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Title: XII 2A, 5 Yalguru, m., Injiri, m., Kamardura, m., and Gubin, Mogo-it (Freddie) Of Jinyila (Eucla - Yirgilia - the last Eucla mining (man) died at albany S. W. Australia about 1918- Eucla Magisterial District

Language: Mirning

Folio 39/78-121

Yalguru, m., Injiri, m., Kamardura, m., and Gubin, Mogo-it (Freddie) Of Jinyila (Eucla - Yirgilia - the last Eucla mining (man) died at albany S. W. Australia about 1918- Eucla Magisterial District
Man, his relationships, etc.
Aunt Madarn (father's sister)
Baby Wandi, yā-inyu
Blackfellow Mining
single man Kaianu, marana
Blackwoman Mining yoga
Boy Wandi
Brother Jajalu, ♂ sp. bai-i-gu ♀ sp.
Brother-in-law D'anirba, majilba
Daughter Wanya
Daughter-in-law Wanya
Father Mamalu, m'malu
Father-in-law Būbalu, yumeri
Granddaughter Wanya
Grandfather T'amo, bogali
Grandmother Kabarli, waldulu
Husband Majelba, maji
Mother Yagulu, wia
Mother-in-law Madarn, yumeri
Niece Wandila, bald'arba
Orphan Miāra, wanya miara, boogala, younger sister - d'ugarni
Sister Wald'ulu, kabali, oldest sister, not own, - narrumba
Sister-in-law T'amilba
Son Wandi
Son-in-law Mumalu, m'malu
Uncle Būbalu
Virgin Bala nyinarn
White Man Yalguring
White Woman Walura
Widow Walgajen
Wife Yalbalba, jugu bardi, majilba
My woman nganau yaga
Single women may beyalballu, but when married to a brother they are wald'ulu
Girl sit down by herself. M'ma mārong bala nyinarn
>betrothed. Future husband would call his betrothedburdu. Yūngūn
Parts and Functions of the Body
Ankle Walbubara, walerbira
Arm (lower) Mūguil, kari
Arm (upper) Mandu
Back Kambu, kula
Back-bone Kambu, kula
Beard Ngarngur, ngalarna
Blood Yalgu
Bone Kambu
dead man's bone ngalba kambu
Breast, breasts Kundu
Calf of Leg Ngūlu, ngurlu
Cheek Ngailgu
Chest Mundu
Chin Kandarn
Cry, to Ulan
Drink, to Ngalung, warlbi, kabingaling
Ear Kulia, kulea
Eat, to Ngalung
Elbow Kurgung, kugaia, kulgu
Eyebrow Nyinbin, ngambin
Eyelash Nyinja, wardu ngumurl
Eye Wardu
Fat Widija
Finger Mara. Koorarda, 1st finger, wirding, 2nd, warn-ngu, 3rd, ngalyi, little finger
Finger nail Bindi
Foot Jina
Forehead Nurgu
Generative Organ (female) Bimbu

Ngumul balga

Hair under armpits = waguin

Jand Mara
Head Balga kambu; headband for headache = wariga
Heart Jungu
Heel Jina mūgu
Hip bone Kalea
Instep Jinagula
Kidney Kobering
Knee Dada, d'arda bira
Legs Jira kambu
stiff leg bida malguman
Lip Muni
Liver Ngaldi
Lung Yaruil
Moustache Ngalanu, jilbur, mumul
Mouth T'aminjina, muni
Navel Bulu
Neck Nanga
Nose Mulu
Palm of the hand Mara ngaldi
Penis Banda
Perspiration Ngalu
Perspire Ngalu
Rib Banji
Rump T'unda
Shoulder Marndu, murndu
Sinew Bidi
Skin Gulu
Sleep Gubala
Smell, to Bandinu, mina bandin
Sneeze, to Mula bungu
Sole of the foot Moondoo
Speak, to Maiaman, maia = speech
Spit, to Dalyi
Stomach Wila, nganding
Tears Ulan
Teeth Kadidi
Temple Bira
Thigh Thunda, mala, kanda
Throat Kugul, wiu
Thumb Yalba

