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Title: Billingee of Broome



Billingee of Broome

From Notebook 11b P. 2
Kardgoo Cabbage tree
Beerilban Custard apple
Moondergool Magic string
Binja binja Necklace or magic curved stick
Kurrajong tree Yoologoo
Birowel Species of gum tree
Yeeragul, yeeragool Jamwood
Reerwal Cork tree
Jardagurra Certain stars like a yard
Warragunna, nimbala (eaglehawk) Southern cross
Kalleegooroo (sacred & secret large carved totem board) Dark spot in Milky Way
Boorongoo maggooroo Boorong "stock"
Nimmarunga Edible root
Kajjooroo White ashes
P. 4
Burdar nimmidee Bandy legs
Gambooroo Mourning arrangements of hair
Booroora Mourning string wound round head
Jeerajee Woman's covering (apron)
Minjil Man's covering tassel
Yalbooroo Friend (Boorong and Banaka) (Kaimera and Paljeri)
Goordin, goordeen Bark vessel used for storing water
P. 5a
Yoonjumbulla jungagur kabbingur Killing, cooking and eating (cannibal)
Jaggool Folding the arms
Derrup To dive
Yangee banjoo What is that smell?
Banna meejala When are you coming back?
Kalhoo nungajallee Coming back dinner time (noon?)
Naa inda Going over there (or here)
Notebook 11b P. 4
Man who has reached the marriage state talloor
A nice girl majjangoola jandoo mabboo
Do you like me? Jooa lēan ngai
Will you come away? Inda yangama
Spirit of the dead jooarree, eejaling
Very ill, dying Weedoo dardal
Dying in the night ngoora koolin, jillalanga ngoora
Dead jillalee ngarring
Where did he die? Banna boora
When a namesake (Broome) dies, the living one is for a stated period "koorabooroo."
The Roebourne name is tchoogarree.
Barter wallumgoola, wallaga jinna
Giving back equivalents roorobooganinman
Bamboora and man goorangada minnadee
Twisting the neck, not killing jingarragee, meera meerajoon
Song that makes jammunungur wallawallong
Song that makes ballelee walloongarree
P. 5
Boorongan yangarrama I am going now to my camp
wrong marriage "Mootcha" is wrong marriage lalga, Nor'West.

The mootcha pinderee dance is a white fellow production.

Billingee says the words mootcha pinderee express a very low meaning and that I must not use them.

