Document details

Title: Jakbum (f.) and Wabbinyet (m.) Of Beekbeejup or Beetch beejup (Denmark) Albany Magisterial District

Language: Noongar

Jakbum and Wabbinyet of Albany

Man, his relationships, etc.
Aunt Maanyog, maan yog
Baby Kooloong, naagul
Blackfellow Nyoongar
Blackwoman Yog
Boy Koolong
Brother Ngoont, ngammuk; 2nd brother = kool-yinung, oldest brother = yirar, next brother = mardit; last brother = kuling.
Brother-in-law Ngoolyar
Child Koolong, naagul
Daughter Koolong, naagul
Daughter-in-law Kumburt
Father Maan
Father-in-law Konga, konk
Girl Māndee
Granddaughter Murran
Grandfather Murran, mooran, moorr, murr
Grandmother Demman, dem
Grandson Murran
Husband Kord, meeruk
Man Nyungar, weeabindee = young man
Mother Ngank, kan, ngaiung, gaiung
Mother-in-law Maam, maam, maan yog.
Nephew Moyer
Niece Moyer, kumburt
Orphan Burnap
Sister Ngai-uk, jook
oldest sister kwerert yog
middle sister mardit, kardiet
youngest sister manat
last one kulingurt
Sister-in-law Ngoolyar yok
Son Koolong
Son-in-law Moyer
Uncle Kongan, konk
White Man Doolgaitch, nyidi-ung, doolgutch
Widow Yeenung
Widower Yeenung
Wife Kord
Woman Yog
Parts and Functions of the Body
Ankle Pelok, belok, darnt
Arm (lower) Maruk
Arm (upper) Warnok
Back Koong, koordik
Beard Ngarnok
Blood Ngoop
Bone Kwetch
Bowels Gobul, baruk
Breath Ngaan (panting ?)
Breathe, to Ngaan (panting ?)
Calf of Leg Woolitch
Cheek Ngailuk, nguluk, yet
Chest Ngoont
Chin Ngarnuk
Cry, to Weluka, weling
Drink, to Gab ngaaning
Ear Dwonga, dwonk
Eat, to Ngaaning
Elbow Ngoy, ngoyyung
Eyelash Maanburt, mining
Eye Meeal
Face Minnitch
Fat Jeerung
Finger Mar
Finger nail Beer, mara beer
Forehead Yammung
Hair Kaat-jow; hair under armpits = ngail
Hand Mar
Hand (left) Mara
Hand (right) Mara
Head Kaat
Heart Koord
Heel Mon, balgurt
Hip bone Gweluk
Instep Jen kwej
Kidney Joop
Knee Bwoneetch, bwonnik
Liver Maier
Lung Walyel
Mouth Taa
Muscle Beerat, kwurak, beet
Nape of the neck Nanuk
Navel Bil
Neck Nanuk
Nipple of breast Beeb mulya
Nose Mulya, mu'il
Palm of the hand Mar
Perspiration Koongar, baan, ba-in
Perspire Koongar, baan, ba-in
Pregnant Gobbulguttuk
Rib Ngarril
Rump Deeneetch
Seeing Jinnung, jinnungeer
Shin Kwej
Shoulder Moong, munk
Sinew Beerat, bit
Skeleton Kwej
Skin Mop, bwoggurt
Skull Kaat, kwej
Sleep Ngoondeen, ngoontgur
Smell, to Bajjok, noort, bamangain
Sneeze, to Mulya kaan
Sole of the foot Jen nar
Speak, to Wonkur, wongain
Spit, to Del, del werding
Stink, to Bajjok
Stomach Gobbul
Tears Melyin, menyuker
Teeth Ngorlok
Temple Kaapup
Thigh Dowel, ya-itch
Throat Ward
Thumb Mar kaiang
Toe Jen burrong
Toenail Jen beer
Tongue Taaling
Vein Beed, beet
Walk, to Wat kooling
Windpipe Dalgurt
Wink, to Beenja ngeelee, beenjurgur, mial birabirn
Wrist Maruk
Yawn, to Ngaan
Animal (generic) Daaj