Jina yalba. Burdu, 1st toe, burdingara, 2nd and 3rd, ngali, little toe

Under knee = bidi

Tongue Thalain
Walk, to Nganong yaral, dhardungari, dardu ngunari
Windpipe Kugul, wiu
Wink, to Wardu jiring bungu, wardu jiring ma
Whiskers (of dead man) Ngalurna
Yawn, to Dhangan ngamarngu
Bandicoot Kurgula, biruin, bilgun
Bat D'ārdi
Cat, native Jiniga, giniga
Dingo Juju, yiganu, d'udu
Kangaroo, generic Mad'uru
Kangaroo, brush Kulbir
Kangaroo Rat Wilba, wulbir
Kangaroo, young, in pouch Wandi maduru, wargubija, ngabun maduru
Mouse Jingaji
Opossum Bilda (none at Eucla)
Porcupine Wonguru
Porpoise Wandild'a
Rabbit Wilba, walyu
Rat Wirarding
Seal Bal'garda
Shark Kailga-kailga
Wallaby (generic) Mandaik
Wallaby, Rock Mandain, burdia
Wallaby, Speckled-hair Gilin
Wombat Wogēa
Animal like a ferret Maruya
Bird (generic) Jida, wibin (little bird)
Bird's egg Jida ngau Birds' down = Gund'ur
Birds' Nest Widi ngarin (Reuben's word)
Bustard, Wild Turkey Idilija
Cockatoo, Black, white tail (None at Eucla) Nguljidung
Cockatoo, white, Southern variety Thanabi, dhanabi
Coot Birbirun
Crow Wongala
Crow, Shrike (Squeaker) Jilong, bīlal
Duck Nyibirdi, ngalguin, yibirdalguin
Eaglehawk Yarda T'aluru = eaglehawk feathers
Emu Kalea
Flycatcher (Fantail)(Shepherd's Companion) (Wagtail) Jinindira, jindi-jindira
Gull Dayerong
Harrier, Swamp Hawk Kargain
Hawk Wilyabulia, kalauerinja
Hawk, Sea Yau-u
King-fisher Birun-birun
Lark Wara jida, burining
Magpie Kurbaru, gūra
Mopoke Kurgu
Owl Barguru, wiranyu
Parrot Bilbail, bilbanal, bilbailaing
Parrot, King Dhūran
Parrot, Rosella Gubarning
Parrot, Small Ground Mabelongu
Pelican Wanu, yauerdu
Pigeon Muria, manarn
Robin Kurduda
Snipe Julyong
Seahawk Yau-u
Swallow Wiriling, wilyiling, wirmiling
Wattle Bird Dongal
Fish (generic) Mudi
Flatfish Baramaia
Flounder Kalba
Herring Waga
Mullet D'ardunga
Salmon Wardunda
Schnapper Mardumining
Shark Kaialya, kaldagalda
Stingray Kanbail
Whale Muburn kailgaburdi
Whiting Yalduru
Frog Gara, kara
Iguana (generic) Kailyu
Iguana, green Warding galda (like a half caste)
Iguana, stump-tailed Kālda (?)
Lizard (generic) Kundar
Lizard, Horned Bajina, irilya
Lizard, large black Kalda
Snake Bad'ing (black), buldh'a (carpet), jidura (the wollonqua of Spencer), yalurn (big white head), Nganeri (Sea snake), warana (wombat snake), nula (adder), buling (small yellow), karajila (white snake)
Turtle (fresh water) Kundara (None at Eucla)
Ant (common small) Wiba
Ant (generic) Wiba
Ant's nest Minda, baldan
Ant (sergeant) Kadher, kaldu
Ant (black) Nungamu
Ant (white) Ngabia
Bardie (a grub) Dhugula, bilerdi = mallee bardie, nyirgardi, root bardie, banu bardi, sandalwood bardie, bijili, bardie in jindu
Beetle Bilyu bilyu, yirbil
Blowfly Kunda, jarnda
Butterfly Gunji
Caterpillar Yanya
Cricket D'undal
Flea Jidu
Fly Nguramara, mura mura
Mosquito Ngura ngura, mura mura
Spider Kara (black with red tail)
Insect Gingi
The Elements, etc.
Banksia None
Blackboy tree None
Breeze (land) Winaga
Breeze (sea) Winaga kurīla
Bush (the wild country) Prickly bush = yuaji
Cabbage Leaf Nalbi-nabli
Cave Kāru
Clay T'aka, yula t'aka
Clay, red Murdarba
Clay, white Bilarn
Cloud Wira, idia
Cloudy Wira, idia
Cold Minyaran, yaneri winara, minyaru
Country (burnt) Kalawanda
One country kaiunu yula
Different country kaianiā yula
Creek Baji
Dark Kangea
Darkness Kangea
Day Minyoara
Daylight Minyoara
Dust Yula, yald'ulbi
Duststorm Yula, yald'ulbi
Earth Yula, milya milya (soft ground)
Evening Ngalurn
Feather Yadu ngumurl, ngumurl = emu's and hawk's feather. Ngumeru = down
Fire Kala, kalula
Fog Kauan, kauarn
Frost Yiria
Fruit Malela
Flint and club Karda and karongu
Granite, stone Bundong flint = karongu
Grass Yulga
Gum Minu ngamu (wattle gum)
Gum tree none
Heat Kalad'ara, kalurung, wilu kambarnu
Hill Wanda
Hillock Wanda
Hole D'unga, mirajin, kāru, d'ungu
Hole bardia
Hill (white sandhill) Jiring
Leaf of a tree Jilyaga, binbi
Lightning Buld'a bindarn
Mallee Wira
Moon Yagin
Moonlight Yagin wini wini, yagin wini janu
Moon, waning Ngalburungu
Moon, waxing Yagin burdu, yagin wian
Morning Minyaga, minyoara
Mountain Warnda, wanda
Mud Wan, wōnuil
Muddy Wan, wōnuil
Mushroom Gūa
Night Ngalarn, ngalangalan
Noon Birburdu

M'maingura wea, wē-en, M'mingara (Lucy calls this minda bulda)

