Document details

Title: Woorgomirt, m. Of Boogerup (Kendenup) Albany Magisterial District

Language: Noongar

Woorgomirt, m. Of Boogerup (Kendenup) Albany Magisterial District
Man, his relationships, etc.
Aunt Maam yog
Baby Nob
Blackfellow Noongar
Blackwoman Yog
Boy Koolong
Brother Ngoont
Brother-in-law Ngooljar
Child Nob
Daughter Kwarrurt
Daughter-in-law Ngaiung, ngai
Father Maam
Father-in-law Konk
Granddaughter Dem
Grandfather Dem
Grandmother Dem
Husband Kord
Man Noongar
Mother Kaiung
Mother-in-law Maam yog
Nephew Moyer
Niece Moyer yog
Orphan Burnup
Sister Jookan
Sister-in-law Ngooljar yog
Son Koolong
Son-in-law Moyer
Uncle Konk
White Man Ngooyoower
White Woman Ngooyoower yog
Widow Yeernung
Widower Yeernung
Wife Kord
Woman Yog
Parts and Functions of the Body
Ankle Darnt
Arm (left) Maruk joor
Arm (lower) Maruk
Arm (right) Maruk ngwonnern
Arm (upper) Warnok
Back Boogal
Beard Ngarnuk
Blood Bgoop
Bone Kwej
Breath Ngaain
Calf of Leg Wooleetch
Cheek Kolgurt
Chest Ngornt
Chin Yet
Cry, to Waling
Drink, to Gaab ngannin
Ear Dwonk
Eat, to Ngannin
Elbow Ngoy yung
Eyebrow Mimbat
Eye Meeal
Face Mirnitch
Fat Jeerung
Finger Mar
Finger nail Mar beer
Foot (left) Jen joor
Foot (right) Jen ngwonnern
Forehead Yeemung
Hair Kaat munga
Hand Mar
Head Kaat
Heart Koort
Heel Moon
Hip bone Kwaluk
Instep Jen boogal
JawKwej yet
Kidney Joop
Knee Bwonneetch
Liver Maier
Lung Walyal
Moustache Mening
Mouth Taa
Muscle Warnok, beet
Neck Naanuk
Nose Molya
Perspiration Baan
Perspire Baan
Rib Ngarrilya
Seeing Jinnungain
Shoulder Warndal
Sinew Beet
Skin Mop
Skull Kaat kwej
Sleep Beejar
Smell, to Nyong berning
Speak, to Wongain
Spit, to Delija
Stink, to Bajjok
Stomach Gobbul
Tears Menyuk, melyuk
Teeth Ngorlok
Thigh Dowel
Thirsty Gaab-a-werning
Throat Ward
Thumb Mar kaiung, mar ngank
Toe Jen ngank, jen kaiung
Tongue Taaling
Walk, to Wat gooling
Windpipe Kwannail
Wink, to Mel gur binjongin
Animal (generic) Daaj, taaj
Bandicoot Kwernt
Bat Baa'bil
Cat, native Jootitch
Dingo, female Yukkain, dwert ngaank
Dingo, male Dwert burrong
Dingo, puppy Gooningur (little one)
Flying fox (bat) Baabil
Kangaroo, generic Yongur, warr (male and female)
Kangaroo, brush Kwerr
Kangaroo Rat Wo'il
Kangaroo, young, in pouch Warr dooting
Opossum, Black Wamp, wardar
Opossum, Grey Goomal
Opossum, Ring-tailed Warder, wamp
Bald coot, red bill Ngaalyin
Bird (generic) Jert
Bird's egg Jert nooruk
Birds' Nest Jert mai
Cockatoo (generic) Mannitch
Cockatoo, Black, red tail Karrak
Cockatoo, Black, white tail Ngoorlak
Cockatoo, white, Southern variety Mannitch
Crane, Blue Kaal
Crow Wordung
Crow, Shrike (Squeaker) Bel
Duck, Mountain Werrabarn
Eagle Waleetch
Eagle Hawk Waleetch
Emu Wej
Flycatcher Jittee-jittee
Hawk, Sparrow Mirn mirn
Magpie Koorrbardee
Parrot, Small Ground Kowerr
Parrot, Twenty-eight Towerin
Robin Minnijit
Swamp-hen, Coot Ngaalyin
Swan Maarle
Wattle Bird Dungaruk
Crab Jalgee
Fish (generic) Taaj
Mullet Merderung
Shark Maajit
Frog, edible Gweeya
Frog (generic) Doonyar
Frog, large green Yaam
Iguana (generic) Munnar
Iguana, long-tailed Munnar
Iguana, stump-tailed Yooern
Lizard, large black Jor-ung, keya-burt
SnakeNoorn geerr, dookitch, waagul, werr (whipsnake), marree marree
Ant (sergeant) Kulong
Ant (red)Tow bert
Blowfly Noort
Butterfly Wolya wul
Flea Kool
Fly (generic) Noort
Leech Warn, nenim
Louse Kool
The Elements, etc.
