Document details

Title: W.M. Parker, York G. Monger, York J.H. Gregory, Northam Leaflet No. 3, Eastern Districts McKnoe, Newcastle Rev. J. Flood, New Norcia, Victoria Plains (York vocabulary obtained from Kajjaman : see her vocabulary) & from Woolber; Monnop. etc etc.

Language: Noongar


Folio 45/1-49

XII 2B, 32

W.M. Parker, G. Monger - York J.H. Gregory, Northam Leaflet no. 3, Eastern districts McKnoe, Newcastle Rev. J. Flood, New Norcia, Victoria Plains (York vocabulary obtained from Kajjaman : see her vocabulary) & from Woolber; Monnop. etc etc.

Man, his relationships, etc.
Aunt demman?, ingan kooel?
Baby tcheengalan?, nobbin
Blackfellow yungar, nung-ar, ung'ara
Blackwoman yako
Boy koolung
Brother noondun, oonderoo, ngoondan
Brother-in-law ngooljar, nooljara
Child koolang, nobbin, jen killan
Children koolangur
Daughter kwerurt
Father mamman
Girl yokko, yoga kowat, yoga koolong
Granddaughter tammon, murran, mawiran
Grandfather tammon, murran, mawiran
Grandmother tammon, murran, mawiran
Husband korda
Man (young) koolameedee, (old) pirerr, yungar maam, weeabandee = young man, manjal, ungara
Mother ngangan, ngonkan, nungan, nunkun
Nephew moy-ur, moy'arra
Niece moy-arra, moy'ur ?
Orphan burna, nunkanburt
Sister tchookan, jookan
Sister-in-law yungara yoka
Son nana koolong, koolong
Son-in-law demman
Uncle kunkun, mooran?, kongan, konkan
Virgin manteegur, yog'a mantee, yoga koolamanda
White Man ngeeting, nittin, tchinka, janga, jenka, noyja, jennok
White Woman ngeeting, yoga tchinka, noyja yoga
Widow ngeenung, kordabut
Widower ngeenung, yokka winating
Wife korda yokka korda
Woman yoga, yokka, yog-goo, koro, old woman = manja?, kootcho
Parts and Functions of the Body
Ankle kwelga, bul kooert
Arm (left) ngorda mara, yorda mara, marga
Arm (lower) mir-ok, maraga, malka, marga, eengora
Arm (right) noonman mara, noonma marga
Arm (upper) koonga
Back bookal, koona?, goona, moonda
Back-bone koonga kwetcha, turdweej
Beard nanga, nunnok, nganak
Blood nopo, noopal, ngoopa, ngoobo, nooka
Bone kwe-jee, gwe-jee, joo'ela, joola, kwetcha, kweka
Bowels wanda, ninal, gobbel, koomba
Breast (left) jorda peepa
Breast (right) noonman peepa
Breasts bibi, beebee, koonter, nunda?
Breath ngyn, ing-an-ing
Breathe, to ngyn kwēda
Calf of Leg mata, woolguj
Cheek minitch?, yeemung?
Chest minga, minitch?, meenga, inganing
Chin nanga
Coition mooyang, moy'yang
Copulate, to mooyang
Cry, to wē-ling, wallee, warlee, wel-ling
Drink, to nannin, nganning, kab ngolling, nalgo?
Ear twonga
Eat, to nannin, nganning, nyna nalgo, ngunang
Elbow nooguj, tcherdong
Eyeball mee'al
Eyebrow mimbut
Eye meeal, mē-el, meel
Face minaj, minitch, yeemong?
Fat jerrong, tcheerung, jerrel, boyn
Fatigue pēl pab, beetabup, weenat, warra
Feeling my'anung, ngok-kal
Finger mara
Finger nail peera, mara beera, meera?
Foot (left) jenna norra, yorda tcheena
Foot (right) kooma jenna, noonman tcheena
Forehead yeemong, meenong
Frowning boogur
Gums ngolga, nawlga
Hair moka, tchowan, katta geegee, gwering, jowan, kutta
Hand mara
Hand (left) yorda mara
Hand (right) noonman mara
Head katta, kaat
Hearing kuttitch, dwonga
Heart koord, koort, gooat, kooda
Heel danta, jenna
Hip bone ngonga, kwelga kwetcha
Instep buljet, tcheena
Jaw ur'raj, yoor'aj, nolga
Kidney joop, tchoopa
Knee bunytch, bo-nyj
Kneecap bo-nytch
Leg (left) dowel?, mata, jorda mata
Leg (right) noonman mata
Legs mata, dowelgur?