Orion's sword = kargain

Paper-bark tree Yarlu
Peach, native Gurdi, gudi
Pleiades Yagaingara
Pointers Bulbaradu
One of the Pointers Waljabura
One of the Pointers Angabila, Gubarning
Pool Bundau, walbundaungu
"Pig Face" Kunjeri
Rain Wanin, walbu wanin
Rainbow T'andūaring, tanduaraing
Road Wari
Rock Bundong
Rockhole Kabundongu, kabi bundonga
Root Jilgal, bili (mallee root), kalgula
Saltbush (big) Wagi gadamal
Sand Yula
Sandalwood tree Baru, sandalwood "tar" = karda
Sea Bilia
Sea-shell Yag yagin, kuldur
Sea-shore Bilia ngaru (sea surf)
Sea-weed Bīnyidi
Seeds, of plants Kalgula, inyira, nyiro
Shade Wilya, malu
Sky Yiduga
Southern cross Yauara
Spinifex Nuni
Spinifex gum Nuni
Star (evening) Bilyal
Star (morning) Angabila
Stars (little) Mala mining
Stars (big) Mindila, walji maru
Stone Bundong
black mobburn stone Kūndail
black meteoric stone, magic Kundain, mulu mulu

Jindu (also sp. of wattle)

Jindu kalalong - sun burn up

Jindu kambarn - sun burn up

Sunrise Jindu bilgarn, jindu baran
Sunset Jindu t'arbarn, jindu ngularn
Stinkwood or bush Walurn
Thunder Būla, bula, buld'a, bula miran
Ti-tree Bugain
To-day Yayi
To-morrow Minyaga
Track Jina
Trees (big) Kaliulul
General Vocabulary
Abduct, to Yai-i marad'onū
Abscond, to Yaral nganongu
Abundance Bard'ud'era
Adultery Walyi
Afraid Biu
Aged Bulga
Alive Kauerdu
Amuse, to Kudi man
Anger, angry, to be Bad'a
Ashes Muba
Ask, to D'ura
Astray, to go Walya walya burding
Autumn Kalaru
Apron (woman's) T'alyuru
Avenging party Jina garbula; buganungu
Back, to go Kardu nari
Bad Walyi
Bag Ngumul
Bag, to carry in a Manduguija (put it on shoulders)
Bald Balga bundarl
Bandy legged Jirangulgi
Barb (of a spear) Ngald'ara gaji
Bare Guluguma, gulu-uma
Battle Bad'abardud'era
Beat, to Marabungu, gundigu bungu
Beautiful D'ardu ngari
Behind Bud'u nganu ngarin
Belt Ngumul warja
Big Magul
Bite, to Bajan, kardi bajan, bad'an
Black Kardea
Blind Wardu marongu
Blow with the mouth, to Bumbāburn
Board, for throwing spear Dhardil (hook of mila), mila
Bony Kambu ngaian
Boomerang Karli
Break, to Kadarn
Bring Yulu maro nari
Bundle give Ngurduing ngurjanu
Burn, burnt Kala ngalong
Bury, to D'amba ijan
Bye-and-bye Budhajiu
Bruised all over Buld'a bigal bigal bungu
Camp Wamu
Cannibal Mining ngalgūn
Cannibalism Mining ngalgūn
Cataract (flim over eye) Wardu ngandain
Change, to Yungun
Charcoal Kardīa
Cheat, to Burdiyungu
Choke, to Wia marnina nanangu
Clasp, to Kangganu
Clay, white lime Bilarn
Climb, to Wandi burdan
Close (near) Yad'i nyina
Club Kundi
Come in, to Yulu nari
Conceal, concealed Bura nyina
Construct, to Waman minda ija
Cook, to, cooked D'urabaru, dhuru baurin, meat cook; burna baurin, in ashes cook
Cooked meat Mūrla
Corroboree Wajurda
Couple Kujal
Covered Ngabulunu
Covered up, to leave Dambaja
Coward Walyi biu
Creep (to creep on game) Wandam būdan
Cut, to (with knife or native hammer) Kardiana
Childbirth, dying in Ngalba runu, banyina wandi; ngalbarunu
Crippled Nandurn
Crooked Nandurn
Dance Yargame
Dance, to Yargame
Dead Ngalba

Kule yuber bungu (noise makes me deaf)

