Native Vocabulary Compiled by Mrs Thomas Hardy Of Warralong Station -Pilbara Magisterial District. (This may be inaccurately copied, as the writing is in many places indistinct) Document id Folio 51/35-46 |
Blackfellow | nar-doo |
Blackwoman | coondad |
Boy | mulgamunay |
Child | mulgä-murry |
Father | nardo |
Girl | cooiu [ coorie ] |
Husband | yuc-can |
Man | buckley |
Mother | nuncan |
Son | mulja |
Virgin | coorie |
Wife | coon-thad |
Beard | nuncan |
Blood | mitchie |
Bone | coogee |
Bowels | poota |
Breast | bibby |
Cry, to | ni-je-go |
Drink, to | poonthal |
Ear | nilyin |
Eat, to | bad-jal |
Eye | gee-da-murrah |
Face | milja |
Fat | jin-gie |
Finger | manou |
Foot | jeena |
Forehead | milja |
Generative Organ (female) | pilya |
Hair | cool-curra |
Hand | mah-row |
Head | milga |
Leg | coodje |
Moustache | moyh |
Palm of the hand | manou |
Penis | wundi |
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Pregnant | toonda |
Rump | mur-na |
Seeing | nan-na-mal |
Sleep | bum-ba |
Speak, to | wong-y |
Stink, to | boo-ka |
Stomach | bin-jee |
Teeth | yeera |
Toe | geena |
Walk, to | jee-ny-yan-a-goora |
Womb | pelya |
Bandicoot | yeralla |
Bull | eerum |
Cat, domestic | pussie |
cow | bullimen |
Dingo | en-katta |
Dingo, puppy | cumbra n-kae-ra |
Kangaroo, generic | mung-gar-roo |
Sheep | cook-in-jay |
Bird's egg | jim-bo |
Bustard, Wild Turkey | poor-doo |
Crow | wok-a-ra |
Duck | (Duck, Grey or black) chimblo |
Emu | yalaberry |
Falcon, Brown Hawk | beel-ic-a |
Parakeet | coolyerrie |
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Fish (generic) | n-ar-da |
Oyster | pira pew pera |
Frog (generic) | ma-lee |
Iguana, long-tailed | wongalee |
Lizard (generic) | boon-jar-da |
Snake (generic) | warl-la |
Ant (common small) | bing-a |
Ant (generic) | biyu |
Ant (white) | muyo |
Afternoon | beer-inga |
Cold | mool-tha |
Country (open) | bulgarra |
Country (stony) | munda-mia |
Creek | moorie |
Dark, darkness | warra-wordie |
Floods | cur-ry-ac-ca |
Grass | min-na |
Hole | mar-do |
Moon | weel-arra |
Morning | wunmunda |
Pool in River | babba wyre |
Rain | yoong-oo |
River | wandi |
Road | yeer-die |
Sea | breer |
Sea-shell | tack-li |
Spinifex | uduba |
Star | pederie |
Sunrise | yarnder |
To-day | e-jal-a yander |
To-morrow | warra munda |
Water | baba |
Water (deep) | cannanee |
Water (running) | carraka |
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Water (salt) | mool-tha |
Wind (East) | era-joo toorda |
Wind (North) | chink-i toorda |
Wind (South) | yabaroo toorda |
Wind (West) | wool-o-yoo toorda |
Wooded country | boor-oo-mia |
Abscond, to | moocharie |
Adultery | nookin |
Afraid | wire |
All | oot-tha-belly |
Angry, to be | bad-ger |
Ashes | jin-da |
Assault, to | punyarri |
At once | e-jil-a |
Away | yanicooria |
Back, to go | cul-in-jerry |
Bad | badjer |
Bag | coor-din |
Bag, to carry in a | courden |
Barb (of spear) | pillerya |
Bathe, to | kiarree |
Beat, to | poong-al |
Beautiful | wonbery |
Bellow, to | wanju |
Big | yau |
Blanket | bumblurwana |
Bleed, to | muljie |
Blunt | buck-ur-too |
Board, for throwing spear | kudja |
Body (dead) | koota |
Bony | coodja |
Boomerang | kiley |
Boots (European) | ju-ji-go |
Both of us | kootanu |
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Brand (fire) | cumal |
Brave | wonberry |
Break, to | bunbany |
Bring forth, to (as animals, their young) | ranakuro |
Bring me | raiakura |
Burn | cumal |
Bush | boonamyre |
Bush walk | pinbi |
By and by | miunwarru |
Call him back | cullinjarro |
Call, to | cudulla, cub-boo |
Camp, native | bum-ba mia |
Camp, white man's | mia |
Cataract (film over eye) | mindie |
Charm, to (by a spell) | wondbery |
Cheat, to | yaruwar |
Circumcision | buckley |
Clay | wilgie |
Clean | windberry |
Club | wack-a-burra |
Cold, a | moot-thoo |
Cook, to | cumby |
Cool | moothiu |
Couple | kootana |
Cry, to | wanga |
Cry out, to | wangarby |
Cunning | waulury |
Damper | mie |
Dance | corroboree |
Dead ; die, to | coot-a |
Distance | woor-oo |
Divide, to, amongst several persons | chinje chinje |
Drink | poonthal |
Drive, to | chib-al |
Drunk | poon-thal |
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Early | wanomunda |
East | wajua |
Enough | bull-by |
Examine, to | yanba wanjee |
Exchange | chingie-chingie |
Faint, to | coota |
Fall, to | bunkanyana |
Far away | yerra-ka |
Fast | mooda |
Fear | uiu |
Feed, to | bedjer |
Few | burdburd |
Fire-stick | curlia |