Lip daa
Liver myer
Lung walyel
Moustache minning, daa nunga
Mouth taa, daa
Mouth, roof of goo-ulga
Muscle kweerik, kweeruk pē-tar
Neck wardoo, nunka
Nipple of breast beeba, peepa
Nose mol-ya, moolya, no'el'ya
Nostril mol-ya
Palm of the hand marakobbul, mara, mirrar
Penis kwērrel, murd, weela
Perspiration bēnya yimung, banya
Perspire banya
Pregnant kobbulitchyung, gobbel goombar
Rib narril, ngurrel
Rump pya kwona, dinytch
See, to jenning
Seeing nguljin, myal, meeal
Semen kwurdaj murrang
Shin woolutch
Shoulder yongul
Sinew kwirruk, kwerak
Sit, to nenning
Skeleton jinga
Skin dun-naug, downok, mā'po
Skull gulluj
Sleep nyoont, noondyn, noondin, nutch kort, beejar
Smell, to pum'ing in, mindung
Sneeze, to nulla gardeena
Sole of the foot jenna kobba, jenna ngurdee
Speak, to wongon, won'gee
Spit, to dēl-ya
Stink, to nooda, beejak
Stomach kobbul, by'rak, bilbiritch
Taste, to nana jen'ong, nannee
Tears wallee, may'al
Teeth nalgo, noolga, golgan
Temple membit
Thigh dowel, wanting?
Thirsty koonera, kabba ween, keba kuddee
Throat warda, wodda
Toe jenna murdayl
Tongue tal'lung, dallyn, talling
Took burraying
Urinate, to koombo, koomba
Vein moopa
Walk, to koolee, kooling, yot-a-yot a koolin, barnee, ninnee goolee
Windpipe meeal pē-ping
Womb jumboona, tumboona
Wrinkle milgingarra, mintoj
Wrist kwurrup
Yawn, to dun'gun'ingtaa
Ant-eater (Marsupial) booking nē-ning, noombat
Bandicoot kwonda, kwenda, kwendee
Cat, native barjot, tooditch
Dingo, female toora nanga, dwadda, tooerga, twart,
Dingo, male toora mamma, yakkyn, dooda yakkyn
Dingo, puppy buttingur, yakkyn nob
Dog, female twarda ngank
Dog, male twarda marm
Dog, puppy twarda noobaning
Hedgehog poo'erka wol'ga
Horse yow'erda
Kangaroo, generic yongar (male), worra (female)
Kangaroo, blue kwerra
Kangaroo, brush kwarra, kwurra
Kangaroo Rat kweenda, walya, wawilyoo
Kangaroo Rat, brush-tail tammer, boodee
Kangaroo, Red barkoolja, morl
Kangaroo, Rock mooradong
Kangaroo, young, in pouch nanneer, nanyeep
Mouse (generic) mo-ta, mora
Opossum, Black koomal
Opossum, Grey koomal koolar, goomal
Opossum, Ring-tailed ngwarra, ngwurre
Porcupine ningnaan
Rat (generic) kandan, ponnēda, wawilyoo
Sheep maawunung
Squirrel, Grey pa-lat
Wallaby, Banded burnkup
Wallaby (generic) walyoo, kwarra
Wallaby, Rock murraran
Bell-bird tcherda, jerda
Bird's egg tcherda ngoorok, nooroogoo, nurka
Birds' Nest jerda mya
Bustard, Wild Turkey bibila, bibilyer, peepilya
Butcher bird teelibit
Cockatoo (generic) mannitch
Cockatoo, Black, red tail wooyanuk
Cockatoo, white, Southern variety manitch, munytch
Cockatoo, white, Sulphur-crested tchukal tchukal
Crane, Blue kunjēra, koon-erree
Crow wordong, warroong, werdong
Crow, Shrike (Squeaker) jeelak
Cuckoo, Bronze wirrup
Dove, barred shoulders, blue eyes wat-ta
Duck (generic) moonung
Duck, Grey or black noonan, ngoonan, ngoondern, wannan
Duck, Wood duck naja kooro, kar'bung'ut
Eagle wallak, walja
Eagle Hawk walja, pooerka, too'erk
Eagle, Little kootup
Emu wē-jee, wē-ja
Flycatcher tchittee-tchittee
Hawk, Fish walja?