Afternoon Nguljeruk, kalleruk
Atmosphere Mar
Banksia Mungitch
Blackboy treeBaaluk
Cabbage tree Moojar
Cave Kont
Christmas tree Moojar
Clay Yaail, boojur
Clay, red Murdar
Clay, white Dardarr
Cloud Mar, koorndut
Cloudy Mar, koorndut
Cold Mulgurn
Cone of Banksia Mungit meetch
Country (burnt) Narrungar
Country (hilly) Kaat goombar
Country (swampy) Benjer
Creek Ngwun
Dark Kutteeuk
Darkness Kutteeuk
Dew Dwel
Dusk Kutteeuk
Earth, the Boojur
Echo Mai wak
Evening Nguljeruk
Feather Jeerduk
Fire Karl
Fog Dwel
Frost Menung
Grass Woytch
Grass tree Baaluk
Ground (surface of) Boojur
Gum Mēn, tanjern
Gum treeMarree, kordern, warnt
Heat Moornok
Hill Kaat
Hole Domburn
Jarrah tree Jerril
Lightning Eed'
Moon Meeuk
Moonlight Meeukong
Moon, waning Meeuk kwejjat wen
Moon, waxing Meeuk beer
Mud Joort
Muddy Joort
Paper-bark tree Yorl
Pleiades Koolaarup
Pool in River Gaab (Pool in which there is a magic snake = gaab winnejung)
Rain Kap gaab
Rain (heavy) Kap goombar
Rainbow Noordong
Resin (blackboy) Beeuk
River Beel
Road Maat
Rock Boy'
Sand Yaail
Sandalwood tree Wang
Sandplain Kwongan
Sea Mammungurt
Shade Nol
Star Jindee
Stone boy
Stream Beel
Sun Ngank
Sunrise Ngank nyin doning
Sunset Ngank gwerdin
Thunder Konder ?
Ti-tree Yorl
To-morrow Woolan
Track Maat
Tree Boorn
Vegetable food Marring
Water Gaab
Water (deep) Gaap moordak
Water (fresh) Gaap gwap
Water (salt) Gaap werra
Wattle tree Kolyung
Yam Kwarding
Yesterday Eenya, manyin
Zamia, fruit of Kwirning, boy
General Vocabulary
Abduct, to Datburrong, koolat yee-wee
Abscond, to Wat gooling
Abundance Bulla, boola
Adultery Mootch
Afraid Burdong gooling
Alive Dordok
Amuse, toKowin
Anger, to be angryKaarung guttuk, ngoogur guttijee
Approach, toYooal gool
Arise, toYeera gool
Ashes Yooert
Ask, to Wangin
Assault, toWerdamin
Go astray, to Baar gooling
At onceGert
Avoid, toWinneejung
Back, to go Boogal goolung
BadWerra, werra-werra
Bag Koot, goot
Bald Kaata burnutch (used also as a swear word)
Bandy legged Maata ngerlin
Barb of a spearTar
Bare Bwogga burt
Battle Baakajin
Beat, to Boma
Belt Noolburn
Between Kardee eerin
Big Goombar
Bite, to Bakkan
Black Mowern
Blind Meeal burt
Blow with the mouth, to Bo wunner
Board, for throwing spear Meer, wommera
Bony Kwej
Boomerang Kail, kerl
Both of us Ngurnaitchung
Break, to Dakkurning
Bring me Burrong goolat
Bruised Moorn nobbitch
Bundle Boonarruk
Burn Kaaluk doogurneej
Bury, to Boojural ngabbung
By and byBoort
Camp, native Mai
Camp, white man's Ngowert
Cannibalism Noongaree ngaaner
Carry, to, on the shoulders Warndong gading
Charcoal Kop
Charm, to (by a spell) Mulgar doogurning
Cheat, to Kaarungullong wangain
Choke, to Daaj wardong nyinning
Cinder Kop
Circle Dalgoo
Clay, white lime Dardarr
Climb, to Dandongin
Close (near) Bordok
Club Dowuk
Come in, to Yooal gool
Conceal, concealedDer neeja werr
Cook, to Daaj dookurn
Cooked meat Kwejjung dookurnan eej
Corroboree Kaaning
Couple Koojar
Covered upNgabbung eej
Coward Burdong gooling
Creep (to creep on game) Daaj gool boming boornanung
Crooked Ngeelin
Dance Kaaning
Dead Werneej
Deaf Dwonga burt
Decay, to Daaj werra
Deceit Bardupin
Deceive Bardupin
Deep Moordak
Depart, to Wat-o-gool
Devil Jaanuk, noytch
Different Waam
Dig, to Bening
Divided, divideBornot nyungin
Dog's tail head-dress Dwert yaggain daier
Down (short hair) Jow
Dream Ngoont jinnongur
Drink Gaap ngarnin
Drown, to Gaab-al-nyinning warr
Drunk Warr binning
Dumb Maia burt
Earache Dwong minditch
East Koggar
Echo Maia wangin