kulia marong

Decay, decayed Buga
Deceit Karili
Deceive Karili
Dense, stupid Kule marung
Devil Moburn
Different Yai-i nganyin (fresh one coming)
Dig, to Yulabaiangari
Digging ground wandi baian yula baian
Divide, to Yua nan
Dog's tail head-dress Nundi ngumurl
Dog's tail mania
Down (short hair) Kari ngumurl
Dream T'angur
Drown, to Bilala garin
Drunk Balga ngana nganer
Dumb Wia marong
Earache Kulia marong
East Kogara
Enough Wund'a burding
Evil spirit Burrga
Exchange Ngagurl, ngagurlda, yungurlja
Fall, to Karina burding
Family or tribe Gunminyera
Far away Ngalguin
Fast Yulu d'ari, dalga ngari, d'alga gurdiama
Fetch, to Yulu mara ngari
Fillet, for the head Ilyiya (of fibre or shaving), ngurgugaija
Finish, to Wand'u barding
Firestick Kanmara
Fish bait or trap Fish are speared only
Flame Yaru
Flat, to lie D'ulburu ngundan
Flesh (of animals) T'uru
Food (forbidden) Wandarami (Don't touch it)
Friend Gunminyera
Friendly Gunminyera
Frightened Wila gumbilman (belly shaking). Frightened
Full (satisfied) Wilad'albun = belly full in one's liver = Kula namianu
Fur Waja (fur string)
Fire, cold Kala bīl
Game, a Yurinmi
Get up, to Bilga
Ghost Jinga
Give, to Ngulyua
Glutton Balaiad'ulu ngalgurn; nubili ngalgurn = you two eat all the time.
Go away, to T'ardunari
Go back, to T'ardubuda
Good Yadu
Good, no Walyi
Grave Yuladambajin
Grease, to Wirdija kargarn, wirdija ngaian
Greyheaded Yulga-yulga, jiera
Grow Mana manarin, budu munarin
Gum, edible Mīnu
Government Mulaiji
Grapes (wild) Ngura
Half-caste Yildura, yīlduru
Hair stick Ilyi
Hammer (native) Ngalalga t'abyuarin, karongu
He Banardu
Heap, a Ngurdu
Here Nagardu, nogordu
Him Ngagurdu, banardu
Hold, to Wai mara
Honey Ngald'a, birgala (mallee honey)
Hop, to Dunda marong
Humpbacked Burlda
Hungry Bubal, ngamu bubal
Hunt to, Waji waji burdun
Husband Majelba
Headband Wīlgaru
I Ngad'a
Idle Ngunda na burding, ngand'arda
Ill (sick) Ngandain
Improper Walyindal
Incest Walyindal
Itch Miji miji baian
Jealous Bad'a warning
Jealousy Bad'a warning
Joy Yuri yurin (glad, pleased)
Kill, to D'uru bungu
Kneel T'ardu bira
Knife Karongu, mulu, kandi
Know, to Kania
Laugh Guri man
Laughter Guri man
Lean (thin) Kambu marong
Lie (to tell a) Karali
Lie (to lie down) Ngundurn
Lift up, to Irala binda
Listen, to Gooarnami, waldu nyina (sit quiet)
Long Wida wirding
Long (tall) Wida wirding
Long ago Karajia
Look out, to Nuami
Look, to (to see) Nāgun
Leave him Balaja
Lose, to Kule bundian
Lost Kule bundian
Love, to Yalbulba
Lover Yalbulba
Lot (big lot) Mabulu (but you gave little one)
Long way away Ngalguing
Mad Balgu marong
Madness Balgu marong
Many Bardud'era
Marry, to Buneri, mulyaji
Master, a Naralbi, marnawarin
Matches Kānmara
Me Nganau, ngadha
Meat Dhuru, t'uru
Medicine Mobarn
Melt, to Karda yūlbergong
Mend, to Guna d'abu
Mia (native hut) Wam, minda
Milk Kundu
Mimic, to Yaninggiri burdan
Mine (my own) Nganau, nganea
Mix, to Kura
Monster (fabulous) Mobarn mogulu (magic wind)
Magic Bunu = putting magic
Mob (big) Mining bardud'era
bigger mob yāi burdū'dinya, yai mungur, yara mungur
Mourning Kardīa, kala kardīa
Music Yirgilman
My Nganau, nganea
Name Yini
Native well Walbi baian
Never Moga
No Maka, maga
Noise Kule bardi bardinu
North Kaiali
Nose-piercing Warda mula buldanu
Nose-stick Idilyila kambu
Necklace, scorpion-tailed Wanajin
Old Manī'aga
One Kaiunu
Open Mirdanaija
Opening Mirdanaija