Bandicoot Kwend, kwent
Cat, native Dalgait
Dingo, female Dwert ngank, mokkin
Dingo, male Dwert
Dingo, puppy Dootin
Kangaroo, generic Yongar (female = warr)
Kangaroo, brush Kwarl, kwar
Kangaroo Rat, Brush-tailed Kwarl, kwarr
Kangaroo, young, in pouch Yojjedung, yojjeduk, juting
Opossum, Black Ngwarr
Opossum, large Grey Goomal
Opossum, Ring-tailed Ngwarr
Porpoise Dwerda boongurn, dwerdangul
Wallaby, Banded Gwoggur, gwogur
Wallaby, Rock Tammar
Bell-bird Jerd, jert, gwerdilyang
Bird (generic) Jerd, jert, gwerdilyang
Bird's egg Boy, nooruk
Birds' Nest Jerd mai
Bustard, Wild Turkey Bibbilyeruk, wapungur, wabbungur, bibilyang
Cockatoo (generic) Mannitch
Cockatoo, Black, red tail Karrak
Cockatoo, Black, white tail Ngoolyak, ngoolak
Cockatoo, white, Southern variety Mannitch
Crow Wordong, wardong, ngoota
Crow, Shrike (Squeaker) Jabburn, jerlok, jebarn
CurlewJepping, wilu
Duck (generic) Ngwennin, ngwanarn, ngwenin
Duck, Grey or black Yet
Duck, Mountain Waia kurring, we kutting, nyamarak
Duck, White Wing (diver)Gujak
Eagle Wallitch
Eagle Hawk Wallitch
Emu Wej
Flycatcher Minnijet, minniyet, jiti jiti
Harrier, Swamp Hawk Beepomit
Hawk, FishJornde
Hawk, Sparrow Gil gil
King-fisher Birungu, green bird, nests in ground. Jiuk, white kingfisher, nests in trees
Magpie Koorrbardee, kootungurn
Owl (like mopoke)marlagur
Parrot Dedang, bannungurra
Parrot, Blue-bellied, Red-capBummengur
Parrot, Yellow-cheeked, KingDowerin
Parrot, Twenty-eight Jalyep, donyart
Pelican Beelerbung
Pheasant (Gnou) Ngow'wa
PigeonNgembeen, mwurreeg. muritch
Robin Ngarnda, ngobilyang
Silver Eye Bin-bin
Swamp-hen, Coot Ngalyin
Swan Marle, wilar
Wattle Bird Donguruk
Cobbler Joong
Crayfish Jalgai
Fish (generic) Daaj, yongerburt
Flatfish Kumbil, birdail
Flounder Joondoolur
Mullet Merderung
Salmon Ngarree
Schnapper Kojja duk
Shark Maajet
Frog, edible Yaggalong, gooya, keyungan
Frog (generic) Tambail, doonjar
Frog, large green Wart woolgail, yam= big frog
Iguana (generic) Karder
Iguana, long-tailed Mannur
Iguana, stump-tailed Yooern, yondang (live in logs)
Iguana, blackWundee
Lizard (generic) Kobbung, katting, jorrung
Lizard, Horned (York Devil) Muluwar
Scorpion Kwarlok
Sea-snake Mungun
Snake (generic) Doogoytch, woggul, kwont, murli (whip)
Turtle, fresh waterYakkan, yakkain
Turtle, sea Killung
Ant (common small) Tootoolur
Ant (generic) Kwallok
Ant (sergeant) Kirderra, keerdal
Bardie grubBaaluk, maamgurt
Blowfly Be-berr
Butterfly Kwarreebuk
Flea Kool
Fly (generic) Noord
Leech Nenim
Louse Kool
Mosquito Doordaij
SpiderYoogura karr
The Elements, etc.
Afternoon Katta kuttuk, kutta kuttuk
Atmosphere Marr
Banksia Mungit
Blackboy (tree)Baaluk, woojup
Breeze (land) Mar
Cabbage tree Moojar
Cave Bwai
Christmas tree Moojar
Clay Yaal
Clay, red Murdar, weeluk, kaanjin
