Document details

Title: Billingee, Wabbingan and Beejee Of Jajjala, Weerajinmarree (Willie Creek), Beerungoo (Beagle Bay) and Jir'ngin'ngan (Broome) At Beagle Bay & eastward, the final syllables of the Broome dialect are elided. Broome Magisterial District

People: Billingee (of Broome ) , Beejee (of Broome )

Languages: ,






Billingee, Wabbingan and Beejee Of Jajjala, Weerajinmarree (Willie Creek), Beerungoo (Beagle Bay) and Jir'ngin'ngan (Broome) At Beagle Bay & eastward, the final syllables of the Broome dialect are elided. Broome Magisterial District

"Nyool-nyool" nganga or Yowera dialect. "Beagle Bay Dialect" Nyool nyool Local name for Sp of snake
Dampier district
Name of Beagle Bay Mission ground Beerungoo
Creek south of Carnot Bay Weereegalluk
La grange Bay Jinjalgoorin
Whistler's Creek Meegeegee
Man, his relationships, etc.
Aunt Yoorr'mur (Yooramurroo - Broome dialect)
Baby Jambinyan
Blackfellow Wamb (Wom'ba - Broome dialect)
Blackwoman Woo'rin
Boy Jeera
Brother Babaal
Brother-in-law Jannee yaag, Yaggoo - Broome dialect etc
Child Jeen yeen, jambin yan
Daughter Baaba jand
Father Eebaal, eebal, eebala - Broome
Father-in-law Tchaam'yeeree
Girl Ngan'joo
Granddaughter Kammarda
Grandfather Tchaam
Grandmother Kam'marda
Grandson Kam'marda
Husband Yaag, jannee yaag
Man Wamb
Mother Wun'jub
Mother-in-law Yal'lor, yaalerr
Nephew Jal'lonk
Niece Jal'lonk
Orphan Lēm
Sister Marrer
Son Walla (father speaking)
Son-in-law Yallor
Uncle Koggara
Virgin Beerr'bal
White Man Kai'er, bilyoor-bilyoor (white)
White Woman Kai'er, bilyoor-bilyoor (white)
Widow Kal'ga'ree
Widower Kal'ga'ree
Woman Woorin
Parts and Functions of the Body
Arm Nim'a'laa
Armpits Womba nim'barum
Back Nē-algun
Back-bone Nē-algun ginjee
Beard Nee-warda
Blood Kunbola, warrap, gunbul
Bone Ginjee
Breast, breasts Ning'amboo
Breath Ner'gaitch
Breathe, to Ner'gaitch-in
Calf of Leg Jan'gala
Cheek Dan'ga
Chest Nē-wink
Chin Nē'lerr
Cry, to Wan'gargai
Drink, to Gan'nagid'dee
Ear Nee'lamer
Eat, to Gan'na giddee
Elbow Ngo'rung'o
Eyebrow Jirrbal
Eyelash Nēm
Eyelid Nēm
Eye Nēm
Fat Lē'da, lēd
Fatigue Wallee und'
Finger Nimala
Finger joint Nimala
Finger nail Ginjee nimala
Foot Nimbal
Forehead Ne-me-rerr
Gums Nē-lerr
Hair Nalm mogarn
Hand Nimala
Head Nalm
Heart Goordoodoo
Hip bone Jarr'bal
Instep Nimbal
Knee Ngo'ron'go, ngorungo
Kneecap Ngo'ron'go, ngorungo
Leg Nimmerdee
Lip Ne'lerr
Liver Kabbir
Lung Lang'eree
Moustache Nēwarda, neewarda
Mouth Nēlerr
Muscle Bindain nem'aala
Nape of the neck Noongarna
Neck Neemaina
Nose Neemal
Palm of the hand Nunga
Perspiration Nun'der
Rib Weeree, jeewer
Shin Nimmerdee
Shoulder Koondajinna
Sinew Bindain nimaala
Skeleton Ginjee, geenj'
Skin Berer
Skull Ginjee
Sleep Yangar mulg'
Smell, to Eebainj'
Sneeze, to Tinyerup
Sole of the foot Nunga nimbala
Speak, to Nganga
Spit, to Karara moongool
Stomach Nang'eebardik
Tears Won'goor
Teeth Rerrma
Thigh Jarrbal
Thirsty Ngabbarda barrin
Throat Langar
Thumb Ro'bur
Tongue Nēangul
Vein Kurrgal
Walk, to Meejerdee
Windpipe Korrbal
Wink, to Jelbun mingara nēm
Wrist Nimala
Yawn, to Yalling jingongara
Animal (generic) Wē'lee
Bandicoot Kar-in-bee
Bat Bal'ngeb
Cat, native Yēla
Dugong Kordungan
Flying fox (bat) Bal'ngab
Kangaroo, generic Boo'rok, booruk
Kangaroo, brush Man'goobun
Kangaroo Rat, Brush-tailed Yal'wa
Kangaroo, Red Meedambala, meedamula
Kangaroo, Rock Jaddoolmurra
Kangaroo, Silver Grey Karrabooloo
Kangaroo, young, in pouch Jambee nyan'booruk
Mouse Mee'jow'a
Opossum Lang'er, lang'ur
Porcupine Kammarongo
Porpoise Bajjal bor
Rat Nyeel'yawur
Wallaby Yal'wa
Bird's egg Lag'goor
Bustard, Wild Turkey Parrgurra
Butcher bird Korawalla
Cockatoo Parrot Ngallerm
Cockatoo (generic) Ngallook
Cockatoo, Black, red tail Darreeal
Cockatoo, white, Northern variety Ngallook
Cockatoo, white, Sulphur-crested Ngallook
Crane, Blue Joolbardangarreenjoonoo, kool-kool ?
Crow Wan'gadee
Crow, Shrike (Squeaker) Koorai-koorai
Duck Jeebilyooroo
Duck, Mountain Warrabilla
Eagle Mo-ra-gin, marjellee
Eagle Hawk Warragunna
Eagle, Wedgetailed Ka'ra'mel, mooral