Effects Boonarruk
Enough Moorurda, bulla
Erect Yeera gool
Evil spirit Zaanuk
Exchange Manj
Fall, to Koolung ngoondeetch
Family or tribe Moorurt
Far away Bwai yella
Fear Burdong gooling
Fillet for the head Woogarree
Fire-stick Karl boorn
Flame Karl daaling
Flat Ngardea ngoont
Flat, to lie Ngardea ngoont
Flesh (of animals) Taaj
Food (forbidden) Ngooluk
Fresh (lately made) Eelyar
Friend Koobung
Friendly Koobung guttuk
Frightened Burdong gooling
Fur Jeow
Game, aWaabin
Game (animals) Taaj
Get up, to Yeera gool
Ghost Jaeanuk, noytch
Girdle of opossum hair Noolburn
Give, to Yungin
Grave Mot
Graze, to Balun baaming, wo_itch
Grease, to Jeerungal naabin
Greyheaded Jerdaluk
Grief Goort werra
Half caste Ngillard
Hair stick Yerrarung, nyinjirn
Hair stringWoogarree
Half Kart
Handle Koj maat handle of Koj (flint-hammer)
Handsome Gwabbalitch
Hard Moordeetch
Head-cover Kaal bwog
Heap, a Boonarruk
Hear, to Dwonga
Heaven Nyeerrganup
Heavy Moordeetch
Her Bal
Here Neeja
High Yeera
Humpbacked Bookal ngurdee-ngurdee
Hungry Bordinyuk
I Ngain, ngai
Improper Mootch
Jeer Nurraning
Marriage in the right line Koordar
Marry, to Koordar
Mock, to Nurraning
North Weeloo, N.E. = yabbaroo
Nose-piercing Moolyert
One Ken
Scar Ngomburn
Song Maia wangin, dardar
Sorcery Bul, mulgur doogurning
South Meernung
Spear (generic term) Geej
Spear (hunting) Mongurn
Spear (war) Boordon, bworril
Spring (season of) Jilba, jilb
Stick (woman's)Wan
Summer Beeruk
There Bookitch, bokoja
Three Murdin
Two Koojal
West Kunneeung
Wood Boorn
You Nyinna, nyinda, nyinnok
Your Nyinnuk, nyinnung
Short Sentences
Afraid, I am not, of you Ngain yat burdong gooling
Afraid, What are you, of? Nyinna naaja burdong gooling
Asleep, He is Bal beejara ngoondeen
Bad, That is very Alle werra
Bad, You are Nyinna werra
Brother, He is my Bal nganna ngoondurn
Brother, That is my Alle nganna ngoondurn
Bury him Bindern eejin
Cattle, Bring in the Yooal gadding "cattle"
Cattle, Did you see the? Nyinduk "cattle" ngab jinnungin
Children, Where are your? Koolongur wa
Come from, Where do you? Nyinnok winjal koolaneej
Come here Yooal gool
Country, What is the name of your? Nyinnong boojur winjee
Country, Where is your? Nyinnong boojur winjee
Coward, You are a Nyinnok burdong gooling
Daughter, Is that your? Nyinnong bolungur
Dead, he is Bal wern, bal wen
Deceiving me, You are Nyinna bardip
Dingoes, Are there many? Dwert bulla
Doing, What are you? Nyinna yarding
Father, he is my Bal ngannung maam
Find, Where did you, them? Winjal wagat burrong eej
Finish this Woon
Fire, Make a Kaal doogurn
Fire, Make by friction Kaal doogurn
Fish, Cook that Taaj dookurn
Flour, I want some Ngan yooert yong
Food, Give me Yooert burt
Food, I have noMarrin burt
Food, Where shall I find Marrin, daaj, wa
Friend, I am your Ngaan nyinnong koobung
Get along Wat-o-gool
Get up Yeera gool
Give me Ngaan yung
Go away Wat-o-gool
Go before me Kwejjungat gool
Go behind me Kor'bȩla gool
Going away, I am Ngain wat gooling kwaij
Gone, He has just Kwejjung gooling boogara
Gone, he has, to Bal gooling
Gone, Where has he? Bal winjal gooling
Good, That is no Alle werra
Good, That is very Alle gwab
Go quickly Gert gert gool
Go quietly Dabbugan gool
Go there Bokoja gool
Go you Nyinna gool
Here it is Neeja ngoondeen
Hill, What is the name of that? Ngeen kwel kaat
Horses, Bring in the? "Horses" yooal goolat
Horses, Did you see the? "Horses" jinnungin
House, Am I near a? Maia borduk
Husband, Is that your? Alle nyinnuk kord