Paint, to Wina wina, gunarn, murdarba gulbin, to paint with red, gunarn (with white)
Pair Kujal
Pant, to Wī'uran
Panting Wī'uran
Pearlshell Karar, bidili
Perhaps Buda nganarin
Pick up, to Maruda nganari
Pierce, to Yarnu, kaji mira ijanu
Pinch, to Nyirida
pinching bundulu baldunu
Play, to, playing Yuryurin, bali yurin
playing ngardinjinu
just playing yuraburdian
Pleased, to be Yadu ngadu gumbu, yiri yurin
Pluck out feathers Ngumurl bundan
Plume, a Muru, kalia nganba muru
Policeman Ngalara
Policeman ngulingbirdi
Policeman (S.A. walja, Munderbila, yarda)
Pound, to Yulburda
Pull, to Dūgurda
Potato, wild Gurdalu
Pole, long Jaluru; wina, painted white
Push, to Dūrdanu
Quick Dalga nganar
Quickly Dalga nganar
Quiet Wī-ida, Wīda
Quivering Kanji-ijana, leg quivering; nganju bindarn, body quivering
Raw Wonga
Red Murdarba
Refuse, to Maga
Rejoice, to Yadu
Relate, to Maiaman
Related, to be Gunminyera
Relation, a Gunminyera
Relationship Gunminyera
Rob, to Ngandu marnun d'ananang, nganan d'uranu
Robber Ngandu marnun d'ananang, nganan d'uranu
Roundabout Nguri-in (round and round)
Rubbing Kargami
Rub, to Kargami
Run away, to Bīunu
Salt Biliadalyi
Scar Kaldiri, warda bamburu, ngargaldya, wigadarn
Scrape, to Yūala
Scratch, to Ininirin
Secrete, to Buranyina
Secretly Buranyina
See, to Nagurda, ngalgu nyangu
Shadow Wīlya, malu
Shame Kūliagin
Sharp (edge) a Burdu, minya
Shield Ngurnda, wardu ngunda (not made at Eucla)
Shiver, to Minyarun
Short Kūrardu
Sick (ill) Ngandain
Side, the Panji (ribs)
Shirt Balda
Shoulder band Nurdirga
Sinew (of kangaroo's tail) Bidi, nundi bidi
Sing, to Kanjila
Sit down, to Nyinarn, nyinaburden
Slippery Karilgangu
Slow Wida
Slowly Wida
Sly Gunbin-gunbin
Smoke, to (tobacco) Buyu
Smoke (of fires) Buyu
Soft Milya milya
Sorcery Mobarn
Sore (or boil) Kondur, kandur
Sorrow Gunbu
Sorry Burda larabungu
South Kurīla
Spear (generic) Kaji, made from jindu only
Spear, to throw a Maraugu uangurn
bought spear, many barbed Ngaldara
Spear (war) Kaji
Spill, to Ilia
Spin, to (weave) Warja kūrnau
Split, to T'aldaraman
Spring (native well) Biring
Squeeze, to Būrūn, būrun
Stamping Baldan
Stand, to Yugarn
Steep (high) Yiraguji
Stick (woman's) Wana
My stick jilba
Markings on my stick warbi
Stir, to Guran, uran
Stop Yugara
Story Karali
Straight Gumbarda
Stranger Ngaguling, ngad'ari
Strangle, to Wiu nguminu
half strangling bailgu kardanu
Strength Mogulu
Strong Mogulu
Sufficient Bana mading
Sugar Nalda (from ground), birgila (from mallee leaf)
Sulky (cross) Bad'a
Summer Bardingara, kaladara
Sweat Ngalu
Swell, to Wilalbin
Swim, to Kargarn
Swoon, to Kulea gardongu
Take in the hand, to Marau
Tattoo Mundu (on chest)
Tear, to Daldaraman
Tell me Nyundu nganand'ura
Tell, to Nyundu nganand'ura
Ten D'ulji = 2 hands (ten)
That very thing Baru
Their Nubilimi
Them Nubilimi
There Nand'ardu, t'adula
This Ngagardu
This one Ngagardu
Thrash, to Bungu
Three Yalgarda
Throw, to (away) Wanijungo
Throwing board Mila
Tickle, ticklish Jida gajin
Tie, to tie up Ngumin
Tired Gunul
Tomahawk None at Eucla
Trackless Jina guya, bogu barbar dongu, nothing see
Tobacco (native) Nyalbi-nyalbi
Vegetable food Ngamu
Venus Mindela, bilyal
Water Kabi
Water (salt) Waldu
Wattle tree Mīnu (sp.), grows at jiring, ngamardi (sp.)
Whirlwind Yauila
Willy willy Moguru yauila
Wind (East) Kogarinu
Wind (North) Winaga, kaiala winaga
Wind (South) Kurila magulu (strong)
Wind (West) Kalda magulu (strong)
Wind (cold)

