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Title: J. G. Withnell , Mrs J. G. Mears and Willambung of Roebourne J.G. Withnell, Karratha Station , S.E. of Roebourne Mrs. J.G. Meares Sherlock Station ", N.E. Roebourne also Willambung (female), a few words Roebourne Magisterial District



J.G. Withnell, Karratha Station, S.E. of Roebourne Mrs. J.G. Meares Sherlock Station", N.E. Roebourne also Willambung (female), a few words Roebourne Magisterial District W. Pilbara G.F. This book is not necessary, as Yowinbungoo's vocabulary is sufficient. but for comparison with the native's own Vocabularies it will have its place in the Archives.

Man, his relationships, etc.
Aunt ya'ro
Baby kum'berra, weeling ngurdee
Blackfellow mai'aka, thar'ran
Blackwoman munga
Boy wallabee, tookoo
Brother kooda
Brother-in-law murkano
Child tchillea, kumberra, oldest child = marrara middle = milyoorda youngest = nyurdingoo
Daughter thal'bai'ina
Daughter-in-law pallee
Father mum'er'dee, mum'man
Father-in-law kuk'ar'dee
Girl nyoo'den, kooree

grandfather-in-law = tammee

grandmother-in-law = kobbalee

Grandmother kundarree
Grandson maialee yarra
Husband nyooba, yakkan, kanba
Man kardoo, nungaberree, tharran
Mother nungadee, nunga
Mother-in-law tooa
Nephew kukkergarra
Niece moo'kil'yee
Orphan booja, boojamun
Sister thoodo, toorijee (elder), murrijee (younger)
Sister-in-law boon'gallee
Son marin'na
Uncle kuk'ka, ka'ka
Virgin koo'ree
Widow marroona, maaroo
Widower marroona, maaroo
Wife nyooba, toodo
Woman munga, koontherra
Parts and Functions of the Body
Ankle bad'dara
Arm (left) tchillee tchumbo, jeelee
Arm (lower) koojee, jeelee
Arm (right) tchillee mai-anoo, jeelee
Arm (upper) koojee (bone), jeelee
Back mooroo
Back-bone mooroo koojee
Beard ngunga, nunga
Blood mudda, miggee
Bone koojee
Bowels boonga, joolen
Breast (left) bibbee tchumbaringo
Breast (right) bibbee maianoo
Breath ngaian
Breathe, to ngaian mun'ma
Calf of Leg kulthamarra
Cheek kooka
Chest pindo
Chin nungun
Copulate, to nulgarree ma
Cry, to ngujeema, nejigo
Drink, to pinjenma, pinjelgo
Ear koolga, weenen (Pilbara dis.)
Eat, to bajjelgo
Elbow nooguroo
Eyeball tulla
Eyebrow narril
Eye tulla, toola
Face ngurka
Fat tchingee, jinjee
Fatigue koon'digo
Feeling ban'thoona
Finger nail min'deree
Foot (left) jinna tchum'berin'ga
Foot (right) jinna maianoo
Forehead nyandee
Frowning nyandee kumbee kullera
Generative Organ (female) tootha
Hair koolgera, koolgarra
Hand marra, murra
Hand (left) marra tchumberinga, marra jumbo
Hand (right) marra maianoo
Head yoolga, yulga
Hearing wenjaberreegoo
Heart bulla, bultha
Heel paddera
Heel (left) paddera tchumberinga
Heel (right) paddera maianoo
Hip bone tallen
Knee mun'_bil
Leg (left) watha tchumberingo
Leg (right) watha maianoo
Legs woolagarree, koojee
Lip, lower wallee
Lip, upper mer'roo
Liver numarree, ngummeree
Lung burga
Moustache noomanooma, numanuma
Mouth taia
Muscle kundarra
Nape of the neck nunga
Navel nel'yooen, nel-yoon
Neck ngoolee, ngulyee
Nose mooltha, multha
Nostril woo'roo
Palm of the hand mardoo
Penis wandee
Perspiration ngoora, ngoorara
Perspire ngun'oora
Pregnant mudelga
Rib tham'bee, tanbee
Rump bul'thee
Seeing nak-er-o, nuk'ken'ma
Semen minna
Shin koojee
Shoulder bajjee
Sinew kun'darra
Skeleton koo'jee in'naba
Skin kubbun
Skull yoolga innaba
Sleep bumba, bamba
Smell, to pundhalgo
Sneeze, to tchandego
Sole of the foot tha-pal
Speak, to wan'gama, wangee
Spit, to weethala, weethagurra
Stink, to booka, pooka
Stomach boonga, bunga, ngarloo (Pilbara dist.)
Taste, to thal'ga'jinna
Tears kunda, koonda (?)
Teeth yeera
Temple ngai'oo
Thigh woolagarree
Throat ngul'yee
Thumb nungaring
Toenail minderee
Tongue yal'theroo, dallee
Urinate, to koom'boojarro, goomboo
Vein murbul
Walk, to wakama, wokkigo
Womb tutha, min'din
Wrinkle ngul'ngul
Ant-eatertcher'ree book'a
Bandicoot koo'dee

warramooringa (large species)

marree-marree (small species)