Emu Winen'
Flycatcher (Fantail)(Shepherd's Companion) (Wagtail) Jinna berrbe
Gull, large, white Koolunboorga
Harrier, Swamp Hawk Jeeba benan'
Hawk, Fish (Osprey) Moon'gurnoo, milgin ngooroo
Hawk, Sparrow Gerrgerr
Heron, Black Lē-la-lē-la
Heron, Egret (white) Karrun gurra
Ibis, straw-necked Gid-ow'a
King-fisher Jee'oo, jeerrjeerr
Mopoke Borul
Native Companion Koordoorwain
Parrot, Red-breasted Rosella Jilleling
Parrot, Twenty-eight Jilleling
Parrot, Walkingery Wandalinjin
Pelican Jallingmurra, tchallingmer
Pigeon, Blue Kalbain
Pigeon, Bronzewing Jooka-jooka, jooga-jooga
Pigeon, Topknot Minyarra-minyarra
Shag Kajjabooroo
Teal Lēlilgooroo
Wattle Bird Jeebagooroo, kuljowari
Catfish Booganooloo
Cobbler Ngabbalbit
Cockle Jen-ga-ling
Crab Jarrawungooroo
Crayfish Gora ora, jarriwai
Fish (generic) Wē-lee
Flatfish Gin-bul al
Flounder Loonda joonoo, mallerooroo
Herring Ngalling munga
Jewfish Tchoomburoo
Lobster Jarrwai
Mullet Karkarr'beean, jandooloo
Mussel Jin-ga-ling
Oyster (large Pearl) Goarn, banmungo
Oyster (Rock) Neebarda
Oyster (small Pearl) Janga
Parrotfish Gidden-gidden
Porpoise Bajjalbor
Prawn Noorajoonoo
Rock Cod Berramburra, karrajin
Salmon Tchalla burnan, jaa'gin
Schnapper Lammerdee
Shark Jarrambool, wangoomun, bilgeree
Sole Mellerooroo
Stingray Yambarna (black), maggoogul (spotted), bibbinee wanda, wandabin, yooanyeeree, yallinjee.
Tailor Yowelillee
Whiting Gondarraboo, wanba
Yellowtail Yeelinjerree
Frog, edible Waljabberee
Frog (generic) Kabbool
Frog, large green Yeenanjoonoo
Iguana (generic) Mungar
Iguana, green Mungar, jallongurdee
Iguana, long-tailed Winnaroo
Iguana, stump-tailed Bileramud
Lizard (generic) Walga, bam'arragool, janjoo
Lizard, large black Gannardee
Scorpion Rabbaree balloo
Sea-snake Yeerawirda
Snake (generic) Tchooroo, jo'ra
Tortoise, fresh water Tchalngur
Turtle, sea Kooleebel
Ant (generic) Booya
Ant's nest Jiddee joonoo
Ant (sergeant) Leera ngunda ngunda
Ant (white) Nyeergoor
Bardie (grub) Joogurdoo
Bee Joora
Blowfly Beeramarroo-beeramarroo
Centipede Rabbaree balloo
Fly (generic) Mogain
Grasshopper Jinbala
Grub Joogurdoo
Housefly Mogain
Louse Ballool
Mosquito Jinjinboo, nanga (little one)
Moth Nyilgooroo
Praying Mantis Winya winya
Sandfly Rangooroo
Scorpion Tabbaree balloo
Spider Wangara
Worm Jurbar
The Elements, etc.
Afternoon Majjal, majjalgoon
Atmosphere Wangal
Beach (open) Joolbarda jeera
Beach (rocky) Naagol
Blossom Nyeemarr
Bough of a tree Neemala burdonk
Breeze (land) Wangal eebel koolerk
Breeze (sea) Wangal eebel beerdagunk
Bush (the wild country) Pindan
Cave Nyerrwa, nyeerrwa
Clay, red Doggul, dōgul
Clay, white Karrmol
Cloud Ngoombal (rain clouds), jeerrbal (cirrus clouds), marrabullabulla (summer rain clouds), ngoombal loobingalla (rain clouds scudding)
Cold Ben'jeebo'ra
Country (burnt) Boora eenmal
Country (desert) Pindan
Country (hilly) Nēamar boora
Country (stony) Koombara boora
Country (swampy) Belara boora
Creek Neewēree, nyeewēree
Dark Ngeember
Dawn Yangark
Daylight Walgboordin
Dew Lammamin
Dusk Ngeember
Dust Barnda, jinnarar
Duststorm Barnda, jinnarar
Evening Majjal
Earth, the Boora
Feather Jallow
Fire Joongoo, tchoongoo, jonk'
Flowers Nyeemerr
Foam Lerrerr
Fog Lammamin
Forenoon Kalb' walg' or walg' kalb'
Frost Lammamin, lammaman
Gorge Kallergin
Granite De-o koombara
Grass Maara
Grass (tall) Woonboo
Gum Gēnba, gēm
Gum tree Bardonk
Heat Walg eeberdee
Hill Ne-a-mara boora, koombara kalb'
Hole Koora barl
Island Kanninjoonoo
Leaf Bela bela
Lightning Walngēree
Lime Kajjoordoo
Limestone Kajjoordoo
Meteor Boolyoolyoo
Midday Kalb'walg'
Midnight Ngeemberr
Mist Lammamin
Moon Goonyola
Moonlight Goonyolagun
Moon, waning Yeejemba
Moon, waxing Meerijal ingol, goonyol ingol
Morning Walg' kalb', kalb' walg'
Mountain Koombara kalb'
Mud Jabbul
Muddy Jabbul
Night Ngeember, ngimba
Noon Kalb' walg'
Nuts, edible Yamdalngur
Paper-bark tree Nimmulgun, baggal
Pleiades Bērin, beerin
Pool Oola jargowera
Quartz Koombara ngarril
Rain Wola ngarril
Rainbow Beedurd'
Resin (blackboy) Gēnba
