (various kinds)
Cooked meat Moorda, moorana
Corroboree Kaanilgoo, thoonbijee
Couple Kootharra
Covered Tharda
Coward Waiangoo burdee
Crawl, to; creep, to (on game)Boogalonga, maa yadda
Dance Kaanilgoo
Dead Moorla
Deaf Koolga boorda bannoo
Decay, to; decayed Yoona burnoo
Devil Moondung
Dig, to Eeralgoo
Dog's tail head-dress Dhoothoo daiaree
Down (short hair) Ngoonya
Dream Yeeragoo, maagoorda
Drown, to Yaarung, nyoongeerangoo
East Mooleeyerra, mulleeyerra
Enough Walga boona ngallango
Exchange Kooyeroo
Fillet for the head Dhabbardee
Food (forbidden) Waia nganma nganda
Forbid, to Nganda
Fur Cat's = yalgēree, opossum fur = kattabee
Game, aKagga, mee ngurra jarringoo
Game (animals) Thooroo
Ghost Moondung
Girdle of opossum hair Jallaldoo, woggaree
Good Bo inya, bo anya
Good, no Gooraa'ee (aspirate)
Grave Mungardoo
Grease, to Kargajarrin
Greyheaded Winja
Gum, edible Bimba
Half caste Weelurdee
Hair stick Boorara, weerrgoo
Hammer (native) Marda
He, herBanna
Heavy Booreerdee
Hide, to Woomba
Humpbacked Koogoora boora
Hungry Kooljeerba
Hunt, to Yerrana
Husband Mardungoo
I Ngathoo, ngadha
Itch Beejee-beejee
Jealous, jealousy Meena
Kangaroo trap Ngardoomba, waggoola
Kick Karda dhandoo
Kill, to Moolandoo, boongoo
Kiss, a Boonja
Kneel Dharra boondooba
Knife Thabba; circumcision knife = meetoo
Laugh, laughter Kangala, noogoo booraba
Leap, to Warra thoorunga
Leave (to go away) Yanda
Lie (to lie down) Ngaaree
Lift up, to Karragoo tharranda
Light (not heavy) Jooba jooba
Light a fire, to Woorna thooka
Little Gooanda, jooba
Long hair Mungaja wanarra
Melt, to Bow wai yanarree
Mend, to Eelan yalloo bubja
Message sticks Bambooroo
Milk Meemee goondoo
Mimic, to Now'eera booraan'gooa
Mine (my own) Ngaanungoo
Mix, to Janba
Name Innee
Near Koola
No Weerdee
North Kooeeyerra; N.E. = beedungoo
Nose-piercing; nose stick Mooljareedee
Old Weenja
One Koodeea
Open, opening, openly Kaa'alba
OursNgallee jeengoo
Paint, to Weereenya; painting with charcoal = yeergangoo walya wajjeree
Pair Kootharra
Pant, to; panting Oorilla burnoo
Passion Bajja
Path (track) Thoorda
Paw Mara
Pearl-shell Wilya
Pebbles Koonjeedee
Peeled Stick (hair ornament)Beendee beendee
Perhaps Koorowla
Pierce, to Munyee anoo
Pinch, to Beendilgoo
Pinion (wing) Kaalee
Plenty Booldha
Pluck out feathers, to Meejeeree
Plume, a Ngalboo
Point, to Meelgoo
Pound, toThoonin yaldo
Prickles Eerilbinnoo
Quick, quickly Jambarna
Quiet, quietly Weerow
Quiver, to Nambee, min'mee'_ree' warree
Raw Wee'a
Red Jeeredee
Relation, a Wajjeera
Rob, to; robber Maala barndee
Roll over, to Warrangoo-warrangoo
Rub, to; rubbing Yooee yoo-o-ga
Run, to Ngarra anga, jambarnoo
Salt Nyeerdoo
Scar Woolbarrga
Scrape, to; scratch, to Narrabaia
Shake, to Weeoonga, beela dhangoo
Shavings Mooroomooroo, jalyee (on the arms)
Shield Woonda
Shout, to Mirra; shouting = meerangoo
Sit down, to Nyeena, nyeenung = sit down
South Meenongoordoo, S.W. = wanmala
Spear (generic term) Kajjee Various kinds (from different districts) yaa'yaa, southern kooroojungoo southern wildha, eastern marrambal southern joolga eastern Karreea southern marrgow southern boordunoo southern bungal southern
Spring (season of) Nyowana
Stand, to Yoogarree

Bitharra = little stick;