Dingo, female mujjera munga
Dingo, male mujjera kardoo aga
Dingo, puppy waj'joo/munga
Dog, female wanga
Dog, male wanga kardoo
Dog, puppy waj'joo ag'a, woddiga
Dugong nam'mina
Hedgehog tcher'reeboo'_ka
Horse yow'a'da
Kangaroo, generic mun'garoo, pikkerda
Kangaroo, brush waj'jee warra
Kangaroo Rat kur'rapa
Kangaroo, Red pik'korda, wij'jeno
Kangaroo, Rock tchad'den marra
Kangaroo, young, in pouch than'da
Mouse (generic) koo'lee-boo'ro
Mouse, house tchallingo
Opossum, large Grey wal'lamberree
Sheep koo'kenjai,(wathee) marloo koolo koolo
Wallaby, Rock tchad'denmar'ra
Bird (generic) mulla
Bird's egg tchimbo, jimboo
Birds' Nest mun'ga
Bustard, Wild Turkey bud'dera
Cockatoo (generic) pedera, peedera (?)
Cockatoo, Galah, grey and pink pil'-lago
Cockatoo, white, Northern variety ped'era, beelika, peedera (?)
Coot mur'ragodid'dee
Crane, Blue bai'alar'ree
Crow wak'_kera
Dove, little kul'legoo'ro, pulpul
Duck (generic) kun'daree, nurantee
Duck, Grey or black wallomungera
Duck, White Wing tchelleebed'era
Eagle Hawk won'bong
Emu tchan'goona, yallaberree
Flycatcher jed'deejed'dee
Hawk (fish)ween'ya mur'ra
Heron, Blacktchilleemonthoo
Ibis, straw-necked mud'in'gurra
Laughing jackass kurraboolo
Magpie wan'doola
Parrakeetpal'oora, bal'lara
Parrot, Rosella bun'bun
Pelican wai'a-mol'oo
Pigeon, Bronzewing wal'yagoora
Pigeon, Topknot tchoolagoodo
Swallow, Sea kud'darr
Swamp-hen, Coot yan'ga nan'ara
Swan kullenuddo
Teal kun'daree
Cobbler thai'angul
Crab tharlbul
Fish (generic) wak'keree, pee
Herring, River tchik'kora
Mullet mun'ara
Oyster (large Pearl) weedee
Stingray koo'danar'ra
Frog, edible kul'loobulloo
Frog (generic) koorakaarun
Iguana (generic) punjana, wangallee
Iguana, green koo'romungoo
Iguana, long-tailed burrangarra
Lizard (generic) kul'laree
Scorpion kullunjul
Sea-snake warloo, warlo
Tadpole boolaboolera
Tortoise, fresh water nujjaberree
Turtle, sea tatharooka
Ant (common small) pinga, woorooma
Ant (generic) warrooma
Ant's nest munga
Ant (white) monthoo, pee'na
Bardie (grub)mok'oo'ya
Centipede min'neron'go
Fly (generic) booro, booroo

tchun'darree (large silver)

wai'jabbee (yellow winged locust)

Louse kooloo
Mosquito koomin, koomil
Scorpion kullenjul
Spider (generic) kunbur
The Elements, etc.
Afternoon peeree
Beach (open) pin'darree
Clay narnoo
Clay, white tchilba
Cloud yerra koojee
Cloudy kundara
Cold moothoo
Country (burnt) ngoora kumbana
Country (plain)pulgarra
Country (hilly) mundagoora ngoora
Country (open) bul'garra
Country (stony) mundagoora
Creek mooree koolo koolo
Dark warroo warroo, doonthoo, doondo
Darkness waranga
Day Yanda ba, yanda
Daylight yanda kalbanla, mopilthong
Days yanda
Dew kubbilya, koobilya
Drizzle, to yungaw
Dust kun'dro, narnoo
Earth, the narnoo
Evening peeree
Feather pardoo, marra
Fig (Native) mukkadoo, tabberee
Fire kala
Floods mongardoo
Flowers kooka, kowka (?)
Fruit toogooda
Gorge wilga
Granite kuddeejerree
Grass warraba
Gum, edible kuddangoo, kur'rin'goo
Gum treewerangoora, weeringooroo
Heat koolo, kooloo
Hill Munda
Hole Mul'yee
Hollow place Ngurraboonda
In the open air Kan'nanga
Islandmudingurra, mad'durn'gooroo
Land ngurra
Leaf (shrub or tree) barriga
Light yoor'alye, thar'aree
Lightning wallabiddee
Manna waranan
Meteor karroowarra
Midday yoor-anga
Milky Way Wannagurrara
Moon Weelarra
Moonlight weelarra-kuddee
Morning thundoo kallee
Mountain mun'damir'ka
Mountainous Country mundagoora ngurra
Mud nyooballa, narnoo
Muddy ngoo'bal'lagurra
Mulga Win'damarra
Noon Yooranga
Paper-bark tree talgul
Plain bulgarra, pulgarra
Pool ngoolarree
Pool in River yeenda
Quartz middamidda mund'
Rain yoo'noo, yoongoo
Rainbow yil'lee kujjee
Resin (blackboy) bool'ga
River moo'ree
River, bank of bun'da
River, mouth ofmoo'ree-taia
Road yed'dee'a, yer'reealla
Rock bul'goo, munda, menda
Rockhole wakkula
Root, of tree kul'ka
Running water mungerdoo
Rush (a fibre) kullooro
Sand mun'ara, munarra
Sandhill pun'da
Scrub, the karra
Sea wan'guroo, boo'reea
Sea-weed pinda
Seeds, of plants kooro
Shade maaloo
Sky kul'burl
Spinifex barragoora
Spinifex gum bul'ga, boolga
Spinifex thread bun'doo
Star pin'der'ee, pintherree
Starlight ngoo'ko'burra
Stone munda
Sun yanda
Sunrise yanda kulbago
Sunset yanda thoo'rabal'go
Surf won'gooling
Thorn tcherree, tchirree
Thunder baggamarlo
Thunderstorm yerra koojee
Tide boo'reea
Ti-tree koolabin
To-day ee'jala yan'da, eejila
To-morrow bud'a'garree, bud'garree
Track min'dhoo
Tree wan'da
Tree, Bark of mung'arra
Tree, Gum of thoo'ralye (non-edible)
Tree, Trunk of kuddara
Water babba, ba'ba
Water (deep) babba boon'da
Water (fresh) babba tcheejee, jeejee babba
Water (running) babba win'bago
Water (salt) babba kur'ree
Water (shallow) babba boon'dajon
Waterhole yeen'da
Wattle tree yee'rang'un
Weather (cold) muth'oonga
Weather (hot) yooringa
Weather (wet) yung'oong'a
Well yoon'goo
Whirlwind wanangoora, win'ningarra
Willy willy willee willee ?
Wind (East) thooda yee'riga
Wind (light) thooda yabaroo
Wind (North) thooda yabaroo
Wind (South) thooda tchin'gain
Wind (strong) thooda ngoong'mun'da
Wind (West) thooda wil'lijin
Yam mud'der'ra
Yesterday kun'jeree yanda, koonjerreeyanda
General Vocabulary
Abduct, to pee'dinow'ma
Abscond, to