River Nē-werr, nyeeweree
Road Maagoor
Rock Koombaara
Rockhole Goorbal koombaar
Root, of tree Nimbaarum
Running water Wola yoojural
Rush (a fibre) Maara
Sand Joolbarda booroo
Sandhill Nēamar joolbarda
Sandplain Kaalunganjee
Scrub, the Pindan
Sea, the Berdee
Seeds, of plants Mai
Shade Bēaga
Shower, a Yoonbula wola mara bal-balimb'
Sky Kalb', koorrwal
Star Barrangool man (morning star)
Stone Koombaara
Sun Walg'
Sunrise Kalb' boordingoo walg'
Sunset Walg'eegarda
Thunder Naia
Thunderstorm Naia
Tide (flow) Yoongurdej
Tide (ebb) Yilelm'
Ti-tree Nimmulgin, baggal
To-day Bannungarra
To-morrow Bai-a-gur
Track Maagoor
Tree Burdonk
Tree, Bark of Bir-err
Tree, Gum of Gēnba
Tree, Trunk of Burdonk
Vegetable food Mai
Water Wola
Water (deep) Kola wola
Water (fresh) Laip wola
Water (running) Wola yoojural
Water (salt) Morga wola
Water (shallow) Ballal wola
Waterhole Goorbal koombaar
Whirlwind Jennarar
Willy willy Meerijool wangal
Wind (East) Bannawerkeebelg
Wind (North) Wardek eebelg
Wind (South) Wallajink eebelg
Wind (West) Koolarrik eebelg
Wooded country Pindana booroo
Yam Kooloowur
General Vocabulary
Abduct, to Yeeral, joonginyung
Abscond, to joonginyung
Abundance Jammin
Adultery Rambara nganjoona, rambarr ngarreen joonoo
Afraid Meejarrik, eejarrik
Aged Jaabul
Alarm Meejarrik
Alive Noonja yen, noonjee en
All Jammin
Alligator Lingoor
Alone Wanjer
Amuse, to Meegan
Angry, to be Yooburduk, beelee
Another Wee'ana
Arise, to Borda wanga
Ashes Yōla
Ask, to Wandajinna
Assault, to Mindam weeraboo
Go astray, to Yoogundaara
At once Meejerda
Autumn Munjungarree
Awkward Lalk', arreeang laip
Back, to go Meejaal
Back, to bring Meejaal
Bad Lalk, arreeang laip
Bald Nalm balbarrabool, nalma taala
Bandy legged Nimmerde gerrelee
Bare Kooya
Bark (used for food vessels) Koordee
Bark (used for making huts) Baggal
Battle Marrurgun, yingamarring
Beat, to Yindam, mindam
Before Yallera mijjerdee (go before me)
Beg, to Wandeejin
Behind Bai'bera mijjerdee
Belch, to Yel'ngur'gaitch
Below Jimben, jimbin
Belt Baal
Between Bul'ngoroo
Beware! Marra warrin
Big Bindain
Bite, to Mundun
Bitter Lenjee
Black Nyeember
Bleed, to Wilgar, gunbul, warrup
Blind Nēmagurdoo
Blow, as the wind Wangal eebelg
Blow with the mouth, to Bo wanma, bo anma
Board, for throwing spear Yongara
Boast, to Bindain wamb, nimmainya bindain
Body (dead) Ginjee, genjee
Boggy ground Jabbul
Bony Wēra
Boomerang Jēb (throwing the boomerang = maat' ganutch)
Both of us Koojarra
Break, to Mingalladee; broken = ingalladee
Breath Nergaitch
Breathe, to Nergaitchin
Bring me Wanga jaanoo
Bring, to Wanga
Brown Babbagoonoo (fawn colour)
Bundle Warrin jerra goon
Burn Yeeberdee
Burnt Yeeberd'
Bury, to Wamb' ingarree burnda
Bush Pindan
By-and-by Karrmitch
Call him back Meejala
Camp, native Boora
Cannibal Ngal garragoordoo
Carry, to, on the shoulders Warraga
Cataract (film over the eyes) Jalgur
Certainly Ngē
Change, to Yango banjee
Charcoal Benga, rerrga
Charm, to (by a spell) Jooan-yin, jooan-yin
Cheat, to Meema gola
Chew, to Ganna giddee
Choke, to Gin'ginyin
Cinder Rerr'ga
Circle Wangee
Circular Wangee
Clay, white lime Karrmul
Climb, to Lagal meejerd
Close (near) Jammarda
Close, to (stop up a hole) Wanboora boor'
Club Nalga, nowla
Cold, a Go'an'bee
Cold, to be Ben'jaana
Come in, to Kaalumb' won'gala
Conceal, to Meema gool
Cook, to Wanbirdee
Cooked Karda goor inbirdee
Cooked meat Yeeberdee
Corroboree No'lo
Couple Koojaara, koojar
Covered Yangoora boora boor, yinbarnda, yinburnda (see also "to paint" and "heavy".)
Coward Meejarrik
Crack in the skin Yē-ga
Creep (to creep on game) Yerdap manj
Crippled Nimmardee goordoo
Crooked Barder, girril
Cruel Lalg', lalk
Cry, to Wangar gai, ying' alg'
Cry out, to Warda kai
Cunning Kallin gooroo
Cut, to, with a knife Wan'ba'la, wan'geddera
Cut, to, with native hammer Won'ngaara
Damp Boorrjarra
Dance No'lo, borup
Dead Jooar, jilallee ngarrin
Deaf Neelamer daak
Death Jooarree
Decay, to Karril
Decayed Karril
Deceit Woora munj'
Deceive Woora munj'
Deep Golo bora
Dense, stupid Yaam
Depart, to Goonarra mijjerdee