Yarneri = cold wind or sea breeze

Wanbardi = cold wind (S.W. wind)

hot N. wind Kaiala nungu galad'ura
Yam Kalgulu
Yesterday Bugulu
Truth, tell the Yarad'alda jura
Twirl round Gurarn
Two Kudal
Ugly Walyi
Uncooked meat Wanga
Under Yabārura
Underneath Yabārura


I don't understand = ngana ngaguling

Upside down Inderjin
Vain (proud) Gunbu
Very bad Walyi
Very good Gunbu, yadu
Vessels, bark, etc. Yarlu, muya manu, karrguin (wooden)
Wander, to, off the right track Walya walyi nganung
Warm Kambarn
Wash, to Wirdi kargarn; ngurgu/kargarn, wash with grease ; milgali = to wash with blood
Weapons Ngurdu nyinarn, mad'a
Weighty (heavy) Magulu
West Kalda
What Ngandu
Where Baru wogurdu
Whistle Gurin man
White Bilarn
Who is that? Bana ngandulu
Wicked Walyi
Wild native Kaiala mining buganungu - from back country
Winter Kalaru
Witchcraft Mobern
Wither, to Bila (dried, withered)
Wood Kanmara
Yamstick Wana kandula
Yes Ngaia

Nyunda, nundu

You and me = ngundu ngad'a

Younger Gurdulba
Your Nundēa
Yours Nundēa
Short Sentences
Afraid, I am not, of you Ngana maga bīu
Afraid, What are you, of? Budu ngandu bīu.
Afraid, You are Barundu biu ngung
Asleep, He is Bana gubila
Ask, you Ngundu d'ura
Bad, That is very Walyi
Bad, You are Nyundu walyi
Brother, He is my Bana bai-igu
Brother, That is my Bana bai-igu
Bury him T'amba ija
Betrothed in infancy Budu yungun yallia
Given betrothed Burdu yungu
Tomorrow better Minyaga yadu
Better by and by, You will be Bud'a kauerdua
Carry this Maronari
Cattle, Bring in the Yuli maronari "bullock"
Cattle, Did you see the? Nyundu mala nangu
Children, Where are your? Bāgud'da wandi
Come from, Where do you? Nundu bagu nganyin
Come here Yulu nari
Come in Yulu nari
Coming, They are Bud'a nganyin
Coming with you, I am Ngad'a ngundula nganongu
Come back tomorrow, I Minyaga yulu
Coming, We are Yulu nganyida
Coming back Yulu wanarin
Tomorrow coming back by long road Minyaga yulu unngarin warigul
Cook that Dura bauarin
Quick cook, I'm hungry Bili bilinya baru
Cold, Boy is Wandi minyar
Country, What is the name of your? Nundu wagudala
Country, Where is your? Nundu wagudala
Coward, You are a Nundu biu
Chest shaking Barbabarbagin
Cold place sit down Wilyaga nyinarn
Cool place go to Wilya nari
Camp go Wamu naru
Coming up, They are, by and by Kumba bururdan
Camp door open, inside open Woma dua mira, durba mira
Doing nothing, I am Ngaia bugana
Daughter, Is that your? Nundu wanya
Dead, He is Baru ngalbarunu. Ought to be alive - kauarda nyinagu
Deceiving me, You are Nundu karali
Dingoes, Are there many? Dudu bardudera
Doing, What are you? Nunda bud'u ngandu warania
Daughter ill Wanya walyi
Fetch here to me Maro nare nganau
Eye is covered up Balwaran ngabalunu
Feet cover up Jina ngabula
Father, He is my M'malu nganēa
Find, Where did you, them? Bagudala manu
Finish this D'arda barding, wanda barding
Fire, Make a Kala ma.
You make a fire nundu kala bau na.
Fire, Make by friction Kala yurgir guna; narumba minya
Fire hot Kala kombarn
Fish catch some Duru mūrdi nuami
Flour, I want some Ngamu yua
Food, Give me Ngamu yua
Food, I cannot get Ngamu guya, baru guya
Food, I want Bubar
Food, I will give you Ngamu ngana yua
Fire, sister make Narumba minya
Food, Where shall I find? Baru wagurda
Friend, I am your Ngana nundu gunnyinyari, nundu ngarija.
Glad to have killed and left Mana bargunbu
Get along Dhardu naru
Get up Bilgad'a nari
Give it to me Yulu yua
Go away D'ardunari
Go before me Munagana nari
Going away, I am Baru ngūnung
Gone, He has just Baru ngūnung
Gone, Where has he? Wagurdi ngunung
Go away bye and bye Buda unduwunar
By and by you go away Budai ngundu unari
Go away to sleep Gubulana naru
We three will go Ngana nari
Going away, We are Yaralnganang
By and by go back again Budhu balong dhardunaru
You where going? Ngundu bagu un naring
Go and get the cow Kundu jimba bilyi marad'anan
Good, That is no Bala walyi
Good, That is very Bala yadu
Good, You are no Nundu walyi
Good, You are very Nundu yadu
Go quickly Baru waia nari
Go quietly Wida burda bidu burdan, biduma
Go there Barudardunari
Going round Nguri-in
Go, you Nundu ngundu nari, ngada nyinarn, I stay here
Give me that Nganau mara yungun
Give it, (to me) Yulu yua
Give me another one Ngana kaiania
Good, I'm no Wila ngandhurda
Go, We will all Bardudhura nananari
Going to sit in the shade Wilaga nyina bardau
Get off Bilga dhanari
Woman get up Yaga bilga
Going, we are; have a look at the sea Ngagul ngananari; biban bilia nuanu
Here it is Bara nagurdu
Hill, What is the name of that? Wanda ngandini yini
Horses, Bring in the Buni yulu maronari