tim'bee'wan'nee ma

jimbee wanneema, muggeree

Absent meeta nulla, meeta bannima
Abundance marroo, marro
Accompany, to kum'ma (?), kooma wokkai (?)
Across koo'jer'alla
Afraid waia
After panthoo, bunto
Again ngoodalya, murrulgai
Aged mai'na, merriga
Agree, to bul'bee wan'neema, bul'bee
Aim, to thrugal-gunma (?)
Alarm waia kalgo, waia-jelgo
Alive wun'ga, won'ga (?)
All tchoolo, tchooliba
Alone yee'ka, yeeka baa'nee
Also murrajee
Ambush nail'yeegoo
Amuse, towerree wonnima
Angry, to be bajja wonnima
Apartpindee pindee
Approach, tomoona wonnima
Arise, tokal'bama
Ascend, tokalba wun'ma
Ashes yee'ba
Ask, to wan'gee
Assault, totalkooroo
At onceee'jela
Away wantheroo, wokkai
Back, to go kullen'jerree ma, kulkujerree
Back, to bring kulla mon'ma
Badwolka, woolka
Bag koo'dan, kooran
Bag, to carry in a koodan'da
Bald bee'jeree
Bandy legged koojee werriba, koojee we'bera
Barb (of a spear)ngal'lee
Bare bee'jeree
Bark, as a dog, to thoo'lalgo
Bark (used for food vessels) mung'ar
Bark (used for making huts) millee
Bathe, to boonthai won'nima, boondee
Battle man'awarra, pinyarree, peelinga
Beat, to thaneroo (?), tal'kooroo
Before bul'lara, bullera
Beg, to mun'yoo
Behindpan'thoo, ban'thoo, bunthoo
Belch, to yē'lan nal'lima
Below toonanga, tunninga
Belt boodooroo
Betray, to moojee thalgo
Between muth'ada
Big kootchagooroo, mirriga
Birth yerril
Bitebilyanma, bililgo
Bitter kurree
Black wā-roo, wā'ro
Bleed, to mud'da kanma, miggee
Blind bum'beroo, toola bumburra
Blow with the mouth, to boo'yo kan'ma
Blunt yerrajoon
Board, for throwing spear walburra, meeroo, mirro
Body moondoo
Body (dead) koodo (?)
Boggy ground ngaballa
Bony koo'jee goo'roo
Boomerang koy'lee (?)
Boots (European) tchoo'jagoo
Born bung'ganna
Both of us ngallee koothal, yawlee kootera
Break, to buk_kama, bokkee
Breath ngaian
Breathe, to ngaianma
Bring forth, as animals, their youngyer'ril
Bring me kul'beroo ngutchoo (?) kalbero
Bring, to kul'bama
Burn kumbai
Burn, to kumbama
Burnt kumbana
Bury, to the'dee'jen'ma, wanda
By and by,min'nawarra
Call him back kulluma ngoona kullenjerrigo (?), kallathal
Call, to kul'lago ma (calling = kullagod) kallawa
Camp, native ngoora
Camp, white man's maia, ngoora, tent = yeerilla
Cannibal joona bajjera
Cannibalism manna warra (?)
Care, to take kunyin ne'ma, "tcheppermalgo" (coined word for "shepherding")
Carry, to, on the shoulders kalba jenma
Change, to tchingee tchingee munma
Charcoal tchinda
Chew, to belyanma
Circumcision kuk'kardee
Clasp, to kun'yan'nima
Clay, white lime tchil'ba
Clean ee'jin
Climb, to kul'buma
Close (near) moonawondaba (?) moonamoona
Close, to (stop up a hole) monda kunma
Clothe, to warra kunma (clothes = warra)
Club wok'aburra
Cold, a ngun'do, moon'dathong
Cold, to be moothoo, mootho
Collect, to kooma kun'ma, koonithal
Come, tokookai wonnima, milbai
Conceal, to mil'ya'ama
Concealed milyan'na
Construct, to yen-mun'ma
Convalescent wabba wen'goba
Cook, to kumbanma, kumbai
Cooked meat kumba ngooro mulla
Cool moothoo moothoo (cold = moothoo)
Corroboree koonongoo
Couple koo'tera
Courage mun'ar'oo
Cover, toming'aboora kunma, mingapora
Covered up, to leave ming'aboora
Coward waia burra
Crawl, to wee'arreema, weedinarree
Creep, to, on gamengurra wonnema
Crippled janda
Crooked ballee won-nego
Cry, to naijema, nejjeego
Cunning kunkamarra
Cure, to wabba kunma
Cut, to, with a knife win'dan'ma, windaroo
Cut, awin'daroo
Damp mun'thee, man'thee
Dance ban'ooroo
Dance, to ban'un'ma
Dead noondee, yoondee, nooyo (Pilbara dist.)
Deaf koolga moonda
Death warruka, yoondee, nooyo
Deceive mooja, thal'goo
Deep boonda, boontha
Dense scrub kur'ra
Dense, stupid Wan'da kullera
Depart, to wa'kama
Desert, to koon'dima
Desire, to bulbee kan'ma
Destroy, to bukkuma, bokkee
Devil joono
Die, to noondee, yoondee thal
Different yatherong
Dig, to bingoma, bin'gooro
Direct (in a straight line) thrulgul, turrigal
Dirty narnoogooro
Disappoint, to kur'ree won'nima