Fish bait | youda bedjel |
Fish trap | takeroo |
Flee, to | nimby moorda |
Flour | mya |
Food | beilgel |
Food (forbidden) | meeta |
Full (filled up) | winetell |
Full of holes | coolciu |
Further | wanoo |
Ghost | juno |
Give, to | yanjro |
Go away, to | yarracoora |
Go back, to | coolinyarro |
Go in, to | yarricoora |
Good | wonberry |
Good, no | mata wonlerry |
Gorge (to overfeed) | weneatee |
Graze, to | bedjel |
Grease, to | chinch |
Great | yam |
Grip, to | culgel |
Half caste | meta meta |
Hair stick | warnda |
Halt, to | bunnakura |
Hammer (native) | murnda |
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Handle | cudjel |
Handsome | wonberry |
Hatchet | cudgue |
Her | yingo |
Here | cubbo cobbo |
Hers | yanba |
Hesitate, to | cobblin |
High | cunerd |
Honey | ingerda |
Husband | yackan |
Ill (sick) | mindic |
Improper | meta wandbary |
Increase, to | mowya |
Iron | munda |
Jail | moolya myre |
Joy | wandbury |
Jump, to | bury |
Kill, to | rootu |
Kindness | wandbury |
Knife | jim-ba-rarie |
Knock, to (down) | bunke |
Large | yauo |
Last, of anything or anyone | mordy |
Lift up, to | cunera |
Light, fire | curnal, curmal ? ? |
Little | cumbra |
Long | muccan |
Long (tall) | muccan |
Long hair | mooloono |
Longing for (wanting) | minnowarra |
Look for, to | yinba enumel |
Look, to (to see) | enamel |
Loose | moirumel |
Lover | yackan |
Mia (native hut) | mia |
Misunderstand, to | culkamunda |
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Monster (fabulous) | yam |
More | moroy |
Motherless | metu bibby |
Mount, to (on a horse) | cuncra |
Much | yaw |
Murder | coota |
My | nadja |
Name | nol-ena |
Native well | uell mia |
Near | panto |
Netting | taken |
Noise | warya |
Noiselessly | meta waya |
None | meeta |
North | yabro |
Now (at once) | egla |
Number, a | cooyu |
Of | yan |
Off | yanacoora |
Oh | yacki |
On | yimba yan |
Once | minnawarra |
Owner | nadji |
Pain | bukuta |
Path (track) | eerda |
Pearl-shell | pira pira |
Pebbles | punpera mundu |
Pit | mardoo |
Plain | bulgarra |
Pleased, to be | wan-bury |
Plenty | coolya |
Pluck out feathers, to | purdoo |
Point | yinda enamel |
Presently | cobblin cobblin |
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Putrid | pooka |
Quick | moor-dee |
Remain, to | bunakerra |
Rope | mir-ra-gee |
Run away, to | moocnarri |
Run, to | wayo |
She | yinba |
Ship | yand-a-burra |
Shiver, to | moota |
Shout, to | waiyanba |
Sing, to | tubby |
Single | koojery |
Sink, to | can-an-nie |
Sit down, to | bun-a-goor-ra |
Six | burga burga |
Small, a small piece | cumpra |
Smoke, to (tobacco) | tung-oo |
Smoke, of fires | favo cudi |
Song | tub tub |
Sore (or boil) | mindic |
Sparks | codi |
Spear (generic term) | peelard |
Spear (hunting) | peland |
Spear, to throw a | bunci pelluna |
Spider's web | moorda |
Spill, to | runci |
Spring (native well) | bubbu nyre |
Squeeze, to | rungel |
Stand, to | bunacura |
Steal, to | min-gie-mal |
Stick,a | wanda |
Stolen | minyemal |
Stop! | bunacura |
Story | yallawar |
Straight | yall wanbury |
Stranger | nurnjang |
Strayed (stock) | muchary |
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String, of a bag | yerala |
Strong | coodjmuccan |
Sugar | ingerda |
Sulky (cross) | (yarnda = summer;) sulky = biyana |
Superstition | wamby |
Surprise, to | coonulerry |
Tall | miccan |
Tattooing | wilga |
Tea | tea |
Tell me | yamby warya |
Temper | bundjer |
Ten | mumo |
Thief | muyamal |
Thrash, to | poong-al |
Three | buyo |
Tired | cooto |
Tobacco | tunja |
Tobacco (native) | tung-oo |
Together | cool-ya |
Tomahawk | cadga |
Top (of anything) | cunera, cun-gur-ra |
Track (footprint) | geena |
Traveller | yunacoora |
Turn back, to | cull-an-jarry |
Two | coot-thar-ra |
Uncooked meat | midjie |
Under | can-nan-ee |
Understand, to | wan-je-berry |
Vain (proud) | wanburry |
Very bad | meta wanbury |
Very good | wanburry |
Vice | budjer |
Vicious | budjer muma |
Wait, to | cob-ba-lin |
Wash, to | wilyie wilyie |
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Well (not sick) | wan-bury |
West | wayarr |
Wet | hango |
What | nunna |
White | mid-dy-mid-dy |
Who | yinba |
Wild native | binji |
Winter | moot-thoo |
Wood | pin-ner-oo |
You | yeenta |
Young | cumpru |
Your | yinba, yeen-ta |
Sleep, I shall now | ni-ja-bumba e-jal-a |
Stolen, You have, that | yeenta-min-gee-mal-noola |
Stop here | bur-ma-ma-noola |
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