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Title: Vocabulary of the Gascoyne and Ashburton districts. Also Vocabulary of the Nyamel and Mardathoonera districts

Languages: Nyamal, Martuthunira


XII 2D, 8 Vocabulary of the Gascoyne and Ashburton districts, taken from Notebook 3a. Also Vocabulary of the Nyamel and Mardathoonera districts, from Notebook 1. Beejabirdee of Milly Milly Station & Meerdaldhee Medhering (Lyons river) Both too ill to talk much.

Gascoyne District
Meerdaldhee speaking
Marrungain glad to go away
Water Koonda
Fire Karla
Sun Jooroo
Moon Weelarra
Stars Burdarra
Wind Karnara
Gum tree Weeloo
Jamwood Murrgana
Prickly tree Goombarrga
Wattle tree Wang-nga
Yeelba tree Boojabeerdee
Roots Koorndoo, koombarrga (seed)
Seeds Woolainba, wanyoo, koonjara, Cockatoos eat jamwood seeds.
Bijjabirdee's wonga, Milly Milly Station
Beelyee woman's womb
Weeloo, Kalboo penis
Warree mamboordai poor silly fellow
Moorera plenty
Nyarroon hungry
Karrongoo dhaggoolongoo sun go down
Ngurreea sleep
Milly Milly
Roots Koolyoo
Man Maiajee
Woman Nyanjelba
Country Kardoo
Rain Koonjarrga
Cloud Beelarna
Thunder Wannaburna
Lightning Beendarrga
Rainbow Kajjoora (also snake)
Magic Burnangarree
Own father's sister's sons Wajjeera
Own mother's brother's son Wajjeera
East Wardanda
South Kokkara
West Weeloora
North Yabbooroo
E.N.E. Kaialee
Talk Wongow
Had Wahdee
Good Nyandaanee
Yes Kow
No Wanee
What name? Ngaanunba
Ngaana kaalee
Ngaanunba kaalee
Who is your father Ngaana mamma joora
Totem Dowera
Medhering, Lyons
Mirdalbirdee, m., Paljeri speaking
Warreeanga country
Jooroo Sun
Weelarra Moon
Koor-oobeeree Stars
Beeloornda Afternoon
Kardajoola Night
Bannara Morning early
Tharringa Winter
Yaggarongoo Summer
Yoongoo Rain
Yooalba or Wainjoo Willy willy
Wanginneeana Thunder
Kala Fire
Jeendee, burndalgoona, ngoonandee Thunder
Babba Water
Kooroo Eye
Yabbaroo Northeast
Kaggara South
Walba East
Weeloora West
Wardandoo E.N.E.
Wēlo E.S.E.
Bagu Clever
Thoola White, yoweree = white paint
Koro Black, koba = black paint
Bogara Red
Baldhara Yellow
Koro Blue
Baldhara Yellowish green and green and yellow
Bindha bindha Brown and grey
Boogara Purple
Gooma gooma Greenish blue
Boogara Orange
Wallee Yellow grey (brown paper)
Nyillera Hole
Mardalba Red paint
Medhering, Lyons River
Weeloo South East
Weeloogarroo Curlew
Goolbainyoo, gooilbanoo Sick
Nyooja White fellow
Warree No
Ngannaijoo Mine
Ngow-o Yes
Nyeeno His
Nooramba Yours
Katarra Cheek
Nganya Hair
Mangoo Jaw
Burna Head
Mooldha Nose
Yeera Teeth
Yoorurba Nostril
Thallainma Tongue
Koolga Ear
Ngarnga Chin
Jabboora Beard
Koolee Kooleen Moustache
Mooma Mouth
Marra Hand
Yilgee Thumb
Jeerdoomarra Finger
Mooroo Little finger
Yilga Nail
Wilga Upper arm
Nyeeno His
Nooramba Yours
Thanna Where
Dhaggala Which
Nyinna ngoorndena Sitting here
Nyinna nyinna Sitting here
Nganna noora What name
