Document details

Title: Native Vocabulary Compiled by Mrs Thomas Hardy Of Warralong Station , - Pilbara Magisterial District .



Native Vocabulary

Compiled by

Mrs Thomas Hardy Of Warralong Station -Pilbara Magisterial District.

(This may be inaccurately copied, as the writing is in many places indistinct)

Document id

Folio 51/35-46

Man, his relationships, etc.
Blackfellow nar-doo
Blackwoman coondad
Boy mulgamunay
Child mulgä-murry
Father nardo
Girl cooiu [ coorie ]
Husband yuc-can
Man buckley
Mother nuncan
Son mulja
Virgin coorie
Wife coon-thad
Parts and Functions of the Body
Beard nuncan
Blood mitchie
Bone coogee
Bowels poota
Breast bibby
Cry, to ni-je-go
Drink, to poonthal
Ear nilyin
Eat, to bad-jal
Eye gee-da-murrah
Face milja
Fat jin-gie
Finger manou
Foot jeena
Forehead milja
Generative Organ (female) pilya
Hair cool-curra
Hand mah-row
Head milga
Leg coodje
Moustache moyh
Palm of the hand manou
Penis wundi
Pregnant toonda
Rump mur-na
Seeing nan-na-mal
Sleep bum-ba
Speak, to wong-y
Stink, to boo-ka
Stomach bin-jee
Teeth yeera
Toe geena
Walk, to jee-ny-yan-a-goora
Womb pelya
Bandicoot yeralla
Bull eerum
Cat, domestic pussie
cow bullimen
Dingo en-katta
Dingo, puppy cumbra n-kae-ra
Kangaroo, generic mung-gar-roo
Sheep cook-in-jay
Bird's egg jim-bo
Bustard, Wild Turkey poor-doo
Crow wok-a-ra
Duck (Duck, Grey or black) chimblo
Emu yalaberry
Falcon, Brown Hawk beel-ic-a
Parakeet coolyerrie
Fish (generic) n-ar-da
Oyster pira pew pera
Frog (generic) ma-lee
Iguana, long-tailed wongalee
Lizard (generic) boon-jar-da
Snake (generic) warl-la
Ant (common small) bing-a
Ant (generic) biyu
Ant (white) muyo
The Elements, etc.
Afternoon beer-inga
Cold mool-tha
Country (open) bulgarra
Country (stony) munda-mia
Creek moorie
Dark, darkness warra-wordie
Floods cur-ry-ac-ca
Grass min-na
Hole mar-do
Moon weel-arra
Morning wunmunda
Pool in River babba wyre
Rain yoong-oo
River wandi
Road yeer-die
Sea breer
Sea-shell tack-li
Spinifex uduba
Star pederie
Sunrise yarnder
To-day e-jal-a yander
To-morrow warra munda
Water baba
Water (deep) cannanee
Water (running) carraka
Water (salt) mool-tha
Wind (East) era-joo toorda
Wind (North) chink-i toorda
Wind (South) yabaroo toorda
Wind (West) wool-o-yoo toorda
Wooded country boor-oo-mia
General Vocabulary
Abscond, to moocharie
Adultery nookin
Afraid wire
All oot-tha-belly
Angry, to be bad-ger
Ashes jin-da
Assault, to punyarri
At once e-jil-a
Away yanicooria
Back, to go cul-in-jerry
Bad badjer
Bag coor-din
Bag, to carry in a courden
Barb (of spear) pillerya
Bathe, to kiarree
Beat, to poong-al
Beautiful wonbery
Bellow, to wanju
Big yau
Blanket bumblurwana
Bleed, to muljie
Blunt buck-ur-too
Board, for throwing spear kudja
Body (dead) koota
Bony coodja
Boomerang kiley
Boots (European) ju-ji-go
Both of us kootanu
Brand (fire) cumal
Brave wonberry
Break, to bunbany
Bring forth, to (as animals, their young) ranakuro
Bring me raiakura
Burn cumal
Bush boonamyre
Bush walk pinbi
By and by miunwarru
Call him back cullinjarro
Call, to cudulla, cub-boo
Camp, native bum-ba mia
Camp, white man's mia
Cataract (film over eye) mindie
Charm, to (by a spell) wondbery
Cheat, to yaruwar
Circumcision buckley
Clay wilgie
Clean windberry
Club wack-a-burra
Cold, a moot-thoo
Cook, to cumby
Cool moothiu
Couple kootana
Cry, to wanga
Cry out, to wangarby
Cunning waulury
Damper mie
Dance corroboree
Dead ; die, to coot-a
Distance woor-oo
Divide, to, amongst several persons chinje chinje
Drink poonthal
Drive, to chib-al
Drunk poon-thal
Early wanomunda
East wajua
Enough bull-by
Examine, to yanba wanjee
Exchange chingie-chingie