Clay, white Beelyuk, dardar
Cloud Mar, warl
Cold Melgun
Cone of Banksia Kal mitch, maitchung
Country (hilly) Kaat
Country (open) Yaal
Country (swampy) Yaalyuk
Dark Kaateyuk
Dew Baalyup, baajup
Earth, the Yaajee
Evening Korramuk, ngaank ngurdee
Feather Kaanup, wombooloo, mowerda
Fire Kaal
Fog Dwail
Grass Baat
Gum Gooreek, kwonnert, men
Gum tree(white gum) want, yent, karree, bwungur, marree, jerril
Heat Ngaaruk
Hill Kaat
Hole Ngoora, domburn
Honeysuckle tree Bunger, bwongur
Jarrah tree Jerril
Leaf (shrub or tree) Tooj'ber
Lightning Yeeda bungur
Mist Dwail
Moon Meeuk, yaawin
Moonlight Miukong
Moon, waning Meeuk wengur
Moon, waxing Mara beer, koree warrgur
Morning Benung
Mountain Kaat
Mud Baabil, baapee, wooja
Muddy Baabil, baapee, wooja
Night Kaateyuk
Noon Malyaruk
Paper-bark tree Yorl
Pleiades Dandagut, koolarrup
Pool in River Beel
Rain Gab
Rainbow Woolganung, nyoordung
ResinKojup, beeuk
River Beel
Road Maat
Rock Bwai
Root, of tree Bwurr
Sand Yaal
Scrub, the Monduk
Sea Mammurt, waddarn
Shade Mod, woordak
SheoakKwel, kweel
Shrub (red flowering)Korran
Star Jendee, derdip, malyin, jindung
Stone Bwai
Stream Beel
Sun Ngank, jaatch, ngaanga yoggurt, jindoo, tchindee
Sunlight Ngank bardinyen
Sunrise Nyindan koolgur
Sunset Ngai'deea kwait gur
Swamp country Binjer
Thunder Binnaree
Ti-tree Yorl, karrburt
To-day Eebal, yeebal
To-morrow Maanya
Track Maat
Tree Boorn
Tree, Bark of Beetitch, yoorbarl, yorl
Tree, Gum of Beeuk
Vegetable food Marrin, kabbai
Water Gab
Water (deep) Gab moordok
Water (fresh) Gab gwal
Water (salt) Gab wakkin
Willy willy Dwerduk
Xanthorrhoea Baaluk
Yesterday Kutta gain, kuttagain
General Vocabulary
Abduct, to Baandeegur kor kooleegur
Abscond, to Wat kooleegur
Abundance Bool, boola daaj
Afraid Bardunguree, bardungur
Aged Maanjung
Alarm Bardunguree
Amuse, toKowgur
Anger, to be angryKarrung guttuk, bookur
Arise, toYerragool
Ashes Yaal
Assault, toBamgur, bomgur
Go astray, to Kaanepur
At onceMoordee
Bag Goot
Bald Kāta burnitch
Bandy legged Mata ngēlin
Barb of a spearTaar
Bark (used for food vessels) Yoorbarl
Bark (used for making huts) Yoorbarl
Beat, to Bomgur
Before Kwajjungat
Behind, to goKorbilya koolgur
Belt Noolburn
Big Waindung, goombar
Bite, to Bakkungur
Black Kop
Blind Meeal burt
Blow with the mouth, to Kaal bobbungur - fire blow
Board, for throwing spear Meer
Bony Kwej
Boomerang Kaila, kail
Break, to Dakkaingur
Bruised Kirrakirr
Bundle Waindung, jangut
Burn Doolber, dookurngur
Bury, to Beendiner
By and byBoordul
Call him back Kor gool gool
Call, to Korgool ?
Camp, native Mai, kala mai
Cauterize, to (a wound) Kaal dookurngur
Certainly Kaia, ko
Change, to Nyeeungur
Charcoal Kop
Charm, to (by a spell) Mulgar, mabbarning
Chew, to Ngaangur
Choke, to Wartongagur
Circle Yaaj beengur
Circular Yaaj beengur