Devil Ngēree, ngar'ree
Die, to Yeejemba, yoongojimba
Different Weeana warrin
Dig, to Boora wangeree, boora weedij wanjoo
Divide, to, amongst several persons Wangalledee beean
Dog's tail head-dress Neewaloo
Down (below) Jēmben, jimbin
Down (short hair) Bandal (fur)
Drag along, to Yar'arra wank
Dread, to Meejarrik
Dream, to Boogara
Dried, parched ground Pindana boora
Drink Wola ganna geddee
Drown, to Eegarda
Drunk Lenja joona
Dry Darrgil
Dry, withered, applied to leaves Weejool beeramel
Dumb Karril garril
Dying Yoongojimba
Earache Neelamer dardal
East Bannawar
Empty Arreeanga jinna
Enough Karda goor
Evil spirit Ngēree, ngarree
Exchange Yango banjee
Faint, to Jilallee ngarrin (dying or dead)
Fall, to Eejalk'
Far away Mara boor, marra goon'goo
Fast Warrij warrij
Fasten, to Wan'bir-a-gunda
Fear Meejarrik, eejarrik
Fear, to Meejarrik, eejarrik
Feast Yangarra giddee
Feed, to Ganna giddee
Fillet for the head Wammadiddoo, wondongoo
Finish, to Minnamurree, mingerdee
Fire-stick Woongalk
Fish bait Langer, neeburda
Fish trap Jardagur, jardagur
Flame Nēlin
Flat Barnga
Flat, to lie Gongin barnga
Flesh (of animals) Wirlee, weelee, welee
Float, to Yinganda ganda
Food Mai, weelee
Food (forbidden) Nē-a-moo
Forward, to go Yallera mijjerdee
Fresh (lately made) Laip
Friend Yalboroo
Friendly Yalboroo
Frightened Meejarrik, eejarrik
Full (filled up) Karda goora
Full (satisfied) Karda goora
Fur Bandal
Game, a Lenjee, yangarra lenjee = come and play
Game (animals) Weelee, wirlee
Get up, to Boordo wank, meejarra jarra
Ghost Ngēree, ngarree
Giddy Deera deera nanjala boora
Girdle of opossum hair Baal
Give, to Wannung
Go astray, to Yoogundaara
Go away, to Goonara mijjerdee
Go back, to Meejala
Go in, to Jimbin meegarda
Go out, to Boord wank'
Good Laip
Good, no Arreeang laip
Grave Boora wudditch
Grease, to Lēda
Great Bindain
Green Jarrin
Greyheaded Jabbulyoo nalm
Grief Yoober dugga
Grind, to Wilmanboo
Gum, edible Gēnba, gēm
Hair stick Larra
Hair string (wound round head) Moogarnda, mogarn
Hammer (native) Yeewarna, yooarna
Handle Baaren (hammer), ganga (chisel) handle
Handsome Maaboo jandoo neemee
Hand, hang down Wanbura gunda
Hard Dē-o
Hatchet Yeewarna
Haunch Nanmur
He Boonina, yin, kinyik
Headache Nalm eejank
Heap, a Warrin jerra goon
Hear, to Mil-a-ga-ra
Heaven Loomurn
Heavy Yinbarnda, yinburnda (see also "covered up", "to paint")
Her Boonina
Here Laanee jammarda
Hers Boona, jen
Hidden Neemagool
Hide, to Neemagool
High Kalb'
Him Boonina, eerim
His Yē-na, jin
Honey Monga, moonga
Hop, to Karrerr
House Nyērrwa, nyeerrwa
Hungry Marrgoon
Hunt, to Yangarragalla
Husband Yaag, yaak, jannee yaag
I Ngai, ngai'o
Ill (sick) Yooballee en, meeganboo
Imitate, to Yin wadda wad'
Immediately Meejerda, warrij warrij
Improper Lalg
Inform, to Kaana joolnga jin
Jealous Jarreoo
Jealousy Jarreoo
Jeer Yin wadda wad
Jump, to Jorub
Kill, to Yeerara, jilallee
Kiss, a Jo'an wanj'
Kiss, to Jo'an wanj'
Kneel Meerda meerda milland
Knife Jindee baaloo
Knock, to (down) Mingulla
Know, to Nyeemungoo
Large Bindain
Laugh Meegarnmoo
Laughter Meegarnmoo
Lean (thin) Gēnjee womb', lalg'
Leap, to Jorub
Leave (to go away) Goonara mijjerdee
Lie (to lie down) Waller gungin
Lie (to tell a lie) Woora min ngank
Lift up, to Jarrburd wau
Light Lē-lee
Light, fire Nēlin
Light a fire, to Dob wanma jonk, jonk wanbirdim
Listen, to Yangallee gurra
Little Jambee nyan, jambin yan
Lonely Booyan mē-nin
Long (tall) Yooala
Long ago Mooja moojoo
Long hair Yooala nalm
Look, to (to see) Minjal nganjal
Lose, to Nangil barra
Lost Nangil barra
Love, to Lē-ana
Lover Lē-ana
Lying (down) Yoo malg'
Mad Yeegoodaara
Madness Yeegoodaara
Many Goorda, manja
Master, a Nallin
Me Ngai
Meat Weelee, wirlee
Medicine Jalnga gooroo
Melt, to Yoojurala
Message Goorongada
Message sticks Goorongada
Mia (native hut) Booroo ngan, nyerrwa
Middle Bul-ngooroo
Milk Ngammona
Mimic, to Yinwadda wad
Mine (my own) Janna jeeree, ngai janna, that is mine, ngai janna ingee.
Mock, to Yin wadda wad
Monster (fabulous) Joara, tchooroo, ngoonongooroo