Nganna nurrumba
Marndeegoo Your father
Now' ai! What
Nyinna He or him
Noora You
Ngadha I, me
Ngallee We two
Ngannoora We, all of us
Murnda Lower arm
Dheena Foot
Marndee Toe (great)
Moordoo Toe (little)
Bailgoo Ankle
Ngarda Leg
Booldhanga Calf of leg
Moorloo Chest
Beebee Breast
Woorrgalba Neck
Nying nyanba Throat
Warndoo thabboolgoorneea Half strangling
Malloojee Blackfellow
Boorardee Blackwoman
Warneeneea Dead
Moorroorrba Scars
Nganna noora What name
Dhoodhoo Dog
Koordee Bandicoot
Wolo Thigh
Yeerdarra Back
Yeloorarra Shoulder
Koorjarda Spear
Woonda Shield
Meeroo Spearthrower
Kooreea Boomerang
Meeka Vessel
Warrarra Yam
Wanna Woman's stick
Sun Jooroo
Moon Weelarra
Stars Kooroobaree
Fire Kala
Water Babba
Meat Baroo
Camp Ngoorra
Chisel Barroo
Gum Boolga
Cold Tharreree
Heat Thoogoo thoogoo
North Yabbaroo
South Kaggara
N.E. Wardangura
East Warlba
West Weeloora
Big Ngannana
Little Joomba
P. 11 Nyamel
Wanjana jinna where track?
Nganneegoo yanna nyinba What do you want?
Manoola ngabba no water
Ngabba gurna, ngabba kaanoo water give
Wanjana yanningan Where are you going?
Ngannardoo ngooneeanan Who that?
Noobara wanja (your) wife where?
Ngallee yangoola we two walk or go away
Manna meeraninga stealing (a) woman
P. 10 Sentences, Warran or Wandarree (Oakover) (Kokobina) Nangoomurdoo
Nyoondoogoo ngoorra wanjarnoo your camp where?
Koordallee maandee quickly come
Koolbula moora come back
Thabbardoo ngadhoo (he is) my father
Bajjee billaman, rōlamana (make fire) upright and sawing methods
Munillama weeka make fire
Kaanoo mai dhangindhoo give food quick
Moonoola mai kooloo no food got?
Doolbeea, maandoo doolbeea get up
Thangin yarra quickly go
Wallangurr yarra before go
Nyeerin yarra behind go
Kooloojardoo nyoondoo no good you
Nalba nyoondoo good you
Nyoongoo wanning here it is
Ngannoordoo kooleejardoo who speared him?
Moonun boola ngadhoo Not know I
Kajjalamur lie down
Ngannoordoo nyoondoo Who you?
Wanjana mooroongoo Where natives?
Moonderagool wanjana spear where?
Wajjanba ngadhoo tired I
Mardathoonera wonga
Agannadhoo yinnee What name?
Wongarria woondanooroo Half strangling
Barraningooroo Spirit of dead native returned
Joorroo-joorroo Country? where dead men go
Kanyara Eat mosquito (eerin), eat barralba (turtle)
Koondaiyoo and Joordeewarree appear to be interchangeable.
P. 62A
Ko'ee binnee Come here
Yeelangoo Here
Ngalleegoo Our
Nyinna ngooroo Sit down
Naardee hyinnaloo yeelangoo You and I stop here
Dhalyeeburra Close up Boordarree Creek
Nyamel and Karneearra mixed up.
Nyamel on Strelley River?
P. 66A

Ngaala and Nyamel at Wanalong. Palgoo at Coogligong and Hillside, and some at Carmine Downs.

Ngadharree at Nullagine, Ngullangunya.
Ngarraweejanoo widower
Yaanee come here
Adwa policeman
Kajjaree father-in-law
Back of P. 8
Mallagurdee last one
Koordanoo first one

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