Clay Yaal
Clay, white lime Dardarr
Climb, to Dandungur
Close (near) Bordok
Cold, a Melgurn
Cold, to be Melgurn
Come in, to Yooal gool
Conceal, to Dēnigur
Construct, to Dookurngur
Contest, a Baakajur
Cooked Daaj mēree
Cooked meat Daaj mēree
Corroboree Kaangur
Couple Koojel
Covered upBalarrgur, deneegoolur
Coward Burdok-burdok, moy-yung
Creep (to creep on game) Daaj ngurdongur, wanningur
Crippled Ngēlin
Crooked Ngēlin
Cry, to Wēluka
Cut, to, with a knife Borngur
Dance Kaangur
Dead Wēngur
Deaf Dwongaburt, kuttitch burt
Death Wengur
Decay, to Bajjok, noort
Decayed Bajjok, noort
Deceit Bardeeboor
Deceive Bardeeboor
Deep Moordak
Depart, to Wat gool gur
Devil Jaanuk
Die, to Wēngur
Different Wam
Dig, to Bee'engur
Divided Nyungur
Divide, to, amongst several persons Ngan born yung
Dog's tail head-dress Neent, dwert neent
Down (below) Moordok
Down (short hair) Jow
Dream Kweenyuk jaanuk ngoondagur
Drink Ngaangur
Drown, to Wengur
Drunk Yowa gur
Dumb Daaling yooat, daaburt
Earache Dwonk minditch, dwonk beruk
East Kaialee
Enemy Ngardungur, Kārungul
Enough Koytch, kwoytch
Erect Yerra yuk kool
Evil spirit Jaanuk
Exchange Nyeeungur ("you change and I change" - yooal man yungut gur.)
Fall, to Goola ngoont gur
Family or tribe Weela man, bibbulmun
Far away Watgool gur, booyung
Fast Gert gool
Fear Bardunguree
Fillet for the head Woogarree
Fire-stick Kala boorn, woojup burrar
Flame Daaling kala
Flat, to lie Bellara ngoont gur
Flesh (of animals) Daaj
Food Marrin, merrin
Food (forbidden) Ngorla burt
Four Yooal goojal moon goojal
Fresh (lately made) Yeenyung
Friend Karleep, koobung guttuk, baabin guttuk
Friendly Karleep, koobung guttuk, baabin guttuk
Frightened Bardunguree, waiengur
Game, aWappa, wapwur
Game (animals) Daaj
Get up, to Yerra gool
Ghost Wēn gor gool, jaanuk, wee'en
Giddy Yoweragur, yowagur
Girdle of opossum hair Noolbun
Give, to Yonga
Glutton Bulla ngaangur
Go away, to Wat gool, boola gool, kail gool
Go back, to Wat gool
Good Gwap
Good, no Werra, wakkain
Grave Koorditch, kurditch
Grease, to Jeerungul nabbin
Greyheaded Jelladuk, manjung
Hair stick Noolyeenuk, beejuk
Hair stringWoogarree
Half Nēpan
Handle Maat
Handsome Kwapmitch, kwap yok
Hard Boor, moordoytch
Hatchet Koj
HeBal, bol
Head-cover Kaat booka
Heap, a Waindung
Hear, to Kuttikur
Heaven Woorramup
Heavy Konda bwomup
Her Bal, bol
Here Nee
High Yerra yool
Him Bal
His Balung
Honey Ngok, jeent
Hungry Yoolup, bordinyuk
Hurt Bomgur
Husband Kord
I Ngaan, ngaitch, ngainya
Ill (sick) Minditch, beruk
Immediately Gert gool
Incest Moojoo, wakkain
Initiate, toBeerdawa
Itch Jip
Jealous Yeereepur, meenap, yeereebillee
Jealousy Yeereepur, meenap, yeereebillee
Jump, to Barbungur, burdungur
Kill, to Kaara guttuk; killed = werdamwur
Knife Daap
Know, to Kuttik, ngaija kuttikur