Jirim jērim, lerrerr

Doombul-doombul = marking time by striking ground with the palms of the hands.)

My Ngai jaana
Naked Kooya
Name Nyēlowel
Narrow Jinyin
Native well Beelara
Near Jammarda
Never Arreeanga, maaloo
Nice Maaboo, laip
No Maaloo, arreeanga, arrē
Nobody Arreeanga
Noise Inganga
None Maaloo, arreeanga
North Wardee, waddee
Nose-piercing Wararrajin nimam
Nose stick Kardimba, lerrla
Not Maaloo
Now (at once) Bannungara
Offended Moberduk, yooburduk
Oh! Wardai!
Old Jabbul
One Wanjeree
Ours Jarrarda, jarrēdē
Paint, to Ram, gan garrajin, yinbarnda
Pair Koojarra
Pant, to Ngeeree ngeeree mingara
Panting Ngeeree ngeeree mingara
Passion Beelee
Path (track) Maggoor
Pearl-shell Gooarn
Pebbles Jambee nyan koombarra
Perhaps Nyinnin garra
Pick up, to Wan'
Pierce, to Wanarra
Pinch, to Moola ngooroo
Pinion (wing) Nimala, bandeljin
Play, to Maduk yangarragul
Playing Maduk yangarragul
Pleased, to be Ngango yeejanna
Plenty Goorda, jammin
Pluck out feathers, to Joop warrinjin jallow
Plume, a Jallow
Point Neelerr
Point, to Eebooganda
Pointed Spear Neelerr
Poise, to (spear) Eebooganda, maadee oonjoo = poising the spear
Pole (rod or stick) Burdonk
Pounding Roots (act of) Woogur gujja, warra goodalla
Provisions Mai (vegetable food), welee, weelee (flesh food)
Pull, to Yarr wank, rub wan
Pursue, to Wangalok
Putrid Karril
Quick Warrij warrij
Quickly Warrij warrij
Quiet Joogarra warrajeerdee
Quietly Joogarra warrajeerdee
Quiver, to Bēnja, marra marra ngan mooroo
Raise, to Jarrburd wan
Rapid Warrij
Raw Koonga
Red Dogul, doogul
Refuse, to Maaloo
Relate, to Nanga, nganga
Relation, a Yarradoogerjarra
Relationship Ningalmoo (the country of your own relations, or relations.)
Remain, to Meejala
Remember, to Nganga-lagar
Retaliate, to Thammunjoonoo
Rob, to Mingal lainboo
Robber Mingal lainboo
Roll over, to Meegellee gellee
Rope Meerij'
Rot, to Karril
Rub, to Warra goordal
Run away, to Joonga yan'gin, tchoongoo yangin
Run, to Baggar boogar' wan Tchoongoo
Sad Yooberdugga
Scar Moogurdal
Scold, to Beela mungur
Scrape, to Weera weera wan
Scratch, to Weera weera wan
Scream, to Kow'wan
Search, to Wanbur gujjin
Secrete, to Neema gool, meemagooloo
Secretly Neema gool, meemagooloo
See, to Nganjil
Separate, to Maggal bin
Shadow Beega
Shake, to Wan'winja winjum
Shaking (quivering) Marra marra ngan mooroo
Shallow Ballal
Shame Meejarrik
Share Wan'galladee bee'an
Sharp (edge), a Jallee birrabir neelarr
Shavings Weer weer warrij
She Bēnan
Shield Karrburn
Shiver, to Marra marra ngan mooroo
Shout, to Kow'wan
Sick (ill) Meeganboo
Side, the Jeewerr (ribs)
Silent, to be Arreeang ngang'
Silly Doggee doggee
Sinews of kangaroo's tail Kerrgal
Sing, to Liljin
Sink, to Eegarda
Sit down, to Jindinna min, milanda
Slippery Nganjalk
Slow Mijjarda, jangoo mijjarda
Slowly Mijjarda, jangoo mijjarda
Small Moorurl
Small piece, a Moorurl
Smear, to Kangareddee, nganga banditch
Smile, to Mingarnmoo
Smoke, of fires Boorrgoon
Smooth Yarril
Sob Ming alg' ying alg'
Soft Yangin ngoojela
Song Liljin
Sorcery Mirrooroo gin
Sore (or boil) Julng-ur
South Walleetch
Sparks Jeller wangara
Spear (generic term) Wallong'
Spear (hunting) Wallong'a
Spear, to Wannungul
Spear (war) Gillowel, wallong'
Speedily Warrij warrij
Spider's web Wongarar
Spill, to Wol eejalg'
Spin, to (weave) Baaloo ngangoor dal
Spring (season of) Weeralb'
Spring (native well) Bilarra boor
Spring, to Jorub
Squeeze, to Ko-il wangara
Stalking game Bindana gānagal gajjat
Stamping Wanjanboo-janboo
Stand, to Yalga-meejerrn
Stare at, to Jib jib, anga man jib jib (what are you looking at?)
Startle, to Eejarrik
Steal, to Mingal lainb'
Steep (high) Kalb'
Stick Nowloo, nōlo
Stiff Weejeling ngaraa
Still (quiet) Joogarra warrajeerdee
Sting Yinarra
Stir, to Dibba dibba warnam
Stir up, to Dibba dibba warnam
Stolen Minjal lainb', mingal lainb'