Nowerr or mandoo smell
Billingee's speech Name of dialect Ngoombal (Willie Creek)
Banneeabbuloo Nyeegenee they call the Roebourne joogan and ngoombal
La Grange Karrajarree
De Grey Ngalla, wongee
Mundabullangan Karreearra
Roebourne Ngalooma
Ngalooma, mardajoonera and koweru, all wangee, not names of tribes
Notebook 11b, P. 6
Dialects going up from the De Grey to Swan Point.
Ngalla, ngooja Fire
Karreejarra = joongo or tchoongo fire
Yoweroo = nooroofire
Joogan = joongo = firefire
Ngoombal, = nooroo (fire) (near Broome)
Nyoolnyool = jonk, fire
Barda = nooroo fire
Warrawij, near Disaster Bay, = nooroo fire
Nyeegenee - Derby Way nooroo - fire
Mungurla, near Karrajarree
Must alter all that on the map. Cannot see to alter maps) eyes too worn.
Another man getting killed Warrin womba yooraboor mungalgoon
Koombara Money
Nalma indalm nowloo hit him on the head with club.
Jooa leean or lēan ngooroo Do you want some more?
Notebook 11b P. 7
Tap yannunginna kannong swim across to the island
Jooa neela kallooree you know (how to) swim
Ngai kallooree kangina I swim can
Eemalla moojoo She is gone
"Wilga" munda red stone country, word wilga introduced by barter of southern greased ocher-wilgi much prized
P. 9
Maaloo ngaminjoonoo strangers
I would call my husband walgura
P. 11
Nyillee nyillee young leaves
Leraboo bole on tree trunk
Ballala baaloo straight trunk
Burdar baaloo crooked trunk
Jooa inban (did) you see?
Jooa maaloo milla gurra Can't you hear?
P. 12
Beelee Sulky
Yallera meejala, marowera
Murra minnal go further away, you hurt me
Manja womba a number of natives
P. 13
Melburn Manna
A kind of "my" Roots (vegetable seeds etc from tree, "kowijarra"; "jeebeegoordoo", lanjee or "jeebee" kylee (kylee southern term for boomerang)
No 'S' in dialects ? alias maggoorngooroo, winjel (turtle)
Billingee's father's jalnga was loolooloo (whale)
P. 15
Nē'angallee the tide mark on the shore
Nelerr moorr wandoo I'll bite you
Kooneean injee going north
Wangalainbee or ingalainbee you steal them
Kangalainbee I steal
Yeeralanbee they all steal them
Where did you put them Janna minma
Ngarda nganma I put them over there
Milla ngarrijan You show me
Kalla ngarrijee I'll show you
Janna goon Where in?
P. 15
Jooarnee malla milla ma nyamba You never put them here
Maaloo inban I don't see them
You two (husband and wife) Koorrma
You two (sisters) wanjallin
You two (sisters-in-law) jarramulla
Jarramulla (or) winjadar father and mother coming.
Bibbinya uncle and nephew
Wallagon ngoora father and sons
Woongamin tchammo and tchallal
Jeebarraga two brothers coming
Jimmarunga father and mother coming
P. 27
Mal' ngingarra jooa kanmee You're not really laughing
Jooa woora You're not laughing really
P. 30
Jooyoo meemalla You go yourself
Karrmoolgoorda nimmerer White face
Nimbarramoo the hair under the armpits
Babbagoonoo light brown clay used in painting
Jooa neemun'goo You know him?
Koorrgarda or yinnara you fellows
Goora you two
Ngai maaloo injala I not before see
Manja, yarreedee everybody
Jooa minjala yoolburoo you see him before
Marragabboo womba yeerabilnga far away man coming
Booroo ngan My own camp
Notebook 11b P. 31
Ngai ngahbooganda I catch hold of it
Jooa meeboogundee You catch hold of it
Ganba eeboogandee He catches hold of it
Indamoo jooa You hurt?
Indamoo ngai I (am) hurt
P. 36
Ngai inja marra I go long way
Banna meejala When coming back
Baiagur To-morrow
Maaloo lannee not close
Warraingun roomara coming next day (after baiagur)
Yeerabunga walganyee they came yesterday
P. 37
Kooneean north
waddeeabbal northeast
Yalmba South
koalgurdee Southwest
Baanoo east
Koolarra west
Warramulla southeast
Waiungaree southeast
P. 38
Wallabillee or ingalboo When it is a boy instead of a girl who had been promised before birth
Ningalmoo relations, country adjoining my peoples
Inburnda doogul painting with red
Koojangooroo seacoast people (speaking of themselves)
Koojangooroo gabboo yoorbulla I come from the sea (coast)
Lannee one lot, or people, close relations
Billingee's uncle sang for opossum and his father sang for fish.
Yeelabub or jandoo Woman
Wallagon father and son
Wallaballee mother and child
Winjidar, Boorong and Banaka call Kaimera and Paljeri
Winjidar, Kaimera and Paljeri call Boorong and Banaka
Trees, etc. Broome district
Notebook 11c P. 6
Ngalleemungal woongalga fire stick made from this upright method
Jimmain Kalliber fire wood Sawing method
Goonoroo (white gum), kartgoo (red gum), ngarreeban 2nd of tree (which makes binjin, wooden scoops goordeen), yeeragooloo (jamwood), bilowel (species of gum like kartgoo), yoologo (large tree like jarra), xml:lang="xxx" >meeoor (like ngarreeban), marrinyarree (like goonoroo).
When the reerrwal is in flower, the fish have spawned.
P. 7
Kanbur baaloo, weerabbin flowers of this are so called. A drink is made of them. Species of paperbark.
Joonyangeree, the drink is called.
Wallamungar species of paperbark
Nimmalgun species of paperbark. (called yoombok in the South.)
Boorrgoo a kind of mangrove
Bundarung baaloo the langoor fire stick
Bundarunga baaloo "baaloo"
Bundarunga koolee "koolee"
This song is sung to stop the summer rain, when too much comes.
Jarree baaloo, like a bilowel (water bearing), some seeds sometimes.
Notebook 11c P. 14
Kowajar name for flour
Wilmunboo biscuits
like a grindstone
P. 15
Yangeegoomala who has gone?
P. 22
Warraburnda painting in caves and on rocks
Wallee was usually painted. meat foods
Weapons do not appear to be made.
Banmungo deerdilgabbuk a kind of shell

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