Languid Beed, bab, yooij
Large Goomber
Laugh Kowwin, kowagur
Laughter Kowwin, kowagur
Lean (thin) Kwējee
Leap, to Bardungur
Leave (to go away) Wat gool; let (him) go = bal gool
Lie (to lie down) Ngoont, ngoornt
Lie (to tell a lie) Bardipur
Light, fire Kala
Light a fire, to Kala doojurngur
Listen, to Kuttik
Little Naagul, dootin, nep (a little bit)
Living, alive Dwordak
Long Wirree mirt, wurree
Long ago Koorraa
Long hair Kaata wooree
Long time Koorraa
Look out, to Koola gura, wer' jee', kait-jennung
Lose, to Yurrup ngoon door
Love, to Koorderuk
Lying (down) Ngoont
Mad Dwonga burt
Madness Dwonga burt
Make, to Dookurngur
Many Bullaa, goombar
Marriage in the right line Gwap
Master, a Beerdam
Me Ngaan, ngainya
Meat Daaj
MedicineMulgar, bulya, boyl
Mend, to Daangur, taangur
Message sticks Walga, mambooroo, walga burdee, boorn
Mia (native hut) Mai
Milk Beeb
Mine (my own) Ngannung, ngain
Motherless Burnap
Name Kwel
Near Bordok
Never Yooat
Nice Gwap
No Yooat, geen
Nobody Yooat
North Yabbaroo, weel - N.W.
Nose-piercing Moolyert
Nose stick Boorn
Not Yooat
Nothing Yooat
Now (at once) Gert gert, kaiat-gool
Old Jelladuk, manjung
Once Kain
One Kain
Only Kain
Open Berum, kwarrik
Opening Berum, kwarrik
Other Wam
Our Ngullong gain
Pain Mindit, bērak
Paint, to [mistyped as 'point, to'] Murdar
Pair Koojal
Pant, to Ngaan, ngaain
Panting Ngaan, ngaain
Passion Garrung
Path (track) Maat
Paw Jen
Pebbles Bwai
Peeled Stick (used for hair ornament) Nginjin, ngundin
Perhaps Doonook, dunnook
Pick up, and take awayBurrung gooladur, burrung goolaading
Pinch, to Binjung
Play, to Wappa, wabba
Plenty Bullaa
Plume, a Mannit kaanuk; (of emu feathers = wej jenjee of emu tail feathers = wej ngornt)
Pole (rod or stick) Boorn
Pound, toBomain
Pull, to Burrong
Putrid Bajjok
Quick Gert gert, moordik goolgoor, kwej, moorditch gooling
Quickly Gert gert, moordik goolgoor, kwej, moorditch gooling
Quit, toWat gool
Raise, to Yerra gool
Rapid Gert gert
Red Bwē-el, weelip, murdar, weeluk
Refuse, to Yooat
Rejoice, to Goort gwap
Relate, to Wongain
Relation, a Moorurt
relations-in-law ngoy-yung
blood relations ngunnung
Return, to Kor goolung, kor gool
Rob, to Ngow goo burronga
Rope Maajee
Rot, to Bajjok
Rubbing Mara jeerungul nabbin
Rug Booka
Run away, to Moordeetch gooling
Run, to Yarra kooling
Sad Goort werra
Scab Beruk
Scar Ngamburn
Scrape, to Wunderuk, wonderok
Scratch, to Nyeerung
Secrete, to Dē-nigur
Secretly Dē-nigur
See, to Jinnung
Shadow Woordok
Shake, to Yoorongin, koojin ngangur
Shaking (quivering) Meerdar, woondee yaggain = quivering dance
She Bal
Shield Woornda
Short Koorert
Sick (ill) Mindik, mindit
Side, the Ngarril
Silent, to be Wonga burt, taa burt
Sinews of kangaroo's tailKwerrak
Sing, to Meedar wan-kur
Single Gain
Sit down, to