Stoop, to Loonga wanj
Stop, to Jet warrij
Straight Wanam laip
Stranger Marra gungoo
Strangle, to Neemana ginjin gangen
Strength Bindain
Strike, to Yindam, mindam
Strong Bindain
Sufficient Karda goor
Sulky (cross) Yooburduk, beelee
Summer Lallurn
Surround, to Gudda gudda
Sweat Nunder
Swell, to Yoo bunga bunga
Swim, to Kal weree yangin
Swoon, to Jeelallee ngarrin (dying)
Tall Yoonarla
Tattoo, to Moogurdal
Tear, to Wangalardee
Tease, to Marrjin
Tell me Nang, wang'jool'ngoojan
Tell, to Nang, wang'jool'ngoojan
That Bē-nee-gin, beena wanj
Their Bonoo, jērē
Them Bonoo
There Benagen weeana
They Bonoo, yērē
This Eean
This one Beena wanj, yeena wanj
This way Kala mijjerdee
Thrash, to Yindam, mindam
Threat Beelee
Three Yeera ja warr
Through Nanmooroo
Throw, to Wannungool
Throwing Wannungool
Throwing board Yoongara
Tickle Gilleegillee
Tie, to Yoongul, girtgirt
Tie up, to Yoongul, girtgirt
Tired Nanjerdamara
Tobacco (native) Gilala
Together Ye yanga jidda
Top (of anything) Kalboo
Track (footprint) Neewala nimbal
Trackless Arreeang neewal
Tuft (ornamental) Jallow
Twirl round, to Berrilee
Twist, to Ganna goordal
Two Koojarr
Ugly Lalga nimb'
Uncooked meat Korngo
Under Jemben
Underneath Jemben
Understand Nyinumk'
Unknown Arreeang nyimungo
Unsteady Meejalga jalg'
Unwell Meeganboo
Upright Wanamlaip
Upside down Rumbo wan am
Upwards Kalboo
Vain (proud) Eebaboo ngarrinjee, kanbarrga jeejij
Very bad Lalg arreeang laip
Very good Laip, laib
Vessels Warndal
Wait Meejalga jan, kara meej
Wander, to Nimbal, yoogundarra
Warm Noondur nganin (I am warm)
Wash, to Nyeem kana jooluk
Wasted Ginjee womba, lalg'
Weak Koola lee ngurra
Weighty (heavy) Yinburnda
Well (not sick) Laip
West Koolarr
Wet Yoonumbul ngai
What Anga
Where Arruk, arrag, arragoo
Which Arrago wan ee joon
Whistle Wel'binjarra wan
White Karrmul
Who Anga womba (who is that man?)
Whole Jammin
Whose Anga
Why Angij
Wicked Lalg
Wide Bindain neewerr
Wild native Marra womba, bela goordoo womba
Will, I (go) Ngai ngangajiddee
Will you? Ngajoo mijjerdee
Winter Barrgan
Witchcraft Mirrooroo
Wither, to Weejel
Within Jemben yennen
Without Nē'a goongoon
Wood Burdonk (firewood)
Work Moorrgool
Wound, to Ingallardee (broken)
Wounded Ingallardee (broken)
Yam-stick Milgin
Yellow Babbagoonoo
Yes Ngē
You Jo-ya
Young (of animals) Mooroorl, jambin yan'
Younger Maarur
Your Joya eegin, jēa gin
Yours Bēna gin jēa
Short Sentences
Afraid, I am not, of you Arreeang ngal eejarrik joya
Afraid, What are you, of? Joya angija meejarrika jin
Asleep, He is Mujjoo mulk'
Bad, That is very Lalg'
Bad, You are Joya arreeang laip, joya lalg'.
Brother, He is my Babbal eejid
Brother, That is my Babbal eejid
Bury him Yinbarnaa, ijinburnda
Care, Take, of Bona wang'
Carry this Yeena wang' bord wang'
Cattle, Bring in the Boolamun wan
Cattle, Did you see the? Ngajoo minjal boolamun
Children, Where are your? Arragoo eera jiddee babbagurra
Come from, Where do you? Arragoon meebal
Come here Kala wangala
Come, I, from Ngai ngajjerda jiarun gungan
Come in Kala wangala
Come, I will Ye yanga jiddee
Coming, They are Bonoo goon yeerajirdee
Coming with you, I am Ngai ngajjerdee, ngai kajjerdee
Cook that --- Wela wanberdee
Country, What is the name of your? Angoo booroo boorijee
Country, Where is your? Arragoo boora jee
Coward, You are a Joya mujarrik, wajjamun
Country of one's people Ningalmoo
Daughter, Is that your? Joya wallajee
Dead, he is Yinjenboo
Deceiving me, You are Joya wora munj'
Dingoes, Are there many? Nganjar goorda yēla
Doing, What are you? Arra nyeera gooram, Anga goon nunnin
Eat, Can you, this? Ngajoo warrawid You want some more?
Father, he is my Ngai eebala jaanoo
Find, Where did you, them? Arra googoo min
Finish this Jooan wanneree
Fire, Make a Joonga wan'birdim, warra marra
Fire, Make by friction