Magpie kooilbartee, kurreebard, kurpurt
Mopoke julgyn, wirrup
Owl, Common wowa, kokoput
Parrakeet kowarra
Parrot tummaluk, tomlok
Parrot, Rosella dowan
Parrot, Twenty-eight tummaluk
Parrot, Walkingery (Mountain) wakkinjer
Pheasant (Gnou) ngow
Pigeon, Bronzewing wutta, watta, wot'-a
Quail bur-ry, kurradong
Robin moy'etung
Shag jerrum
Silver Eye mun'etong
Swallow patta
Swamp-hen, Coot nallan
Swan maale, kulja, marlee
Teal ngoonan
Crayfish jilgee
Fish (generic) web, bee, walling?, wappa
Salmon mooyurt
Frog, edible kooya
Frog (generic) mujjuk
Frog, large green kooa, wawan
Iguana (generic) bungar, kardē'ra
Iguana, long-tailed kardar
Iguana, stump-tailed yawn, yoonar, oorna
Lizard (generic) jenna dugga, jenna dur
Lizard, Horned (York Devil) moolawa, mullawa
Sea-snake kwunta
Snake (generic) wokkal, kwanta, waggel
Tortoise, land booyee?
Turtle (long-necked, fresh water) yakkan, yakkooin
Ant (common small) boojan
Ant (generic) pootchin
Ant (sergeant) kē-lul, kil'al
Ant (white) kwilga, wulga
Bardie (grub) bar'dee
Bee nooda
Blowfly kumba, ma'tee, nooda
Butterfly wam'pa
Caterpillar jērilkoo
Centipede mo-ring, koro
Fly (generic) nyoot, nooroo
Grasshopper jetil, jettyl
Grub wē-ra
Insect (generic) wē'ra
Leech ee-ngē-num
Louse koola, koorilya
Mosquito tchinkitch, nyooering, tchinkeen
Sandfly tchinkeen
Spider kara, karra
The Elements, etc.
Afternoon beeringa
Atmosphere marra, marr
Banksia munguj
Beach (open) wonya
Blackboy (tree) palka, balga, boora, borra
Blossom ngimma ngimma
Bough of a tree pona marka, boona nob
Breeze (land) mawrin
Bush (the wild country) bēt-koor, mallok
Cave boyra
Chasm taa unpun
Christmas tree mootchar
Clay non'na, boojer
Cloud marra, bar'awp, marr
Cold ngeeteen, nitin, ngettyn, yedding, ngittyn
Comet jintong
Country (burnt) bontchar
Country (desert) woorar?
Country (hilly) poyr lara?
Country (open) wallo
Country (swampy) boojar non'obulla, nona poojera, boojar norning
Creek bēl-ya
Dark marat, murrert, miryt, mererduk, menya
Darkness mererduk, moory'
Dawn twelya?, bēn-ya
Day pirak, beedytch, benang
Daylight ben koolee, benang
Dew twelya, dwalya
Dusk yooneen
Duststorm tukkulyar
Earth, the boojur, boojera
Echo my'a'lara
Evening moordung, kuleruk
Fig (Native) wonga
Fire kala, kyla
Floods ngirditch gooba?, kab goombar, ngarditch
Flowers ngunma ngirnma
Foam tēlya, dēlya
Fog twelya, twalya
Foliage manga
Ford kinung koolung
Forenoon ben'a'men
Frost ngoka
Fruit marrang
Gorge wē-deen, tolgun
Granite kulyen, boy'a, boy'ee
Grass jelba, jellup, jeeba, tchelba
Grass (tall) borra
Grass tree jelba manga, balga
Grass (young) jilba yookajong
Ground (surface of) boojur
Gum mē'na
Gum tree (red) koordan
Gum tree (white) wanda
Heat monuk, moonak, wardinok
Hill katta
Hillock katta botteen
Hole ta'ung, boojur bē'ning
Honeysuckle tree ngeeka
Ironbark tree boona murruk
Ironstone poolya, boy'ee
Island poj potting xkarda?
Jarrah tree jarra?, jarreel
Lake ngirditch, ngerditch, gatba
Land boojur
Leaf (shrub or tree) manga
Light talap?, bē-nang
Lightning kwilleea, mulgar yoj, mulga eeta
Lime tardarra
Limestone tardarra boya
Midnight miryt, katabuk
Milky Way mar pooree poo?