Ngan nyenning, nyen'gur

I sit down = ngan nyingur

Skewer Boorn
Small Nēpin
Smear, to Ngabbin, nabbin
Smile, to Kowain, kowwain
Smoke, of fires Booyee, booee; kala ngeenung = whose smoke?
Soft Goonok, goonyok
Song Wangain
Sorcery Boolija, boyl'
Sore (or boil) Beruk
South Ngurdee
Spear (generic term) Geej
Spear (hunting) Geej maangur, gwerdigur
Spear, to Geej donungur meeran gwerdigur
Spear (war) Boordun
speedily Moorditch gooling
Spider's web Karr mai
Spring (season of) Menungul, jeerindum (just before beeruk)
Stamping Meerdar kaaning
Stand, to Yerra gool
Stick Boorn (hair stick)= yerreroo
Straight Yerrap
Stranger Wam woondul
Strangle, to Wort
Strength Moordeetch
Strike, to Bom gur
String, of a bag Maaje
Strong Moordeetch
Sufficient Koytch
Sulky (cross) Gaarung, bookur
Summer Beeruk
Sweat, toKoongar, baan
Swell, to Gobbul goomba
Swoon, to Kaipul wabbee
Tall Wirree mirt, wurree
Tattoo, to Ngomburn
Teach, to Jerran wurda gan
Tell me Wangee; I want to tell you = ngaija noonik yeejarrunga
That Alluk, alle
Their Bolong
Them Bolong
There Bookoyj, bookee
They Balung
This Nye-gup
Thrash, to Bomgur
Three Murtin, murdin, daan
Throw, to Kwerditch-eet-gur
Throwing board Meer
Tickle, to Borongin joop, daaneelee joop
Tired Beed bab, naan yooil nyinning
Tomahawk Koj
Track (footprint) Maat
Track, to Maat
Trackless Maat burt, maat yooat
True Mooruk
Tuft (ornamental) Mannit kaanuk (white cockatoo plume)
Two Koojal
Ugly Kwēja wej, yoolyar
Under Monduk, bordader neelee
Understand, to Kuttik
Us Ngullak
Vain (proud) Wabbin-wabbin, mernung-mernung
Very bad Werra, wakkain
Very good Gwap mitch
Wander, to (off the right track) Nyaala boogul gool mondok
Weighty (heavy) Beedur-beedur
West Weenuk, weenung
What Yarn, yaan jee, winjee wa
Which Jee
Who Ngeen
Why Yarn
Wicked Moojung, boyer
Wild native Booyung
Winter Mokur
Witchcraft Bulya
Wood Boorn
Yellow Dornt, kaanjin ?
Yes Ko, kaia
You Yinnok, nyinduk, nootuk
Your Nyinnung
Yours Nyinnung
Short Sentences
Asleep, He is Bal ngoont, ngookut ngoont gur
Bad, That is very Alle wakkin
Bad, You are Yinnok wakkin
Brother, He is my Bal nganung ngoont
Brother, That is my Alle nganung ngoont
Bury him Beendingur
Cattle, Bring in the "cattle" yooal keding, yooal koolat
Cattle, Did you see the? Yinnok "cattle" jinnung
Children, Where are your? Winjal yinnok koolong
Come from, Where do you? Winjal yinnok kal (or) yinnok kal wa
Come here Yooal gool
Come in Yooal gool
Come, I will Kala maanya yooal gool
Coming, They are Balung yooal goolgur
Coming with you, I am Ngai noonong kooling
Cook that --- Kaaluk dookurn
Country, What is the name of your? Ngeen yinnok boojoor
Country, Where is your? Winjal yinnok kal
Country, My, is over there Nganung kal bo-kee
Coward, You are a Yinnok moy-yung
Daughter, Is that your? Alle noonong nop
Dead, he is Bal wen-gur
Deceiving me, You are Noona bardee biddee nakkul
Dingoes, Are there many? Dwert bulla
Dog howling and chasing kangaroo Dwert yoorun yoorungur