Distance ya'ka
Distend, to jaraka
Disturb, to tchibama
Divided pendee pendee
Divide, to, amongst several persons pendee kanma
Cat's tail head dressTchooba (cat's, kangaroo's, opossum's tails used, )
Down (short hair) kool'gera
Dragging, alongwok'kai il'-go
Dread, to waia mumma
Dream boo'kar'ree
Dream, to boo'kar'ree ma
Dried, parched ground beeja won'nima
Dried up beejooba, beejoo
Drink, a pinjaroo
Drink, topin'jan'ma (drinking = pinjalgoo)
Drip, to tchee'dilya
Drive, to tchib'nma
Drown, to nyooro karrego
Drunk kurree jengoo
Dry beejoo
Dry, withered, applied to leaves murren
Dumb tai'a munda
Dying noon'dee won'nego, munamuna, yoondee
Earache kulga werrigo, koolga weeriga
Early mardoo kul'yee
Edge of a knifeyerra
Efface, towarra warra mun'_ma
Egg-shell tchim'bo mun':ga
Embrace, to tchad'ee mar'rima
Empty meen'ya joon
Enough koo'dal'ya, yeeka, bulbee
Erect kun'kulla goo'roo
Evil joonajee
Evil spirit war'ruka
Examine, to nuk'kama
Exchange tchen'gee tchen'gee
Faintingyen'deree nal'lego
Fall, to bun'gee ma
Family or tribe jangoo'burra
Far away yarka (far = warruba), yerrika
Fast, totchaj-jee
Fasten, to tchong'an'ma
Fear waia
Fear, to waia kar'rima
Feed, to bajjelgoo
Fetch, to kalbarra, kelberra
Few boo'rogo boo'rogo
Fig mok'kerdo
Fillet for the head mul'lee'arra
Find wath'eree
Finish, to yēn mun'ma
Fire-stick boo'kara, bookerra
Firmkar'ra kar'ra
Fish bait kool-tha wai
Fish trap walla
Flame yooral'ya
Flat, to lie thulloo, nger'ma (?)
Flee, to waia winbama
Flesh (of animals) mulla
Flour yoon'dera
Food marree marree
Food (forbidden) tchajjee
Fresh (lately made) ee'-tchang'-oo
Friend ee-lee-koo'tha
Friendly ee-lee-arra
Frightened waia won'nima
Fruitful (having had children) boolthong
Full (filled up) ween'ya, wee'na
Full (satisfied) bee'na'ba
Full of holes mool'yee mool'yee, mulyagooroo
Further warraba, warra, warrapa
Game, aweeree
Gently nyan'nee
Get up, to kal'ba ma
Ghost war'ruka
Giddy yin'deree
Girdle of opossum hair boo'ro'roo
Give, to yung'goo ma
Glutton mindee boora
Go astray, to tchim'bun'ma
Go away, to wok-kee ma, wokkee
Go back, to kullen jerree ma
Go in, to tharba ma, tooniga
Go out, to wokkee-ma
Good wabba
Good, no wailka, wokka
Gorge, a woo'thoo
Grave thoon'gar'ree
Graze, to ngoojenna
Grease, to ne-'ra-ma
Green bulurra (?), beelin
Greyheaded med'ina, wan'nee
Grief kur'ree wan'nee
Grind, to ban'en'ma
Grip, to kun'yin'ma
Grow yer'ra mar'ra
Gum, edible ku'dong'oo
Hair string (wound round head) koo'doo
Hard kar'ra
Hatchet yer'ra ngoo
Heap, a bun'ba
Hear, to wan'ya ber'reema
Her bunow bongoo (?)
Here nulla, nooda
Hers or hisbaaloo bon'goo than'do
Hidden milyena
Hide, to mil'ye'ma
High kun'kera, kunkurra
Him bunow bongoo (?)
His baaloo bon'goo than'do
Hold, to kun'yin'ee ma
Honey koongoo warra
Hop, to mung'ungar'rima
House maia
Humpbacked mooro joodem
Hungry book'en'dee
Hunt, to wee'a'noo
Hurt, to wee'rigo jen'ma
Husband nyooba, yakkan
I ngai, nejjo, naijoo
Ill (sick) wee'rigo
Imitatingnyoo'na mul'goo
Immovable mee'ta yang'amar'oo
In (within) thun'un'ga, toono
Increase, anmaroo wan'nee
Indeed moon'dee
Inform, to tchoon'doo'a mun'ma
Initiate, tobuk'lee, boggalee
Itch ye-mil, yimmil
Jail mool'yin'ga
Jealous punthara, panthera
Jealousy punthara won'ee-goo
Journey, to make a wan'nal ba'wok'ago
Joy tching'arree
Jump, to mung'un gar'rima
Keep kun'yin'ee
Kickingbun-yil-goo, bun'yelgo
Kill, to noon'dee kan'ma, ngooyoothal
Kiss, a boo'yaroo, boo'yulgo
Knife tchim'berar'ree
Knock, to (down) boon'ga jer'rima
Knot bul'ling
Know, to wanyaberree
Languid yaloo yaloo
Large mai'rika, merika, mum'ma
Last, of anything or anyone panthoo woondoo
Late panthoo
Laugh, totoo'nama, toonigo
Laughter toona
Lazy won'da won'da
Leak, to tchee'dima
Lean (thin) pul'ya, weeberee
Leap, to mung'een gar'rima
Learn, to kooda wonnima
Leave (to go away) wun'theroo, wok'kigo
Lie (to lie down) ngar'reema, bambanarree
Lie (to tell a lie) ngalla won'gama, peer
Lift up, to kulba jin'ma, kalbai