Joonga wangoordal (upright method)

Joonga warragondal woongalg

Kallib warra goordal (sawing method)

Fish, Catch some Weela warrara
Fish, Cook that Weela warrbirdee
Flour, I want some Wannung ngai mai
Food, Give me Wannung ngai mai
Food, I cannot get Arreeanga mai ngalling
Food, I have no Arreeanga mai ngai
Food, I will give you Mai ganga joo
Food, Where shall I find Arragoo gangin mai
Friend, I am your Ngaiyalbooroo joya
Get along

Larra wa mijjard

Warrij warrij meejurd

Get up Meejarra jarra
Give me Wanning ngai
Go away Gona mijjarda
Go before me Yallera mijjarda
Go behind me Bai ber ee nijjarda
Go, I will, now Ngai ngajjerda moojoo
Going to-, I am Ngai ngajjerda
Gone, He has just Eejarda bannungarree
Gone, he has, to Eejarda bannungarree
Gone, Where has he? Arragoo marinyirdee
Good, That is no Arreeang laip, rēboo
Good, That is very Laip
Good, You are no Joya reb, joya arreeang laip
Good, You are very Joya laip
Go, I, to Ngai kajjerdee
Go quickly Mijjarda warrij
Go quietly Jango mijjerdee
Go there Alboonoo mijjerd
Go you Joya mijjerd
Here it is Yeena ijjerdee
Hill, What is the name of that? Angooboo mlow'el booroo goombara or neamara booroo
Horses, Bring in the? Yowerda warrok
Horses, Did you see the? Jooa minhala yowerda ngajoo koorajal
House, Am I near a? Jammarda boora agun
Husband, Is that your? Beena joon jannee yaag.
Husband, Where is your? Arragoo jeea yaag
Ill, I am Ngai yoobulngan
Ill, You are Joya yoobulmin
Is that your ---- Arra jeea
Kangaroo, Are you hunting? Joya joorajir boordungan booruk
Kangaroo, Where shall I find? Arragoo kannabur gijjin weerla booruk
Killed, He has been Yin'ara
Killed, Who has, him? Anga ninara
Killed, You have, him Joya na minara
Know, I Ngai nēmengo
Know, I do not Ngai arreeang nēmengo
Lake, What is the name of that? Angooboo nilowel wōla
Lake, Where is the? Arragoo wola
Lazy, You are Joya wararra min
Leave me Go'no mijjerda
Let it alone Wangarree, arreeang milling wangarree
Lie down Wallerr
Listen to me Milla garjan nganga
Long time ago, That was a Moojoo moojoo
Look out Pannung joonen, warragala
Lying, He is, down Yeena wallarin
Mother, She is my Yeena jaana woonjub
Mother-in-law, She is my Yeena jaana yaalerr
Name, What is your?