Winda = big stick

Stranger Moorurundee
Sulky (cross) Warree bajja
Summer Indaagoo
Their, them Thannungoo
Three Karrajardee
Two Kootharra
Vessels (bark, etc) Ngarda, ngardongoo (wooden)
West Weeloonga
What Naa; what for = naa wurgai
Where Oondhee
White Yalbarda (also chalk)
Whose Ngannow
Winter Weejanoo, ootha
Yellow Kooeenoo
Yes Kooa
You Noondoo
Your, yours Noonongoo
Short Sentences
Afraid, I am not, of you Waianoo wēung-wēung
Afraid, What are you, of? Nowamboo waiunoo baia, Naam bwaiung wēa
Asleep, He is Ngai ngarreea
Bad, That is very Gooraa'ee (aspirate)
Bad, You are Noondoo gooraaee
Brother, That is my Nga kooratha
Bury him Thardalunna
Carry this Kongana
Cattle, Bring in the Kangoo annoo -
Cattle, Did you see the? "Booleepoo"nangoo
Children, Where are your? Kaggong goondee
Come from, Where do you? Ngoondhee goombai yaanoo
Come here Yaanaa, koolow yaano
Come, I, fromYoonoo ngaanung
Come in Yaana
Come, I will Warra nyinna yaana
Coming, They are Yangee maia
Coming with you, I am Ngalleejee yarra
Cook that --- Bow, bowelgoo
Country, What is the name of your? Woondhee burnongoo
Country, Where is your? Woondheegoo burna
Coward, You are a Noonda waiunga burndee
Daughter, Is that your? Kajja wa, noona kajja wa
Dead, he is Moolana
Deceiving me, You are Naw'umba waiamba
Dingoes, Are there many? Thoo thoore boola, ngoobanoo boola
Doing, What are you? Naamba naanda
Father, he is my Naa mammatha
Find, Where did you, them? Oondhingooma nong waianoo
Finish this Nambaindun
Fire, Make a Wajjanna thoo
Fire, Make by friction

Yardal yooalla (sawing)

Kooreree yoo'o'ga (upright)

Flour, I want some Yoongatha"barrgoothoo" - a corruption of very early name for flour - gooan
Food, Give me Yoongatha thooroo (meat)
Food, I have noWeejeena
Food, I will give you Warrinyirra yooanda
Food, Where shall I find Oondhangoona mara
Friend, I am your Ngatha ngoonungoo
Get along Jambarnee yandoo
Get up Karra
Give me; give it to me Yoongatha
Go away Jambarnee yandoo
Go before me Koorandhatha yandoo
Go behind me Kooraatootha yandoo
Go, I will, now Yangogan yinna
Gone, He has just Wurdee nyeean
Gone, Where has he? Woondhee gootha yaanoo
Good, That is no Gooraaee (aspirate)
Good, That is very Bi'inya, bo'anya
Good, You are no Noondoo gooraaee, gooraaee imba
Good, You are very Noondoo booanya
Go quickly Mo batha yandoo
Go quietly Weedowa yandoo
Go there Naaee yando
Go you Noondoo yando
Here it is Nalga
Hill, What is the name of that? Woondhee naiana barloo
House, Am I near a? Goora mindoo
Husband, Is that your? Naiee mardung wa
Husband, Where is your? Mardung woo undhee
Ill, I am Kallai jerrabinnoo
Ill, You are Noondoo koolai jerrabinnoo
Kangaroo, Are you hunting? Noondoo yowerda yangoo
Kangaroo, Where shall I find? Woondhoo gootharra na yarra
Killed, He has been Moolandur neea
Killed, Who has, him? Ngannow loo, ngannurloo
Killed, You have, him Noondoo moolannoo
Know, I Ngatha goo anda
Know, I do not Waiana gooanda
Lazy, You are Noondoo baanda
Let it alone Woondhee andoo
Lie down Ngaaree
Listen to me Goo attoo
Long time ago, That was aJeeree
Look out Padha nagga
Lying, He is, down Banna ngarreea
Mother, She is my Beebeetha
Mother-in-law, She is my Mungannatha
Name, What is your? Nganna inningoo
Natives, How many, are there? Naar neena maajee
Natives, Where are the? Woondhee mee
Native, Who is this? Nganna innee
Noise, What is that? Naa bun, naaboon, ngaa naa meerangoo, meerangoo
Rising, The river is Weereea yaagoo burna
River, What is the name of that? Woondhee weereea
River, Where is the? Woondhee weereea
Roots (edible), Find some Marla wathaga
Roots (edible), where shall I find? Woondhee ee narra wathow
Run away Marra angoo
Sea, Am I near the? Eeroonoo koola weeloo
Shoot that Yoo'oga
Sleep, I shall now Ngarree gunya na
Slow, You are very Eetimba
Speak, Do not Waiatha wonga
Spear, Where is your? Woondhee kajjee, or ngoondhee kajjee
Springs, Are there any, here?Jeebula nee warringoo
Stay with me; stay, you, here Nangooree nyinna
Steal, From whom did you? Ngannamba marramburnoo
Stolen, You have, that Noondoo marrandannoo
Tell .... to come to me Ungo yaano . .
That, I want Bandhalgatha yoongo yangarda
Tired, I am Banda bai yanna
Track, Where is the? Oondhee thoordha
Tree, what is the name of that? Woondhee winda
Tribe, To what, do you belong? Oondhee jeedeema, nanna beebee wa (who is your mother?)
True, That is not Waiamba
Turkey, Where shall I find a? Oondheeree ngarra bardoordurree
Understand, Do you? Gooandamba, noondoo gooanda
Understand, I do not Waiana gooana
Want, What do you? Naa wurgai, nowr gai
Water, Am I near? Eerinyoo kabbee ra koola
Water, Give me Kabbee thee yoongoo
Water, Have you found? Kabbee minnong an
Water, I cannot find Noo waiuna nong wee anoo
Water, I want some Kabbee eena wajjila wera
Water, Where shall I find? Oondhee eeroo now waiana
Waterhole, Where is the? Oondha kabbee
Way, Come this Yoora nai yarra
Way, Go that Banna jee yanda
What is it? Naa
Where are you going? Oondhee bee an gooa
Where do you come from? Oondhee goombee yangeema
White man's house, Where is the? Oondhee "witfella" waggoo
Who is that? Nganna bunnoo
Who is there? Nganna bunnoo
Wife, Is that your? Naiee mardung wa
Wife, She is my Mardung ootha
Wife, Where is your? Oondhee mardung wa
Wood, Find some Weejanna watka
Wounded, I am Jookoo bannoo
You and I Ngalleeja
You two Noobai
1. Various rites, circumcision, etc.