Light (not heavy) nuk'kan, meeta tadbun
Light, fire yoo'ralye
Light a fire, to yoo'ralya, kan'ma
Like (similar) willa
Line (a straight mark) thoo'ragal
Listen, to wan'ya ber'rima
Little koolo koolo
Living, alive won'ga
Lonely yee'ka
Long mun'dee won'ga
Long ago bal-ul-'ya, bul'yel'yee
Long hair mun'dee wan'ga koolgera
Long time par'oo roo'ba
Longing for (wanting) mum'ma bulbee
Look for, to wa'theree, wa'tharree
Look out, to snuk'koo
Look, to (to see) nuk'kooma, nakkeroo
Loose, totchimbai kan'ma, yingimal ?
Lose, to thai'anma, jim'mal
Lost tchimbai kan'ma, jimbai
Lying (down) ngar'regoo, narrigo
Mad wonda kul'lera
Make, to yā'nee mun'ma, yan'nemal
Many mā'roo, marro
Marriage in the right line koomboo ngooba
Marry, to koom'boo ngoo won'nima
Matter (from sore) yoo'roo ngoo
Me ngutchoo, ngai, nējjoo, ngaijoo
Meat mulla
Meet, to koo'loomar'rima
Mend, to war'ra mun'ma
Met koo'loomar'rima
Mia (native hut) mee'doo, ngoora, murra, maia
Middle mul'ooda, mul'theril'la
Mine (my own) ngutch'oo than'do, ngai yoo
Mix, to koo'moo kun'ma
More nguj'alye (?)
Motherless ngungajoon
Much yoong'a mun'ma
Myngutch'oo ngoo, ngai
Naked warra joon
Name yinnee
Native well yun'goo
Near moo'na, munna munna
Netting tak'kada
New ee'jong'oo, eejong
Nice moon'ga, wan'berree
No Meeta
Noise yan'gar
Noiselessly yan'garjoon
Nonemeeta wando
North yabbaroo
Nose-piercing; nost stickmul'yar ee'dee
Not meeta woonda
Now (at once) ee'jala
Offended woo'row rar'regoo
Offensive booka
Oh! wa! thow!
Old koo'damur'ra, merriga
Once bul'al'ye
One koon'-jer'ra, koonjerree
Only yeeka
Open taia kan'ma, yeetimul
Opening taia kul'goo
Openly kan'nang'a kan'ma
Open, to taia kan'ma, beel'in'mul
Our ngal'lee ngoo
Outside of kan'nanga
Over koo'gera
Pain weerigo
Paint, to nyer'rama
Pant, to ngaian mun'ma
Panting ngaian ma'goo
Parched up bee'yoo woon'do
Pass, to, bytchin'arra
Peaceable maioo
Pearl-shell wee'dee
Pebbles kur'rulyoo
Penetrate, to thur'ba ma ?
Perhaps moon'dee wai, mundee wai
Pinch, to pir'ree jan'ma, beerijalgo
Place, angurra
Place, to won'than'ma
Plant, to tho'ro'gerree man'ma
Play, to weeree wonnima, weerdee
Playing weeree won'neegoo
Plenty ma'roo, moroo, marro
Pluck out feathers, to pardoo yoo'mun'ma, pul'rimal
Point, akoor'bing
Point, to ee'dee jin'ma
Pointed (finely) ee'dee jin'ma
Pointed Spear koorbing koor'jada
Portion, a man'nee
Pound, to (beat up)ban'neroo
Pounding Roots (act of) ban'nilgoo
Presently min'nawar'ra
Prickles tcherree, tchirree
Proud kum'bidee
Pull, to paiaman'ma, pulrimal
Purposely moon'dee woon'doo
Pursue, to winbama
Push, to moo'yoolan'ma
Put in Order, to wabba kan'ma
Putrid boo'ka
Quick moodee, mooreeantee
Quickly ngabra anna
Quiet maioo
Quietly nyan'nee
Raise, to kul'ba jen'ma, kalbai
Rapid moodee, mooreeantee
Raw won'ga, wanga
Really moon'dee
Recover, to won'garree ma
Red mijjee mijjee
Refuse, to koon'dee won'nima
Rejoice, to tching'arreema
Relatingtchunda mul'goo
Related, to be tchangoo boora
Relation, a tchangoo boora
Relationship tchangoo boora
Remain, to ban'nima
Remember, to kulga won'nima
Restrain, to tchan'ba mun'ma
Retaliate, to koo'rin'gal won'nima
Return, to kullenjerrima
Revenge, akoo'ringal
Revenge, to koo'rin'gal won'nima
Right (proper) wabba, kwobba
Rob, to mong'er'ma, moojeree
Roll over, to walga walgarrima
Rope mirrajee, mirriljee
Rot, to booka wonnima
Rough koora koora
Rubbing nyer'ra agoo
Rub, to nyerra ma
Run away, to wokkai, winbai
Run, to winbama, winbai
Sad kur'ree won'nima, bultha wokkee
Safe wabba
Salt tchin'da
Same (the) min'jal
Save, to (the life of anyone) wonga munma
Scrape, to yeer'ba ma
Scratch, to war'be ma
Search, to watheree ma, wotharree
Secrete, to milyee ma
See, to nguk'koo ma, nukkima
Separate, to pindee pindee kunna
Separated pindee pindee kunna
Shadow mea'loo, marloo
Shake, to pin'ga pin'ga mun'ma
Shaking (quivering) burra burra ee'joo, burra burra ee'goo
Sharetchingee tchingee
Sharp (point) koor'bing