Mist twalya
Moon meekee, meeka, meega, meek
Moonlight meekong, meekal
Morning bē-ning, pēn-ya
Mountain katta goombar, katta
Mud noonee, norna, mona
Muddy noonee, norna
Mulga marluk
Mushroom wooda
Night mureruk, moran, beeryt?, murerduk, miryt
Nuts, edible nikka
Paper-bark tree yimbuk
Peach, native won'ga, wan'gil
Plain kwunkun, kwenkon
Pool kab
Pool in River nordutch, ngirditch
Precipice moorda
Rain kap'pee yakkan, koran, kal-borrong, moko, gabbee, kabboo-ranning
Rain (heavy) gabbee goombar
Rainbow newdong
River nordutch, beelo darak, beela, beelya, beeloo, beela ngirditch
River, bank of korkang
River, mouth of keba moo'ilya
Road matta
Rock booya, boy'a
Rockhole ngammar, namma
Root, of tree marla
Running water kē'ba yak'a-lee
Sand kwenkan, yelya
Sandalwood tree kwon'gyl, koo'nil, marda, yoonil
Sandhill yalya katta
Sandplain kwenkan, kwangyn, kwankon
Scrub, the mallok, pē-jera
Sea wat'urn
Sea-shell yoogil
Seeds, of plants kun'nut
Shade mol'ya
Sheoak kwela, kwē'lee, kwēl'ya
Shower, a gabbee dapat, korran
Sky walya
Southern cross tchoonjet
Star tondar, deen, jentoo
Stone boy'a
Sun nanga, wedinok, narnk, nganga, nunga
Sunlight nanga yoopup
Sunset nanga dabat
Tableland warlo, wallo
Thorn boona
Thunder mulgar, mulkar, malgar
Tide marra
To-day kwejut, ye-yee, ye
To-morrow molyara, beningyan, benang, meelar, bē-nung
Track jenna
Tree boorna
Tree, Bark of yoorla, yor'la
Valley weeteen, wootchern, beela?, beelo
Vegetables jelba
Water kabba, gabbee, kappee
Water (deep)

keba morda

kab ngirditch, gabbee goombar

Water (fresh) kab kwab, yookyung keba
Water (running) keba jil-er
Water (salt) kab koonan, kēba gullum
Waterfall kē'pa karkan
Waterhole kepa tomburn
Wattle tree koy-lung
Weather (cold) neeting, ngeetin
Weather (hot) werdinok, munnok
Weather (wet) kab borrong
Well tomburn, tombun
Willy willy marara
Wind (East) mar, mar kakar, nungalarara?, jer'al?
Wind (light) mar
Wind (North) mar yabaroo, booyal?
Wind (South) mar meenung, kakal?
Wind (strong) mar moorditch
Wind (West) mar meeruk, winakul, kan'een
Xanthorrhoea borra
Yesterday yena, yenya, karram?
Zamia, fruit of by-yoo
General Vocabulary
Abduct, to yungar booyung gutta burrong kooling
Able kud'de'ee
Abscond, to ye'na, bul-kollee
Absent borda jinung?, wē'barnee
Abundance pulla, boola
Abuse, to kerrut
Accident bolluk
Accompany, to mēt-ka, ngulla dit
Accuse, to neenee wonga yan
Across ya'kun
Adorned wolga gwerding
Adultery mootcha
Afraid yenning, yē'ining, wyan, munning
After toolongeen?, kwetchanet
Again nutta?
Aged bid-ē-ra, bid-ērr, mongamet
Agree, to kwabba
Aim, to jeenong munning neen
Alarm yē'ining, neetchawa
Alive dordok, torduk
All bullarung
Alligator bung-arra, bong-yar?
Alone kē-een, kēnjel
Always wato mēnun, wato munning
Ambush koola yinje yeena
Am I? ngeja kutta
Amuse, to kwopang morangora?
Anger boorong?, karran, kurrang, kerrang
Anger ; angry to be nging karrang
Another wamma
Approach, to bordok koolee, kitchee
Arise, to yē'ya teera
Ascend, to nāta?