i. Moolyaboordoo, knocking out tooth, or nose piercing

ii. Ngardinga, circumcision

iii. Moolyerongoo, first subincision

iv. Eeraburdoo


vi. Mardowa, second subincision.

5. Native modes of burial in district? Head north, feet south, corpse is kneeling. Spear is broken, weapons all burnt. The head and face are always placed in the direction where the person comes from. Hands hang by side.
6. Hairdressing, various modes of? Chignon.
4. Names of weapons, implements and domestic utensils?

For spears, see General Vocabulary.

Walanoo, boomerang, jinnardee, kailee, weelba, club , joona, a big club.

5. Game traps, other methods of capture, etc.

Ngardoomba, hole, karngoo, fence, pits to catch kangaroo.

Wardoweeja = spearing emu, also kajjee walla.

6. Carvings and paintings?None.
10. Native names of trees, shrubs, plants, etc. in district? Koolalyee, mungarda, baandoo, prickly bush, kooraara, nyeekara (prickly), oonminya (prickly), thoora ( York Gum).
8. Diseases peculiar to natives of district? district?Kallajarroo = stomach, muggamoondoo = headache, woola ngagga kallajjerbee, hip complaint, ngoobana wilgarra, consumption, woondoordoo, colds.
9. Native remedies?Booldha (magic), Sucking the wounds.
10. Corroborees, etc.?Yardee.
11. Extent of tribal country?From Allanooba to Tibraddon (Eerawa). It ran east and west, not so much north and south. It went near Mullewa.
12. Do the tribes meet at any distant places for exchange or barter? At Eearrawa (Eearawa).
13. Native foods in district?

Arnoowarra = native potato (a lot in one place)

Googoo native potato (single one only found)

Inneeammanoo native potato (another kind - sweet)

Googanya = roots, also moorgoo.

Seeds : billeea, gooraara, mungara, koggara (stinkwood seed) goonma, bunjin (red tree seed).

14. Is cannibalism known to exist in district?Yes.
15. What woods are used in making fire by friction?

Weelungoo, peach tree, walgara, sandalwood (sawing method)

Kooreree, sandplain tree (upright method)