Husband, Where is your? Winjal nyinna kord
Ill, I am Ngain beruk
Ill, You are Nyinna beruk
Is that your ---- Alle nyinna -
Kangaroo, Are you hunting? Nyinna daaja gooling
Kangaroo, Where shall I find? Winjal gool jinnungain daaj
Killed, He has been Kwejja ngulla boma noytch
Killed, Who has, him? Ngeen boming
Killed, You have, him Nyinduk boming
Know, I Ngain dwonga
Know, I do not Ngain dwonga burt
Lake, What is the name of that? Gaab bokaj ngeen
Lake, Where is the? Winjee gaab
Lazy, You are Nyinduk denneeburt
Leave me Wat-o-gool
Lie down Beejar ngoont
Listen to me Nyinda ngain kuttitch
Long time ago, That was aKoorraa
Lying, He is, down Bal beejara ngoondeen
Mother, She is my Bal ngannung kan
Mother-in-law, She is my Bal ngannung maam yog
Name, What is your? Nyinnok kwel ngeen
Natives, How many, are there? Noongar narlee
Natives, Where are the? Winjal nyinna longin
Native, Who is this? Noongar ngeen
Noise, What is that? Marn bokkan ngeen
Relation, What are you to? Naaj moorurt nyinna
Rising, The river is Kowerin yeera erdin beel
River, What is the name of that? Beel bokoj winjee
River, Where is the? Winjal beel
Roots (edible), Find some Marrinya winjal gooling
Roots (edible), where shall I find? Marrin winjal gooling
Run away Wat-o-gool
Sea, Am I near the? Mammungurt borduk
Sleep, I shall now Ngainya kewjjat beejar
Slow, You are very Nyinna woorlee beert
Speak, Do not Wanga burt
Spear, Where is your? Winjal nyinnong geej
Springs, Are there any here?Ngoorra winjal
Station, Are we getting near the? "station" borduk
Stay with me Nyinnong nganna nyin
Steal, From whom did you? Nyinduk burrongit winjal
Stolen, You have, that Nyinduk burrong unnee
Stop here Nyinna nyin
Tired, I am Ngain ya denitch burt
Track, Where is the? Maat winjal
Tree, what is the name of that? Boorn bokoj winjee
Tribe, To what, do you belong? Nyinnok winjee yaabooroo - ka weel
True, That is not Alle bardipen
Understand, Do you? Nyinna dwonga
Understand, I do not Ngain dwonga burt
Want, What do you? Nyitta naij burrongur
Water, Am I near? Gaap borduk
Water, Give me Gaap yung
What is it? Naitch
Where are you going? Nyinna winja kooling
Where do you come from? Boong marruk koolanitch
White man's house, Where?Ngooyoowur maia winjee
Who is that? Bokaia ngeen
Wife, Is that your? Alle nyinnak kord
Wood, Find some Kal burrong
You and I Ngurnaitch (husband and wife, we two)
5. Native modes of burial in district? Head to the south and feet towards the north, legs are sometimes bent inward.
2. Weapons, implements and domestic utensils in district?Geej, meer, kerl, koj, taap, dowuk, wan, boordan (stoneheaded spear), mongurn (spear), bworril (stone), woonda (not used).
4. Native remedies for wounds, sickness, etc.?Magic
5. Corroborees, amusements, games?Meerdar, nyeerimba, yardee, doordaaroo, jalgoo.
12. Diseases peculiar to natives of district? Colds, boils from over feeding.
17. Native names of tribes in district? Meenung
20. Do the tribes meet at any distant places for exchange or barter? Manj = exchange

Yes, when wannawa & other 'dancer' take place for which many groups assemble

8. Native foods in district? Kwarding, meen (red root), kwerning (zamia nut), jokkut, yook, joobuk kwonnert.
9. Is cannibalism known to exist in district? No.
10. What woods are used in making fire by friction? Baaluk (blackboy etc.)
25. Method of obtaining water from trees, roots, etc.? Warnt, maaree.

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