Do you hear me? Ngootuk ngain kuttik
Doing, What are you? Nootuk yardelee
Father, he is my Bal nganung mān
Find, Where did you, them? Jel jinnungur
Fire, Make a Kal goo kalong
Fire, Make by friction Burrik kowung-gur
Fish, Catch some Geej el wondongur
Fish, Cook that Dookurn gur daaj
Flour, I want some Ngaitch ngangara yooert
Food, Give me Ngan marrin yungan
Food, I cannot get Yooat
Food, I have no Nganna ngoonda burt
Food, I will give you Ngan yung marrin
Food, Where shall I find Marrin wa
Friend, I am your Ngainya kobung-guttuk
Get along Wat goolagoor
Get up Yera mungur
Give me Ngan yung
Give it to me Ngan yunga, yooal nyung
Go away Wat goolagoor
Go before me Gwajjungat gool
Go behind me Boogalung gool
Go, I will, now Ngainja wat gooling
Going to-, I am Ngain goolee -
Gone, He has just Bol goolee
Gone, he has, to Bol goolee
Gone, Where has he? Yaan goolee
Good, That is no Alle wakkin, wakkin
Good, That is very Alle gwap, gwap
Good, You are no Wakkin yinnuk
Good, You are very Gwabbaduk yinnok
Go quickly Moorditch gool
Go quietly Dabbukan gool
Go there Bookun gool
Go you Yinnok gool
Here it is Ngeea ( neetch) ngoondeen, neea ngoondeen
Hill, What is the name of that? Ngeen kwel kaat
Horses, Bring in the? Ngort yooal koolatt
Horses, Did you see the? Ngort noon jinnung
House, Am I near a? Borduk mai
Husband, Is that your? Noonong kord
Husband, Where is your? Yeenyuk noonong wa
Ill, I am Ngain bēruk
Ill, You are Nyinnuk beruk
Is that your ---- Noonong ?
Kangaroo, Are you hunting? Ngurdongur yongar
Kangaroo, Where shall I find? Jel jinnungurra yongar, yongar wa
Killed, He has been Wert am gur
Killed, Who has, him? Ngeet werda ma
Killed, You have, him Ngootuk unaa werda mee
Know, I Ngain dwonga
Know, I do not Ngain dwonga burt
Know the lake, I Ngain dwonga duk benjer
Lake, What is the name of that? Ngeen kwel benjer
Lake, Where is the? Benjer wa, winjal benjur
Lazy, You are Yooil billee
Leave me Wat goolagoor
Let it alone Baalip
Lie down Ngoont goor
Listen to me Ngain kuttik
Long time ago, That was a Koorraa
Look out Jinnung jinnung
Lying, He is, down Bol ngoont gur, marda jal ngoondin
Mother, She is my Nganung kan
Mother-in-law, She is my Maam yog, maan yog
Name, What is your? Yinnok ngeen
Natives, How many, are there? Yoongar naalup
Natives, Where are the? Yoongar wa
Native, Who is this? Yoongar ngeen
Noise, What is that? Wankaree jaar
Relation, What are you to? Ngeen moorurt
Rising, The river is Beela moordok
River, What is the name of that? Ngeen kwel beel
River, Where is the? Beel wa
Roots (edible), Find some Daaja min wakut burrong
Roots (edible), where shall I find? Marrin wa
Run away Wat gool
Sea, Am I near the? Waddarn borduk
Sleep, I shall now Ngaija ngoornt
Slow, You are very Yoolyoolup bardee, yooij
Speak, Do not Wonga burt
Spear, Where is your? Geej wa
Springs, Are there any here? Ngoora wa, domburn wa
Station, Are we getting near the? "Station" borduk
Stay with me