Anga nyilowel What name your father = anga eebala jee

Natives, How many, are there? Nganjera goorda womb, nganjar goorda womb mingarrik
Natives, Where are the? Arragook womb
Native, Who is this? Anga womb
Noise, What is that? Angee ngank
Relation, What are you to? Angajoo, tchallal jan = I am tchallal or a relationship that forbids marriage.
Rising, The river is Wola kalbingurra
River, What is the name of that? Angoobo nilowel neewera
River, Where is the? Arragoo nee'wera
Roots (edible), Find some Moolungin jimbin nimbarun
Roots (edible), where shall I find? Arragoo mai
Run away Gona mijjarda
Sea, Am I near the? Jammarda beerdukoon
Search for that Wanboora jinna
Sleep, I shall now Killing nanga jiddee
Speak, Do not Joya arreeang mulla nganga
Spear, Where is your? Arragoo jeea wallonk
Springs, Are there any here? Ngajoo wola beelarra booroo
Station, Are we getting near the? Jimmarda boora gun
Stay with me Yangina mammagen
Stay, you, here Joya meejala min yangin
Steal, From whom did you? Arragoo minnal lainb'
Stolen, You have, that Joya minnal lainb'
Stop here Meejala min
Take this to Wanga jinna
Tell .... to come to me Wanda jen . . kalla goojerdee
That, I want Wannung ngai
Tired, I am Walla ngangarra
Track, Where is the? Arragoo numbala
Tree, what is the name of that? Anga nilowel burdonk
Tribe, To what, do you belong? Anga nyilowel nanga jee, Anga eeballa jee
True, That is not Arreeang ningarra nganga
Turkey, Where shall I find a? Arragoo barrgora
Understand, Do you? Joya nyilar eegarda nanga
Understand, I do not Arreeang nyilar eegardee
Want, What do you? Anga lēan mijjerdee
Water, Am I near? Jammarda wola
Water, Give me Wannung ngai wola
Water, Have you found? Wola minjal
Water, I cannot find Arreeang wola ngallee jal
Water, I want some Wola wannung ngai
Water, Where shall I find? Arragoo wola
Waterhole, Where is the? Arragoo koombara gun wola
Way, Come this Kallinba mijjerd
Way, Go that Goonara mijjerd
Well, where is the? Arragoo wola
What is it? Anga
Where are you going? Arragoo meera mingala
Where do you come from? Arragoo goongoo meebelngoo
White man's house, Where is the? Arragoo maia jenna "nallin" or "master"
Who is that? Anga womb'
Wife, Is that your? Joya woorin, joya mallerijee
Wife, She is my Ngai mallerjan
Wife, Where is your? Arragoo joya woorin
Wood, Find some Joongo wanna warnda
Work, Go to Joya moorgula mijjerd
Wounded, I am Ngai yoobulngan
You and I Ya-ee, ja-ee
You two Gora
5. Native modes of burial in district? A spear is placed standing at the head, or a shield as a pillow. Sometimes young people and children are buried in trees head towards the South, with bark put underneath. Sometimes they tap two lanjees together over the grave the day after burial and say, "Don't you come back (jooarree) any more; go away. Eebala, kogga, babbula, all there." Early next morning the men come to see where the murderer is to be found. Sometimes holes in the ground in certain directions will tell them.
6. Hairdressing, various modes of? Lēda, doogul
17. Native names of tribes in district? Nyoolyool Barda, warrwai.
20. Do the tribes meet at any distant places for exchange or barter?


Nowul (club), jarrin, babbagoonoo, goomberee, doogul, karrmul, koolmee, karrkarrbeean, wangai, wannal (human hair), goarn, barrgaitch, bindeeal (opossum hair string), binja binja, karrboorn, girrel (a koorilee lanjee), bindoornoo wallong (spear) - all these are exchanged .

5. Are any instances known of natives boiling their food? No.
6. Is cannibalism known to exist in district? Yes.
7. What methods are used in making fire by friction? Describe method.

Woongalga method, ngalla mungala - upright method, sticks carried about from camp to camp.

Kalliber method. Jimmain, sawing method.

26. Any idea of a deity? No.
27. Native belief in ghosts, or a future state?? Yes.
10. What beliefs have the natives in witchcraft, sorcery; and is there a boylya or sorcerer, among tribes in the district? Jalngangoora
29. Is there a gesture language amongst the natives in district? Yes. Not intricate

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