Ashes yoorda, yooreda
Ask, to wonga
Assault, to bam, bal ngung bam (he hit me), tchowal
Go astray, to kunnee ngytchong
At once
Attentive kuttaj
Autumn wardinok? boonor, bonmara
Awkward wēndun
Back, to go kor barn, kor koolee, kora yakka
Back, to bring kor kannee, burrong koraket
Bad warra meeal?, warra
Bag gutta, goota, koota, kotta
Bag in which child is carried koota
Bag, to carry in a gutta kateel
Bald kattabil yooad, beereekoot
Bandy legged mata ngēlin, mat ngelen
Barb of a spear tara, mongar
Bare biljud
Bark, as a dog, to toora winan, twarda wangin
Bark (used for food vessels) yā'lo, yoobal
Bark (used for making huts) yā'lo, yoobal
Bathe, to talgara
Battle baggaj, bukkytch, bukkitch
Beat, to baaming, booma
Beautiful kwabatuk, kwabmet
Before kwetchanet, kwijet
Beg, to winying, yung'o
Behaviour kwabayin, ngokkal?
Behind woolagut
Bellow, to booun, nerda?, wallee
Below narda
Belt noolbun, ngoolban, nolban
Between kardagul
Beware! wonkatajin?, ēlē'wa
Big goombar, goombarmert, koombarra
Birth koolanduppit, koolong tabbut
Bite, to bukkan, bukking, bakkaning
Bitter tallum?
Black moon, moorn
Bleed, to mopa, noopa kwart, ngoopa duppit, nooboo dappet
Blind meel warra, mē'al but
Blow, as the wind, to pa-paning
Blunt toot, toota
Board, for throwing spear wog-ga?, meera, meeree, wommera, meeroo, mirroo
Body (dead) bal wē-nat (he dead)
Boggy ground boojur koonuk, bonna?
Bony kwē-jee, kwetcha
Boomerang meera?, ky'lee, ke-ulta?
Both of us ngallatal, ngulla, koojong
Brand (fire) kala, yoola
Brave kwabatuk
Break, to dakkan, dukkan, takkin
Breath wa'garr
Bright bun'na?
Bring forth, to (as animals, their young) noppin kwartee
Bring me yooal ketta, ngunyung, nalla yoolyung
Bring, to yenna yool burrong, yooal kat
Bruised mintaj
Bundle ka-ta-kyl
Burn too'kuning, kyla nerra, kala ninnee
Bury, to yolyarra
Bush wa-wa?
By and by boorda boorda, burda, meela, boora
Call him back yool ko, wonga kora, yenna yool gul, noonda yooal kool
Call, to wallee
Camp, native kā'loo, mya, kala
Cannibal in'gurda
Care, to take porra jenning
Carry, to, on the shoulders wantart, koona berring, won'dē'ding
Certainly koonjel
Champion yakolē ?
Change, to wē-tee
Charcoal ngerga
Cheat, to koolamitchan
Chew, to janning
Choke, to kar'ining
Circle mangara noodinga yung
Circumcision murt yallin
Clay nan'moo
Clay, white lime derda
Clean kwabaduk
Climb, to tantong, dundon, yena yeera gullee, tun'tan'een
Cloak, to poga, poka
Close (near) burdok
Clothe, to poka
Cold, a ngeeting
Collect, to purr anja?
Come in, to yooal gul
Conquer, to māla murjee
Cook, to tuguning
Cooked meat taaja kwyakmarra?
Couple koojal
Courage boogur
Covered up, to leave wobuning
Coward wyan, wij-ning
Crack in the skin jede'la
Crawl, to mora koolin, doopikan
Crime poyera
Crippled kintaning, minditch, nokkal
Crooked ngēling
Cruel windam
Cry, to wē-ling, wallee
Cry out, to wallee
Cunning woy-biluk
Cure, to dorduk
Cut, to, with a knife bō'na?, mujjee
Damp bo'najil
Damper marrang, marryn, merryn
Dance doodarar, kēning
Dance, to doodarar, kēning
Dead wē-nan, weenat, wē-nit, wēn, winatan
Deaf tongabut, twanga warra
Death wē-ning, kwejat wē nit
Decay, to bō'na malēn
Deceit meena allebal
Deep murda
Dense scrub marluk, kworel murka?
Dense, stupid katta but
Depart, to watto, wootan wal' koolitch
Destroy, to worra wooneen
Devil tchinga, jenka, jenga, tchanga
Die, to kweditch wēn
Different wamma
Dig, to boojur bēnin, benning, beenin
Dirty windam
Disappoint, to kool warra
Disgrace, to mootcha
Disguise, to walla, kwoppa
Distance woorar
Divided kur'gut
Divide, to, amongst several persons kurgut yaaming
Do that! allinga woona
Dog's tail head-dress neenta
Down (below) tom'in, jom'in, nurda, ngurda
Drag along, to burrong kooling
Dread, to mo'pul'ong, wy'an
Dream welya?