16. Method of obtaining water from trees, roots, etc.? Kardoowonga (sandplain gum), nulla, species of mahogany, Water from roots of both these.
17. Any idea of a deity? All dead natives go Weeloonga after a time.
18. Ghosts?Moondung.
19. Belief in witchcraft?Booldha or sorcerer everywhere. Yoogulba, a Weeloonyoo of Geraldton, now dead, was the booldha man or koolyaardee.
20. Is there a gesture language amongst the natives?Yes.
21. Smoke signalling?1 smoke - they found a kangaroo; 2 smokes - they found nothing, were unsuccessful, 4 smokes, placed one after the other, show the direction the hunter is taking.
1) Marginal notes from Original Vocabulary Mundhongo m. a nunnagurdi man
Fathers brothers or Fathers sisters own children call each other Wajjeera. Wajjeera
To run Jambarnoo
Sergeant ant's nest beerdal yarra goothaa'
The bird called "Mrs. Lintot" Jeerardoo
down on body Ngoonya
hail Mulgareeba
flint-stone beelijar baia moolyoo
stinkwood seed all edible Koggara
wattle seed all edible Goonma
red tree seed all edible Bunjin
seed all edible Billeea
getting dark Ballin'ga thowinjerrigoo
One Koodeea
Two Kootharra
Three Karrajardee
little stick Bith'-arra
big stick Winda
Are you deaf Koolga boordumba
Make a big fire. Woorna thooka
Cook some meat Thooroo bow'elgoo
I am going before. Ngadha Koorandha Yaanung
thin, poor hair Jeerrga-jierrga
Wooden scoop (nunnagurdi name) Ngarda
Wooden scoop Ngardongoo
squint eyed Kooroo gandi
big eyes Kooroo yaagoo
little eyes Kooroo jooba
"wall" eyed Kooroo ngajjow
I know that (is) mine Ngaa nangoo
Maggoty Mindhil yeenoo
fly blown Bowarralo
I (can) kill everywhere Ngadha boon'goo marra
people drink blood when ill Taamalee
bad tempered Warree bajja
both names for circumcision Moondungoo & Kowiroo
hair of 'native cat'(barjerra) yalgē'ree Yalgē'ree
opossums hair Kattabee
bell of man's hair Woggaree
circumcision knife Meetoo
small bullroarer Ngarrooda
run & jump Ngarranga warra thoorun'ga
father (is) showing Mammadha meeran'goo
mother you go over beebee ngarranga
jump over the gully Weereeanna warra thoorun'ga
She will jump over Kurdai-ee wa warra thoorun'ga
2) Contd Marginal notes from original Vocabulary Mundhongo of nunnagurdi m.
Writing paper (from a species of paperback Naara
painting with charcoal Yeergangoo walga wajjeree
I (will) see by & by (whether I come back or not Yooranna gooandala.
I may or may not come Koorowla yaana waianayaana
ear itching Koolga beejee beejee
upper millstone Warnoo maraaroo
lower millstone. Yallanoo
(You are) no good Koorai" imba
put it down (or out) Win'yarda
spittle falling Wooje aagoo
come back here Koolow yaano
(Old "King Billy" of Geraldton was dhoodhoo ngallungoo dingo totem this seems to have been one of their most ancient totems
you look sleepy Koobal yarroothoo boon'-gwa
yours & mine, ours. Ngandee Jungoona
true Woorrgoo
two terms for winter Ootha; weejanoo
North Kooeeyerra
West Weeloonga
South Meenongoordoo
East Mulleeyerra
southeast Wanmala
northeast Beedungoo
"Talk differently" Nanda & nunnagurdi
many dogs Ngoobanoo boola
I came yesterday Mow gurrana yaanung.
the fire has gone out Wajjanna boonyabarnoo.
Go north. Kooee yarree yandoo
I am hungry Kooljeran go aanoo
Look out & I'm going to lie down. Kandee goobalain ngarree.
You will be chained up. Pinjellin baia
What do you want them for. Nowana marra.
Go & hide yourself. Woomba
we will wait for them. Noorballara eethan'nung'on
They will come presently Woordinyerra weemalla.
I come from far away Wardongoo mai yaanung
What for. Now-ur-gai
lying on one side Kooraia baia
Who is your mother Nanna beebe'e wa.
magic pearlshell Dibbooroo
Round shaped pearlshell Thaamura
Pearlshell Meerin meerin
little bullroarer Ngarrooda
long bullroarer Yeemarree
Grave Mungardoo
chalk Yallarda
Across Kardabajjee
lime or chalk bindooroo
yellow 'ochre' Kooenoo
colds Woondoordoo
3) Contd Mundhongee, m nunnagurdi Marginal notes
magic snake Koondharrabee
another magic snake. Booraara
These coast people never have circumcision ceremonies nor can they see the wonning; (webbed headown) or any other ornament in connection with circumcision
The difference in their classes is owing to the children being taken away from their mothers to Ngardimaia, Weelanyou etc., The Geraldton people are Weeloodhanna or weelanyoo.
"Walkawey Jimmy" father & mother

Akkaloo m weelanyoo

Weeppinya f Weelanyoo.

Marduwalyee m Nunnagurdi

Billia f Nunnagurdi

Wooritha f Ngurdeemaia

Koojeeran f Weelanyoo

Oogootharra m Nunnagurdi

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