Faint, to coota
Fall, to bunkanyana
Far away yerra-ka
Fast mooda
Fear uiu
Feed, to bedjer
Few burdburd
Fire-stick curlia
Fish bait youda bedjel
Fish trap takeroo
Flee, to nimby moorda
Flour mya
Food beilgel
Food (forbidden) meeta
Full (filled up) winetell
Full of holes coolciu
Further wanoo
Ghost juno
Give, to yanjro
Go away, to yarracoora
Go back, to coolinyarro
Go in, to yarricoora
Good wonberry
Good, no mata wonlerry
Gorge (to overfeed) weneatee
Graze, to bedjel
Grease, to chinch
Great yam
Grip, to culgel
Half caste meta meta
Hair stick warnda
Halt, to bunnakura
Hammer (native) murnda
Handle cudjel
Handsome wonberry
Hatchet cudgue
Her yingo
Here cubbo cobbo
Hers yanba
Hesitate, to cobblin
High cunerd
Honey ingerda
Husband yackan
Ill (sick) mindic
Improper meta wandbary
Increase, to mowya
Iron munda
Jail moolya myre
Joy wandbury
Jump, to bury
Kill, to rootu
Kindness wandbury
Knife jim-ba-rarie
Knock, to (down) bunke
Large yauo
Last, of anything or anyone mordy
Lift up, to cunera
Light, fire curnal, curmal ? ?
Little cumbra
Long muccan
Long (tall) muccan
Long hair mooloono
Longing for (wanting) minnowarra
Look for, to yinba enumel
Look, to (to see) enamel
Loose moirumel
Lover yackan
Mia (native hut) mia
Misunderstand, to culkamunda
Monster (fabulous) yam
More moroy
Motherless metu bibby
Mount, to (on a horse) cuncra
Much yaw
Murder coota
My nadja
Name nol-ena
Native well uell mia
Near panto
Netting taken
Noise warya
Noiselessly meta waya
None meeta
North yabro
Now (at once) egla
Number, a cooyu
Of yan
Off yanacoora
Oh yacki
On yimba yan
Once minnawarra
Owner nadji
Pain bukuta
Path (track) eerda
Pearl-shell pira pira
Pebbles punpera mundu
Pit mardoo
Plain bulgarra
Pleased, to be wan-bury
Plenty coolya
Pluck out feathers, to purdoo
Point yinda enamel
Presently cobblin cobblin
Putrid pooka
Quick moor-dee
Remain, to bunakerra
Rope mir-ra-gee
Run away, to moocnarri
Run, to wayo
She yinba
Ship yand-a-burra
Shiver, to moota
Shout, to waiyanba
Sing, to tubby
Single koojery
Sink, to can-an-nie
Sit down, to bun-a-goor-ra
Six burga burga
Small, a small piece cumpra
Smoke, to (tobacco) tung-oo
Smoke, of fires favo cudi
Song tub tub
Sore (or boil) mindic
Sparks codi
Spear (generic term) peelard
Spear (hunting) peland
Spear, to throw a bunci pelluna
Spider's web moorda
Spill, to runci
Spring (native well) bubbu nyre
Squeeze, to rungel
Stand, to bunacura
Steal, to min-gie-mal
Stick,a wanda
Stolen minyemal
Stop! bunacura
Story yallawar
Straight yall wanbury
Stranger nurnjang
Strayed (stock) muchary
String, of a bag yerala
Strong coodjmuccan
Sugar ingerda
Sulky (cross) (yarnda = summer;) sulky = biyana
Superstition wamby
Surprise, to coonulerry
Tall miccan
Tattooing wilga
Tea tea
Tell me yamby warya
Temper bundjer
Ten mumo
Thief muyamal
Thrash, to poong-al
Three buyo
Tired cooto
Tobacco tunja
Tobacco (native) tung-oo
Together cool-ya
Tomahawk cadga
Top (of anything) cunera, cun-gur-ra
Track (footprint) geena
Traveller yunacoora
Turn back, to cull-an-jarry
Two coot-thar-ra
Uncooked meat midjie
Under can-nan-ee
Understand, to wan-je-berry
Vain (proud) wanburry
Very bad meta wanbury
Very good wanburry
Vice budjer
Vicious budjer muma
Wait, to cob-ba-lin
Wash, to wilyie wilyie
Well (not sick) wan-bury
West wayarr
Wet hango
What nunna
White mid-dy-mid-dy
Who yinba
Wild native binji
Winter moot-thoo
Wood pin-ner-oo
You yeenta
Young cumpru
Your yinba, yeen-ta
Sleep, I shall now ni-ja-bumba e-jal-a
Stolen, You have, that yeenta-min-gee-mal-noola
Stop here bur-ma-ma-noola

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