Dried up kē'ba yooat
Drink nanneen
Drink, to kab ngoling
Drown, to kebal wening
Drunk kurring, yowera
Dry kurd ?
Dumb taa yo-il-ya, daa warra
Earache twonga mindij, twonga warra
Early mur'ard'pa ?
East moonan?, jeral, jeering
Egg-shell ngurka
Embrace, to wangan, yoorangeen
Empty gobbel weereed, kobbel but
Enclose, to panjee
Enemy wo'wilya
Enough bulla, kē-nuk
Erect wel-yaree
Evil spirit jenka
Examine, to jē-nung ?
Faint, to pal gara
Fall, to duppet, tupat
Family or tribe kwoorēl
Far away woorar, wurrar
Fast kirget
Fear we'ening, wy wy, wyan
Fear, to wyan
Feast woonta
Feed, to nanning, nalgo, merryn yung
Fetch, to kata kooling, burrong, yual kat
Few pot'an, mowa
Fillet for the head wokarree
Finish, to yinnuk, ken'uk
Fire-stick kala boona
Fish bait weppa
Flame kala taaling
Flat yam'bel ?, geenung?
Flee, to watta kooling
Flesh (of animals) dy'ja
Float, to worran
Flour toolba, nulboo, merryn
Food murryn, kwobada, merryn
Forbid, to wanga karjiran ?
Forward, to go noonda kweditch kool, watto gullee, koojinut
Four goojal goojal
Fresh (lately made) ye'ye-nan
Friend babbin, nung moora, koobong
Frightened wyan, we-yening
Full (filled up) kombara
Full (satisfied) gobbel koot, murart
Full of holes tombunyarra bularra
Fur jowan, jowing
Game, a wabbee, wabba
Gently dup'ikan, tobogan
Get up, to yeera lool, yeera
Ghost jenka, kā'inga
Giddy katta won'gunang
Girdle of opossum hair ngoolban, nulban
Give, to yooalyung, yunga, yungitch
Glitter, to goolimin
Glutton yo'ee-ya
Go astray, to kē'in-ittang
Go away, to wata kooling, yenna watto, noonda kweditch kool
Go back, to kur'bul, noonda koor kool
Go in, to pee'a'kul, booran kool
Go out, to watabul
Gold poy-a (stone)
Good kwaba, kwap
Good, no wettee?, wēndong
Gorge, a koogulgup
Grave yulya
Graze, to nannin jelba
Grease, to jeerang, jeerung
Great kumbara, goombar
Greyheaded jer-a-luk, katta jundyl, katta jerdaluk
Grief wal-ling, koort warra
Grind, to kwilyening
Grip, to pe'na
Grow yeera kumbara (bal ye gumbar = )
Guilty neeul
Half caste tonda
Half ngung bōn yung, panja
Halt, to yenna nanup, toobukan
Hammer (native) kojja, koja
Handle te'wenta
Handsome kwobatuk
Hang wurran
Hard mooditch, moorditch, murdaj
Harmless neakal, wunjun
Hatchet kojja
Hate paaning
Haunch gulga
He bal
Head-cover kuree
Heap, a kundun
Hear, to twanga, ninnee wangee, twanga kuttitch
Heaven woota ?
Heavy goombar, murra murruk
Height walardee, yeera
Her bal
Here neeja
Hereafter mo kurra woona
Hesitate, to mo witch kuttijee ?
Hidden worang yinjee
High yeerkan, wooree
Him bal
His bal
Hold, to burrum murraj
Honey nookoo, ngoop?
House unja
Humpbacked koona warra
Hungry weereet, weeret, yoolup, weerid, pandan
Hunt, to nurruning, dytch, ngerdin
Hurt minditch, mundik
Husband korda, kordo
I ninya
Idle peetabab, beedabup
Ill (sick) mintaj, mindik
Immediately yeya, get get,
Immovable murro murrik, moorditch
Implicated (as a blood relative in a quarrel) ngung moorat
Improper wēndong
Injure, to ter'ban-ee
Increase, to boola wina
Indeed konagoo
Inform, to natuk bulla woona ?