Sharpen, to yer'ra kun'ma
Shavings yil'lee
She baa'loo
Shield yar'ra
Ship yandilburra, yandijburra
Shiver, to ngoonda wonnima
Short kum'boo
Shout, to kulluma
Shut, to nun'doo kun'ma
Shy waia karrigoo
Sick (ill) wee'rigo, wer'rigo, kalkallee
Side, the kun'gee
Silent, to be wang'a joon
Silly ngurra ngurra
Sinews of kangaroo's tailkun'darra
Sing, to thabbee kan'ma, tabbee
Sit down, to ban'nima, wolkandee
Slow tchooka tchooka
Slowly tchooka wonnima
Small koolo koolo, kullo kullo
Smear, to neeree
Smoke, of fires tchootchoo, joojoo
So many maaroo
Sob nuj-jee
Some man'nee
Song thabbee, tabbee
Sore (or boil) nunda
Sorrowingkurree wonnegoo
South tchingee, tchingai
Spear (generic term) pilarra
Spear (hunting) koojada
Spear, to pilarramarra
Speedilymoo'dee wan'nima, moodee
Spill, to yin'deema
Spring (native well) gin'bee, jinbee?
Spring, to mung'ungar'rima
Squeeze, totchin'ban'ma
Stale (old) koor'am boo'ra
Stalking game ngoo'ra won'negoo
Stamping bul'ba
Stand, to kar'rima
Stare at, to toolanga mun'ma
Startle, to waia kanma
Steal, to moog'in'ma, moojarree
Steep (high) yeera
Stick wan'da
Still (quiet) mai'oo
Stir, to moo'lee moo'lee mun'ma
Stolen moo'gen'ma
Stop, to karrima, ban'nimai
Straight throl'gal, toorigal
Straight, to put throl'-gal-gan'ma
Stranger munjongoo, munjong
Strangle, to moonoo kanma
Strayed (stock) tchinbai wonnima
Strength nungoo munda
Strike, to thalgooma, talkoora
Strong nun'goo
Sufficient yee'ka
Sulky (cross) baj'ja
Summer yoora
Sweat ngun'yoo'da
Sweet thoo'gada
Swellingtchā'ka won'nagoo
Swim, to kairee ma, boonthai, kaiarree
Take in the hand, to mur'ra kun'ma
Take, to thuk'ken'ma, kal'beroo
Tall moondee wonga
Tame maioo
Tattoo, to bulgoo kun'ma
Tattooing bulgoo
Teach, to kooda kanma
Tease, to nyoonee munma
Tell me wanga ma (ngutchoo = me), wangee ngai
Temper bajja boora
That very thing ngoon'thal, nooda
Theirsba'loo goola than'do
Them ngoo'na goo'la
There ngoo'noo
They baloo goola
Thief in-jee
This nooda
This way koo'ka gee, kookajee
Those ngoon'thal
Thrash, to thal'kooma, thalkoora
Three broogo, boorago
Throw, to pathama
Throwing pathalgoo
Throwing board meer'oo
Tickle, to kajjee kajjee mun'ma
Tie up, to tchanganma
Tobacco ngum-arree, ngummerree
Tobacco (native) kar'do (mundara = among rocks)
Together kooma
Tomahawk kajjoo, kojjoo
Top (of anything) kun'kera, kunkurra
Touch, to nun'goo jen'ma
Track (footprint) jin'na war'ra
Track, to jin'na mun'ma
Trap, a bāroo bāroo
Tread, to ban'yin'ma, bunyinba
Try, to yannain mun'ma
Turn back, to kullee munma, kullinieree
Turn over, to yad'dee koo'la mun'ma
Twist, to mul'lee mul'lee
Two koo'thera, kootherra
Ugly ngooraka, wailka
Unconnected pindee pindee
Uncooked meat wonga mulla, won'ga
Under thoo'no, toonoo
Underneath thoono un'ga, too'noonga
Understand, to wan'ya ber'rima, wanyaberree
Unfasten, to wanjabin ma
Unintelligible meeta wanja berree
Unsteady burra burrago
Unwell weerigo, werrigo
Upright thoor'gal
Upside down thoo'lo won'nima
Upwards kun'kalla gooro
Us ngallee gooro
Vain (proud)yoogo, mukkago, kumbidee
Very mum'ma
Very bad mum'ma wailka
Very good mum'ma wabba
Vice bajja booro
Wait, to tchitarrima, tchitarree
Wander, to (off the right track) boo'ranga
Warm koolo, winnow
Wash, to wilyee wilyeema
Weak mulyal wohnego
Weapons yanthan
Weighty (heavy) thalban, tadbun
Well (not sick) weerigo joon, werrigo joon, wonberree
West woolajoo, wooloojoo
Wet moonthee, munthee
What nalla
Where winjela
Which wan'jina
Whistle win'ga
White mid'da mid'da
Who ngan'na, nalla
Whole tchoolo
Whose nganna ngoo thando
Why nalla ngarra
Wide beelya
Wild native bajja maiaka
Winter moothong nga
Wither, to maroon
Within thoonanga
Wood bookara, wonda
Wound, to wer'rigo jen'ma
Wounded werrigo
Yes nga, koo
You nyenda, yinda
Young wee'da
Younger wee'dakad'dee
Your nyenda ngoo, nyen'garoom'bong, yin'dagooroo
Yours nyenda ngoo, nyen'garoom'bong, yin'dagooroo
Short Sentences
Afraid, I am not, of you