Yin nganung ngurdee

Yin ngurdee nganung

Steal, From whom did you? Ngeen ang burrunga, nootuk ngeen an koolata
Stop here Ngin ngurdee
Tell .... to come to me Wongee yooal gool
Tired, I am Ngain yooil
Track, Where is the? Winjee maat
Tree, what is the name of that? Ngeen boorn kwel
Tribe, To what, do you belong? Ngeen moorurt yihnok
True, That is not Nootuk bardee bur
Turkey, Where shall I find a? Wa pungur winjee, wa pungur wa
Understand, Do you? Ngootuk ngun kuttikur
Understand, I do not Ngaij kuttikur
Want, What do you?

Nootuk naa kuttikee

Nootuk naa wan

Water, Am I near? Gab borduk
Water, Bind Gab gool burn
Water, Have you found? Gap min wakut burrong
Water, I cannot find Gap yung, kaiap nyung an yooal
Water, Where shall I find? Gab nooruk jin jinnungur
Waterhole, Where is the? Ngoorra winjee
Way, Come this Yooal gool
Way, Go that Booluk gool
Well, where is the? Ngoorra winjee
What is it? Naa
Where are you going? Yinna yaan goolee
Where do you come from? Yinnok jen goola goolee
White man's house, Where is the? Doolgoytch maia winjee
Who is that? Yinnok ngeen
Wife, Is that your? Alluk noonong yog
Wife, She is my Bal nganna yeenuk
Wife, Where is your? Noonong kord wa
Wood, Find some Kal burrong
Wounded, I am Bomgur geej mooree
You and I

Ngulluk (uncle and niece)

Ngunnitch (man and wife)

You two Nooeruk; two brothers = bwol (ngank gen = one mother)
1. System of consanguity among natives. How regulated in district?

Wordungmat man marries Manitchmat woman.

Children Wordungmat.

Paternal descent Denmark, Albany etc

2. Various rites, ceremonies, circumcision, etc. practised in district?

Yardee, name of dance. Women dance at this, called yogga yardee, with jaalyee (horns).

Wanna wa came from waddanda and Bibbulmun.

Three others - nyeerimba, yakkuroo, mordawa

Ngoolyinuk - head ornaments at wanna wa.

Burial after wanna same as Vasse, jaalye also put round grave.

3. Is it true that native women, after bearing half caste children, are not able afterwards to bear pure blooded children? Not true.

Last instance. Ooldea Nyurdigulus gave birth to a half caste which her little girl tramped to death. Nyurdigulus' next baby was fullblood. She & her man had learned that the white man gives them half caste babies

5. Native modes of burial in district? Head towards South (ngurdee), Meenung it is called. Meenung - south
7. Names of weapons, implements, and domestic utensils in district?

Geej, geej boordun (stone headed spear), maangur (barbed spear), left hand kail comes back, right hand also. They are thrown in curved fashion.

To hit a yungar they are thrown straight.

Koj, daap, dowuk, meer.

Flint 'tomahawk', Knife, club, Speed throwers

6. Methods of capture of kangaroo, etc.? Speared.
7. Carvings and paintings on rocks or in caves in district? None apparently.
8. Native names of trees, shrubs, plants, etc. in district? Marree, kweela, jerrail.
9. Diseases peculiar to natives of district? Chest complaints, sores.
10. Native remedies for wounds, sickness, fever, etc?

Bulya (magic)

Topical bleeding

11. Corroborees, amusements, games - are these symbolical?

Booloolul wabbin - hockey or "hurley"

Kal boming - boomerang throwing in play

12. Extent of tribal country, and approximate number of natives in district? Unknown, Natives two few & too old to answer questions
13. Native names of tribes in district?

Beebulmun, Wattandee.

Bibbul go to Phillip River, Murdawa go behind Bibbul.

14. Do the tribes meet at any distant places for exchange or barter?

Yooal wat yonginee

Yooal wat yonginee.

Barter is always associated with big ceremonies (beedawa) & dances "wanna wa" etc.

15. Native foods in district? Ben, meen, joobuk, koolbar, jakkut, kwarding.
16. Are any instances known of the natives boiling their food? No.
17. Is cannibalism known to exist in district? No.
18. What methods are used in making fire by friction?


Baluk, blackboy tree.

19. Method of obtaining water from trees, roots, etc.? Marree, a bole cut out with koj, Warnt, white gum.
20. Any idea of a deity? No.
21. Native belief in ghosts, or a future state?? Yes.
22. Belief in witchcraft, sorcery, etc.? Bulya, mulgar.
23. Is there a gesture language amongst the natives in district? A little apparently.
24. Smoke signalling? Simple signals.
25. Days / Months / Years - How calculated by natives? Sleeps, moons, seasons.

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