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Title: Ngindilya , Marbunga , Manjinga (girl) Of Fowler's Bay

Language: Fowler's Bay


Compiled by Ngindilya, Marbunga, Manjinga (girl) Of Fowler's Bay

all castes

Yulbara wonga (seacoast)
Wannanwater between Kulgurli
Yulbara wonga coast
Wirongu wonga. Kugurdaranges? to Gawler and goes East
Ngadha wonga north of Wirongu
Waddi wonga mugarn
Badu wonga from Pundala, Punola
Bardu or Wongai-i wonga near Waddi, but west, round the Plain
On the Plain are Milba mulba
Wongamardu, Myrtle's father, they spoke Marduwonga
Burana ngundundnana wilura
KugadungaWest of Yulbara
Munjinji wongaabout Boundary Dam
Bulgu or mulba
Ballajinya (Balladonia = White name
Nannunbi Norseman
(back pages)Walja. Man went from Yuria hunting, leaving his woman at Yuria. Kungara (duek) took her away and went east with her and Walja tracked her and killed Kungara at Kurijila R.H. Kungara was digging a hole to bury himself in and he heard Walja Yunduga (like a cloud) and the hole filled with water and now it is Kurajila.
Walliji can't eat female waliji's ma.
Yingili and Lucy can't speak to yimeri.
Wambunā marrudha nyungumba wogari, your meat
Bugabi and Bīndi, near Bugabi Booga smelling, stinking gabbi (water Boogabi "(contraction of gabbi"
Kurijila R.H. Wilura from Kuranggabi, Kuring" iguana, gabbi water kuring'abbi - Fowler Bay dera
Kura - magpie, Kurabi. Koorabi (contraction of Koora gabbi"
Wongala mila Hill near Kurabi
Kulda bulduna Hill
Rib speared "addiks"
Nanbunabbi Hill W. from Yalata
Murgara road goes from Yuldia N.W. to Boundary Dam
Bundhala road from Yuldia to Bundha
Wirongu road to Winbura and Tarcoola
Walbinya road kogarara to Yuria
Birdinga road to Coast (Fowler)
Talleri wongamarda from Bindhala going to Wiljinya
From Yuria road to Munaba R.H.
Murnananga - these all came to Yuldia for big corroboree.
Mining came towards Ilgamba and Jinyila mob came to Pundinilya, Fowler's Bay.
Warurabi - soak in sand nr. F.B.
Pundajindi on the Bukabi Rd.
Jura jurama, near Scott's Hill
Man, his relationships, etc.
Baby Minya gijja
Blackfellow Nunga
Blackwoman Wiana
Boy Minya ula
Brother Marria, bungana
Brother-in-law Walliji
Child Minya gijja
Daughter Wanya, gijja
Daughter-in-law Wanyi yumeri
Father Mama
Father-in-law Mingari
Girl Minya wanyi
Granddaughter Kabbarli
Grandfather Boggali
Grandmother Kabbarli
Grandson Boggali
Husband Majji
Man Nunga
Mother Wia
Mother-in-law Yumeri
Nephew Gijja
Niece Wanyi
Orphan Būgala
Sister Kongea, oldest, buyalu, younger
Sister-in-law Marradhu
Son Gijja
Son-in-law Yumeri nunga or gijja
Uncle Kaaing
Virgin Wanyi, gijja, manyi, yugara
White Man Kuba, "wailbela" Corruption of Whitefellow
White Woman Wala bura Corruption of white lubra (
Widow Wardaji
Widower Kallarda, ngāndi gurga
Wife Mardarn
Woman Wiana
Parts and Functions of the Body
Ankle Mugu
Arm (left) Dhamburing jurdi
Arm (lower) Jurdi
Arm (right) Dhurgul jurdi, jurgul jurdi
Arm (upper) Jurdi
Back Mirdi, mirdinga
Back-bone Warlbu, mirdi warlbu
Beard Nganguin, kunja
Blood Yildu
Bone Warlbu
Bowels Jarda, tarda
Breast, breastsIbi
Breath Ngā-in
Breathe, to Ngā-in
Calf of Leg Yalbi
Cheek Ngugu
Chest Mundundu
Chin Nganduin
Cry, to Nyildi ngaijin
Drink, to Gabbi ngāl
Ear Yuri
Eat, to Mā ngal, ngalgu (Ma = vegetable food)
Elbow Kunarn, kurnarn
Eyebrow Nyanbin
Eyelash Nyanbin
Eyelid Nyanbin
Eye Mel
Fatigue Jilja ngarndarn
Finger Mara (little finger= ngalli)
Finger nail Biri
FootJina, jena
Hair Kaga nganba
Hand Mara
Head Kaga; headache = ngureen
Heart Kurdurdu, kurdudu
Heel Mugu
Hip bone Bilda warlbu
Instep Jina warlbu
Knee Bura
Liver Kammarndi
Navel Minda
The Elements, etc.
Heat Kombaring
Morning starJindu kalga
7 sisters follow a snakeYugarilya
Orion Nungari (one of)
Pleiades Yugarilya
General Vocabulary
Meat Baru

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