Ngai meeta waia yinda

Ngai meeta waia nyenda

Afraid, What are you, of?

Nalla yinda waia

Nalla nyenda waia

Asleep, He is

Baaloo bumba

Nooda bamba

Bad, That is very Ngoona mumma walka
Bad, You are Nyenda walka, yinda wokka
Brother, He is my Baaloo ngutchoo ngoo kooda
Brother, That is my Ngoona ngutchoo ngoo kooda
Bury him Thedee jen'ma bunoo bongoo
Care, Take of thisKunyinnee noodoo, bulga bulga
Carry this Kalberoo noodoo, kalbero nooda
Cattle, Bring in the Kalbarra bulliman, kalbero booliman
Cattle, Did you see the?

Nyenda ngukkoona bulliman

Yinda nukkunna booliman

Children, Where are your?

Winjela nyendangoo tchillya boora

Winjala yinda mulgamarro

Come from, Where do you?

Winjela ngooro nyenda koo'kai

Winjala yinda mil'bai

Come here Kookai nulla, kookai
Come, I, from westNgai woolajoo ngooro kookai, nooda ngai milbai
Come in kookai wonnima, milbai toono
Come, I will

Ngai milbai

Ngai moondee kookai

Coming, They are

Baaloo goola kookai wonnigo

Nooda eejela milbai

Coming with you, I am Ngai nyenda kooma (?) wokkigo ngai yinda milbai kooma
Cook that --- Kumbunma ngoona, kumbai nooda
Country, What is the name of your?

Nalla yinnee nyenda ngoo ngoora

Nalla yinda hurra yinna

Country, Where is your?

Winjela nyenda ngoo ngoora

Winjala yinda nurra

Coward, You are a Nyinda waia boora
Daughter, Is that your? Nooda yinda kooree
Dead, he is Baaloo noondee, nooda nooda yoondee nooda
Deceiving me, You are Yinda peea thoondeemal ngai
Dingoes, Are there many? wai marro moojera
Eat, Can you, this? Yinda bajjelgo nooda
Father, he is my Nooda ngai mamman
Find, Where did you, them? Winjela yinda tukkinma
Fire, Make a Kumbai kalla
Fish, Catch some Thukkinma mannee wokeree, tukkima pee
Fish, Cook that Kumbanma ngoona wokeree, kumbai pee
Flour, I want some Ngai bulbee mannee yoonkerra, ngai bulbee "flour"
Food, Give me

Yoong' gooma ngootchoo yoondarra

Yungeroo ngai murree murree.

Food, I have noNgai meeta bannima murree murree
Food, I want Ngai bulbee murree murree
Food, I will give you Ngai yungero murree murree
Food, Where shall I find Winjila murree murree
Friend, I am your

Ngai nyenda ngoo eeleearra

Ngai nyenda ngoo e-lee-arra

Get along wokkai
Get up Kul-bai, kalbai
Give me Yoong'ooroo ngootchoo, yungeroo ngai
Give it to me Yoongooroo ngootchoo, yungeroo ngai nooda
Go before me Bullarra wokkama, wokkai bullera
Go behind me Wokkai bunthoo
Go, I will, now Ngai yeejila wokkai
Going away, I am Ngai minna warra wokkai
Going to-, I am Ngai wokkigo nooda
Gone, He has just Nooda bulilyee wokkai
Gone, Where has he? Winjala wokkai nooda
Good, That is no Nooda meeta wabba
Good, That is very Nooda wabba
Good, You are no Yinda meeta wabba
Good, You are very Yinda mundee wabba
Go quickly Wokkai moodee
Go quietly Wokkai jookawarra
Go there Wokkai nooda na
Go you Yinda wokkai
Here it is Niida na bannima
Hill, What is the name of that? Nalla nooda munda yinnee
Horses, Bring in the? Kalberro yowerda
Horses, Did you see the? Yinda mikkima yowerda
House, Am I near a? Wai ngai moona moona maia
House, Are we getting near the? Wai yawlee (?) moona moona maia
Husband, Is that your?

Nooda yinda nyooba

Nooda yinda yakkan

Husband, Where is your? Winjela yinda nyooba
Ill, I am Ngai wer'rigo
Ill, You are Yinda werrigo
Is that your ---- Nooda yinda
Killed, Who has, him? Nalla ngooyoothal nooda
Killed, You have, him Yinda ngooyoothal
Know, I Ngai wongaberree
Know, I do not Ngai meeta wongaberree
Leave me Ngai yeeka ban'nima
Lie down Ngarree bannee
Listen to me Wonyaberree ngai
Long time ago, That was aPul'elye-pul'elye
Lying, He is, down Nooda ngarree bannee
Mother, She is my Nooda ngai nungadee
Name, What is your? Nalla yinda yinnee
Natives, How many, are there? Nalla willa marro tharran
Natives, Where are the? Winjala wai tharran
Native, Who is this?