Horses, Did you see the? Nundu "buni" nangu d'onungu
House, Am I near a? Bari anda
Husband, Is that your? Nunda majelba
My husband north game hunting Majelba nganang kaiala duyi
Husband, Where is your? Majelba warabarding nundu yagu mulba wogwela. (Ngagalba ngagardu )
Head ache with cold Balga ngandin, bugagu
Hut make Mindabulda
Ill, I am Ngadu nganda nyira bangu
Ill, You are Nundu nganda nyira bungu
Kangaroo, Where shall I find? Maduru duyi bogudhela
Killed, He has been Banyini ngalba ranu
Killed, Who has, him? Ngandulu mining yanu
Killed, You have, him Ngundugu yanu
Know, I Ngad'a kanir
Know, I do not Ngana ngāguling
Killed, I, him Ngad'ugu yanu
Lake, What is the name of that? Walbi baji, ngandini yini
Lake, Where is the? Walbi baji wagu wela
Lazy, You are Nundu gunyul
Leave me Wanda bardami
Let it alone Wanda bardami
Lie down Yaria gubalaman
Listen to me Guliagu wanami
Lying down Yandur duman
Leave it there Imaja
Leave it (or them) Wand'ardi
Let me (will) give Gun-minyel ngad'ayua
Long time ago, That was a Karajia
Look out Nuami, kaji mīanami - somebody going to spear
Lying, He is, down Baragubala nabūrding
Laughing at him Kuriman
Mother, She is my Ngana yagulu
Mother-in-law, She is my Ngana jigulba
Milk have, or die Kunda marong ngalbarugu
Make maia Wamu minda
Name, What is your? Ngandu yini, ngundu ngandini yini, ngundu ngandini yini
Natives, How many, are there? Mining ngandu ngari
Natives, Where are the? Baru wogurdu (mining)
Native, Who is this? Ngandulu anyin
Noise, What is that? Magulu anulu ngandining
Your boy, What name? Wandi ngandini yini
Put it close to my foot Balda ya jina
Parrot is singing Bilbilyal ngagin guriman
Swim in water, I Ngadu bilianung
Put it on now Baru nundu ija
River, What is the name of that? Wailba ngandini yini
River, Where is the? Wailba wogurdu
Roots (edible), Find some Ngamu waij waijin
Roots (edible), where shall I find? Ngamu waj-waju burdian
Run away frightened Bingur dema
Sea, Am I near the? Bilia ngana yada
Sleep, I shall now Ngad'a gubalaman
Slow, You are very Nundu wuda, wida burdan, Buda ngandu wida burdan
Speak, Do not Maia wanjaringu
Spear, Where is your? Kaji nundu bogurdu
Springs, Are there any native, here? Walbi biring jiring
Station, Are we getting near the? Yalguring nunda barianda
Stay with me Nundu nandu nyinarn
Steal. From whom did you? Banyini nandulu manud'ongu gumgu ngad'unu manuda nganongu
Sit close up Yad'angina
See or saw, I Ngadu nangu
Saw him, I Nganuija thonangu, nganu yan,
Sit down Nyinarn t'anga nongu.
You see me here tomorrow Nunda minyagu yulu nuarna nari
Yes, yes, by and by I'll see you Ngaia buda nuarna angin
Sit down by myself, I
Bunga nyinarn muji I am sitting down = ngad'u nyinaling
Sit down, Today I Yayi ngad'a nyinarn
Sick, Today I'm sick Yayi ngod'a ngandain
Don't say it to me, say it to the other fellow Nubila kardijela t'urimi
Stranger, He would kill us Naguluna
Spear! look out Kaji nuami
Turn it round and mend it somewhere else D'alyerba
Sulky, They are, now Bad'a ngaian burda burdang
That's what I said Balad'ungun
Give me scar Munduyua mi
Sister coming next Wald'uru gud'arami
Sorry for him (I) Bana yagan
They are all over the place Warala burda burdan
Tell ... to come to me T'uraiga, yulat'uraiga
That, I want Ngada d'urau
Tired, I am Ngadu bidu malga
Track, Where is the? Wari wagu ela
Tree, what is the name of that? Warda ngandunu gardu
Tribe, To what, do you belong? Mining bogunga nanaring
True, That is not Karali, Idilija
Turkey, Where shall I find a? Wogu ela marad'onari
Throat bad Wiu ngandain
Daughter's throat is bad Wanya kogul ngandin yara bungu
Throwing the boy up in the air Wandi ijiribu waninu
Understand, Do you? Nundu kanea banardu
Understand, I do not Ngana kulia guya
Tying up arm after subincision Kari karbinu
Want, What do you? Nundu ngandu, bud'a ngundu
Water, am I near? Wailbi ada
Water, Give me some Wailba mera, wailba mari yua
Water, I cannot find Wailba guya
Way, Come this Yulu nari
Way, Go that Karda d'ilanari, t'ardu nari
Water, No water soon Wailbi guya ngaian
Warm, I am very Nganana wand'alung
What is it? Ngandu, ngandu ning
Where are you going? Bogurdi būrdun, nundu bogurdu nganang
Where do you come from? Nundu bogu inyin
White man's house, Where? Yalguring minda wogu ēla
Who is that? Who is there? Banu ngandulu
Wife, Is that your? Banu nundu yagalba
Wife, She is my Nganau yaga
Wife, Where is your? Yaga nania boguri burdan
Wood, Find some Kala bua (cut some wood)
Work, Go to Marad'onari, waij waij imi
Wounded, I am Baldunami, kaji baldunami
You and I Ngarija nganyida
You two


Three cousins = būlami

Bulada, two cousins or uncle

10. Native names of trees, shrubs, plants, etc., in district?
wattle Mīnu
titree Būgain
sandalwood tree Baru
paperbark Yarlu
mallee Wira, jindu, sp.
mallee root Nala
myall Kardia
saltbush Yilyi
yellow saltbush Yalyia
bluebush Kulbin
big salt bush Wagi gadamal
11. Native justice, system of (if any)? An eye for an eye.
12. Diseases peculiar to natives of district? Colds, sore eyes, stomach ache, sort of scurvy
13. Native remedies for wounds, sickness, fever, etc.? Ashes, headrings of women's hair
15. Corroborees, amusements, games - are these symbolical? and if so, of what? Attendant ceremonies at initiation, some for amusement, etc.
19. Any noticeable grammatical construction in the language of the tribes in district? Yes.
20. Do the tribes meet at any distant places for exchange or barter? Yes
21. Native foods in district? How obtained, prepared, and named? Ngura, gurdi, kalgala, etc.
9. Are any instances known of the natives boiling their food? No
10 Is cannibalism known to exist in district? Yes, at one time, not now. (Owing & Civilization & White mans food,)
25. Method of obtaining water from trees, roots, etc.? Mallee roots, kurrajong tree, heavy dew taken off with soft grass sponge.
26. Any idea of a deity? No
27 Native belief in ghosts, or a future state? Yes
28. What beliefs have the natives in witchcraft, sorcery; and is there a "boyl-ya" or sorcerer, among the tribes in the district? A mobbarn in every tribe.
29. Is there a gesture language amongst the natives in district? Yes, slightly
30. Any use of masonic signs observed amongst the natives in district? No, but many 'native' hand & finger signals between native man, resemble some masonic signs.
32. Days, months, years, How calculated by natives? Sleeps, moons, winter and summer seasons.
Old Notes which occur throughout and which have been classified Pencil markings on front cover
Gunalēa burnt rump (meanings of names)
Burling back bent and head back (meanings of names)
Karandauera (Is this a substitute for Kamardura?)
Ngaralē hitting .....?
back near shoulder burnt. Gubin or Ұalulgula
Yirgili big sandhill near Eucla.
Yilyi saltbush
Ngunyubi the other side of Waijinda, near last tank.
Jiruldura and Thamelyu Lucy and Judy call each other.
Next page
old time man. Wulgari
Mailman Jimmy's country, Nullarbor country. Kaliūlul
Gumilya = Yalguru

Jirawurding, f. Old woman dead

Gubin, f., nguram Old woman dead

Yalguru, m. (Mickey) dead

Yinjiri, m. (Harry) dead

(Tony) Wiruru, or Warara, Boundary Dam

(Henry) Karnduing, Jirinya

(Reubin) Wirgain, Wililambi, this side Doolina 20 miles.

(Tony) Mundawurli, Doolina, 50 m. from Sand patch.

Mother gave first name.

Kangula and Katja, Kitty's two names, Reuben's Kitty.

Nundea yagulbu Your wife,

Jijalup, Israelite Bay

Bau-ungunya, Brooke Stn.

Nani kardau wiu gardau, sheep kill, throat cut.


Dhudhumu Totems dingo

Kugurda (meat)

Wardalya Ngalūma, Charlie

Ngaluum ngalum ngala totem

Tom Cheek, Ngailgulia, malgarum, Jigu barongu

Ngarali Tommy, Burdeum, like a bandicoot

Bob, Burdeum d.

Nguram, Eva d.

Karder, bau, Kailgum (tchunda, jundu)

Yana-ijin or Gunminyera yana or yana = nganing - can't marry.

Yangamanu or Kandi ijamanu are ngoyang and you can marry.

Back page G.
Chinam. Kamardura Ngauum d
Harry Injiri d Kalga bungalea kugurdum, opossum
Marianne Jirawirding d Ngabeam, kailgam
Reuben Wirgain Guyanam ("almond")
Kitty Kalja, f. d Jujuam
Bangurgam (turkey totem)

Jiduma or Benjamin is Birgalam d d

Guyanum can marry










Yalguru Ngauum
Ngauering, f. (Jessie) ngalum d
Guruma, m. d ngalum
Gulaiji, m. (Toby) d kailgum
Yargu (Bob) d ngalum
Maiale, f. kugardam
Yarbuin, (Jessie's mother) d kalgulum
Ngaralea, m. (Tommy) d budeam
Gubin, f. d nguram
Nalabura, boy nguram
Karnduing (boy) (Henry) guyanum, karder borungur
Ngailgulia, m. d malgarum
Tchundu, f. d kailgum
Myself ngauum
Gunana d bidaumu
Jiranda d kugurdum
Ijala (Bull pup) d ngalum, kabium, water Kalum, fire Yardam (eaglehawk)

Yalada nhnga, Fowler's Bay yungar all dead. Yalada station

Page 15 Binawing? Lucy calls this jida.
Page 20 Yalgarda yagin = 3 moons
Page 23 Kalda nara, thani = pubic tassel
Mānga- Boundary Dam speech
Intermediate pages: the wilya bulia and kalaueringi (sparrowhawks) caught the fire.
Kaua, a hill 7 miles from Eucla.
Kaldijiria, rockhole this side of border Eyre person this rockhole but only noticed this "white flint - quarry" near by,
Kaliūderong, like a pigeon with white collar
Kalau uruji
Dadelba marna, older one
Page 35 Jindu kalalong, jindu kambarn - sun burn up.
Ngaluwirding and Yaimera, north of Eucla.
Page 43 Barra, sp. of tree
Page 47 Gunminyera, one country, one people.
Page 48 Ngalba runu. dying in childbirth
Page 49 Banyina wandi ngalbarunu wilaga, dying in childbirth.
Page 50 Big = manarn, "munnarn"
Page 57 They are naralbi (masters) when they put their thumbs in their waistcoats!
Page 65 Yinma sacred totem board, wandi = mirudi (sacred small board)
Barder baian, making hole in the ground to lie when it is too hot, covering one's self with ashes.
Page 85 Gumba, circumcision, mabong, subincision, also kaba
Yirgi, man on chest
Kala maia. Norseman tribe.
Kardidi, the man who knocks out the tooth (which page?)
Page 90 Mūrundu, showing where murderer lived.
Page 91 Buried with head kaiali. Buried in ground, not in trees.
Ngule yagargu guya, got woman none.

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The moral rights of the speakers are asserted