Nalla nooda tharran

Nalla nooda nungaberree

Rising, The river is Mooree kalbai, mooree kalbee
River, What is the name of that? Nalla yinnee nooda mooree
River, Where is the? Winjala mooree
Run away Winbai, wokkai
Sea, Am I near the? Ngai moonamoona boo'ree'a
Search for that Wootherree
Sleep, I shall now Ngai bamba yeejela
Slow, You are very Yinda mun'dee wan'dathal
Speak, Do not Meeta won'gee
Spear, Where is your? Winjela yinda peelarra
Stay with me Bannima ngai kooma
Stay, you, here Bannima nooda
Steal, From whom did you? Winjela yinda mingemal
Stolen, You have, that Yinda ming'emal nooda
Stop here Bannima nooda
Take this to Kalberro nooda
Tell .... to come to me Wangee ... milbai ngai
Tree, what is the name of that? Nallee yinnee nooda wonda
True, That is not Peea wangee, pee wangee
Turkey, Where shall I find?Winjela wai baddoora
Understand, Do you? Yinda wanyaberree
Understand, I do not Ngai meeta wanyaberree
Want, What do you? Nalla yinda bulbee
Water, Am I near? Wai ngai moona moona babba
Water, Boil some Kumbai babba
Water, Give me Yoongero ngai babba
Water, Have you found? Wai babba bannima
Water, I cannot find Ngai meeta tukkima babba
Water, I want some Ngai bulbee babba
Water, Where shall I find? Winjela ngai tukkima babba
Waterhole, Where is the? Winjela wai babba bannima
Way, Come this Milbai nooda willa
Way, Go that Wokkai nooda willa
Well, where is the? Winjela yoongo
What is it? Nalla
Where are you going? Winjela wokkai
Where do you come from? Winjela yinda milbai
White man's house, Where is the? Winjela maia
Who is that? Nalla nooda
Who is there? Nalla nooda bannima
Wife, Is that your? Noona yinda toodo
Wife, She is my Nooda ngai toodo
Wife, Where is your? Winjela yindo toodo
Wood, Find some Wotherree bookera
You and I Ngallee
You two Yinda koothera
Answers to Questions, Notes, etc.
J.G. Withnell
Among natives the father's brother is not an "uncle" but a father also, because both being males their children are of the same class tribe. This rule also applies to two sisters' children, the mother's sister is not an "aunt" but a mother, their children being of the same class tribe. Brothers and his sister's children are cousins, this brings about a change in the class tribes. The brother and sister hence are aunt and uncle to their each other's children, blood, only tribal.
10. Native names of trees etc.cajeput, = thalgon; gum tree (eucalypt) = weringurra; snakewood = maron'wa; ti-tree = coolimba
11. The elders of the tribe decide the case.
12. Diseases: a scabby eruption upon children under the arms between the legs on private parts.
18. Definition of tribal territorial limits: They are defined by ranges and rivers which form boundaries - the Ghalouma tribe for instance is bounded on the East by the Peewah creek, on West Nicol River, south the edge of tablelands, North, the sea. (see Roebourne district map)
19. They have no auxiliary verbs such as am, art, is, for voice, mood and tense is expressed by inflexion of the verb alone. (see further notes later on)
23. Yes
24. Corkbark and others. They choose dry sticks that have a pithy core throughout.
32. By the moon, new, quarters and full and by the seasons.
33. Yes, the best means to obtain these should be the Roebourne gaol.
MEMO Owing to the many tribes throughout the north, the languages will be found to change to such an extent that this vocabulary will not be universal, the same words are very often used in different tribes for a different meaning. Hence the difficulty of compilation. The customs and traditions on the other hand may be accepted as almost universal.
Shall throwpathan'iba
Have thrownpathan'ngooro
Had thrownpathan-nal'ba
Should have thrownpathal-gadg'ing'ngooro
Shall walkwakiba
Have walkedwakan-ngooro
Had walkedwakan-nal-ba
Should have walkedwaka-gadg-ing-ngooro
Nearestmoon'a woon-do
Note the inflection of adjectives. The comparative is formed by the ending warra, the superlative by the ending woondo See example over 1 and 2, given only on next page
I (am) walking wellngie wakagoo-wabba
Thou (art) walking betterNyeenda wakagoo wabba-warra
He (is) walking bestbalou wakagoo wabba woondo
Tenses expressed by inflexion of the verb
Present tense(to) ends in ma (Aboriginal)
Present tense(ing) ends in goo
Past(ed) ends in na
Future(shall) ends in iba
Present perfect(have) ends in ngooro
Past perfect(had) ends in nalba
Pluperfect(should have) gadg-ing-ngooro
Example 1
Inflexion of adjectives
Nativewabbawabba warrawabba woondo
Example 2
coolo-coolocoolo-coolowarracoolo-coolo woondo
Ourngalli -ngoo
Usngalli gooro
Mynguchow ngoo
Minenguchou thando
thinenyenda ngoo
Younyenda gooro
He or shebalou
His or hersbalou bongo thando
Him or herbunow bongow
Mrs. Meares

7. Spears, shields, throwing sticks, kyli and boomerangs are the weapons; scoops made out of wood are the only utensils.

A large flat and a round stone for grinding purposes

8. Nets only are used made of various thicknesses and mesh for the different birds. Kangaroos, emus etc. are tracked or else the natives lay at ambush and spear when in at water the nets are spread over the waterholes with one side up which is pulled down by the natives in ambush.

9. Do not know of any beyond the track of a bird or the outline of a hand on any flat rock.

17. Ngalooma (name of tribe)

21. Seeds, grains, roots, yams, wild fruits, frogs, iguanas, snakes, birds.

Collected, dug, speared, snared.

Eaten in raw state or cooked in the ashes.

22. No, they always roast in ashes or hot sand.

32. Days by the rising and setting of sun

Months by the moon

Years by the summer and winter

Willambungs notes
Willambungs Pedigree Ngalloonea group. Roebourne.

m. Joon Banaka = f. Abba Boorong

Native name Roebourne area Ballamongerree

f. Willambung Paljeri = m Walbaring Kaimera

Child Boorong.

The Ngalloonea group of Roebourne area & the Willilambi group of Twilight Cove. (South Coast W.A.) were the only two groups whose members practised & followed the true Cross (or First) Cousin Marriages their fundamental laws being carried out while any of their groups remained. Own fathers 'own Sisters' own daughters & own sons. Married own mothers own brothers; own sons & own daughters. That law was apparently a fundamental law throughout Australia & only survioed in those two areas. Roebourne & Twilight Cove. each a thousand miles apart from the other. For both groups a breach of that law was punished with death.
Made of burial. East of Roebourne where the Circumcised groups bordered the ngalloonea. They took out the fore arm bone of a dead man, cleaned & Scraped it & carried it about with the man's groups for years perhaps. Then they broke all the rest of the bones which had been placed in some shelter & buried those quite flat with no bone in any special direction.
Marriage Law. Their marriage laws were as strict that is Paljeri eloped with Paljeri a Kaimera man must kill them.
Barter & Exchange. Two principal goods for barter were large Pearlshells & flint 'age's & cutting 'Knives' which they barterd for boomerangs & spears.
2) Willambungs notes. Vegetable Foods - Ngalloonea group.
Yams, bookajee (roots of bulrushes) berries, Jeemer (wild Currants) Kalboo (wild Cherries) Walyarra (long pod with seeds) bajjela (like a pomegranate) Warrumba (another edible pod) Kollumbur (as pair of nut like ganina nuts) ngabburdal (native rock melon) munjamurra (like wild gooseberry) Tabbori (wild fig.
Cannibalism existed & continued some time after while settlement, as some small groups refused to give up the practice.
Sorcerers Every group had its sorcerers. sometimes more than one "Mamman gurra" as sorcerers were locally designated

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