Innocent (not implicated in a quarrel) bal kooda
Itch jip jip, nur'urd
Jail yootun, kontuk, kunado
Jealous meenup
Jealousy meenup
Jest, to wabbee, nonda
Journey, to make a ngung woorar koolee, mata woorar
Joy koot kwup, goord gwab
Jump, to ber'derang, berderinnee, pootung
Keep get'inning
Kick jenna purdong kwirree
Kill, to weening, wē-ning
Kind, to be winya, babbin
Kiss, a neenjan, mā-le ?
Kiss, to neenjan, mā-le ?
Kneel poonaj pooranning
Knife dappa
Knock, to (down) bomburrong kwerijee
Knot mitcha?
Know, to dwonga, ngung twanga
Languid mongung
Large kum'bara, goombar
Last, of anything or anyone yool'tuk,?, kenyuk
Laugh kowing, kow'a
Laughter kowing
Lay, to eggs nooriga eejee
Lazy peetapup, beedeebup
Lead, to mara joogoing
Leak, to nullun
Lean (thin) yulling, kwē'jee
Leap, to poortinging
Learn, to bal kuttik, twonk winnee
Leave (to go away) kootee nging yē koolee, kwejat gullee, wata gullee
Lie (to tell a lie) koolyum, mundeen
Lift up, to purra yeera
Light (not heavy) bottin, buttang
Light a fire, to kal kulla innee?, yenna kala dookun
Like (similar) kurgup yanageen
Line (a straight mark) weeranga, eedee alla
Listen, to yello noonda kattitch, kuttaj
Little pot'in, bottyn, nop, bo'lang ?
Living, alive dorduk, tordok
Locality boojur kala
Loiter, to nan woonan
Lonely kur gēn
Long wooree, wēl'yet
Long (tall) wooree
Long ago koora, kurra
Long hair jowan wal'ar'dee, maka wal'aree
Long time koora, kurra
Look out, to kob'a jinnung, allin jinna
Loose kēn-yēn nitcha
Love, to koord'ul yoona
Lover kurginee
Low nurdikan, nurda
Lying (down) nurda noondin
Mad nulgut put
Make, to aleema aleema munitch ?
Many boolara
Marry, to kur a kuttik, bal kōraduk
Master, a bid'err
Matches kala
Matter (from sore) koonta
Me nyn'ya, ninya, nginya, nana
Meat taaja, dyja
Medicine bolya, bulya
Meet, to jinung yungitchen
Memory katitchung
Mend, to taananing
Merry koot kwup, koor gwabba
Message nukka
Message sticks bumburra
Met yal munopeen?
Middle koragul
Milk peebee, bibbee, pibee
Mimic, to mur'an-ing, nger-an-in
Monster (fabulous) kumbar waugul ?
More nattee, ngutta yung-a-ngeen
Motherless ngank'yooad, barna
Mouldy palyeen
Mourning pen'along
Move, to ngarunning
Much putting
Murder pē-ning wē-ning
Music kwēro kwēro
Must woona
My nana
Naked pog'abut, booka yooad
Name kwēlo, kwē'lee, kwela
Narrow kweerbar
Native well moora, marning
Near pordok, borduk
Necessary kē'da gut
Never yooat', yooad
New kutta gong
Nice kwabatuk, kwabba
No yooat, yooad
Nobody yoo-at-at-o
Noise wongon
Nonsense kwililyong, wabbee
North booyal, yabaroo
Nose-piercing molya gijee
Nose stick nullamberree
Nothing arda
Now (at once) yē-ya, yē'ee,
Off kwejat koolee, ya'kul
Offended nging karrong, we'inin
Oh! ngaa
Old beederr, bid-de abbajee
One kēn
Open dun'gun, dun-jun ?
Other pa
Our ngulla, ngull'ya
Out muntuk
Over pur'dungeen
Owner pat-taa
Pain mindik
Paint, to wilgar
Pair goojal, koojul
Pant, to wa-kara
Parasite nor-ril ?
Parched up boojur taata
Part of, a panka
Pass, to wata kooler
Passion karrong
Path (track) mata
Peaceable kootang eejan
Pearl-shell beetawon
Pebbles mulun'kur ?
Peeled Stick (used for hair ornament) poonya
Peevish tallan
Penetrate, to toning
Perhaps kupeen, kubbyn
Person bal
Pick up, to purrong
Pinch, to peena
Pit tombul
Place kwobbun etin
Plain kwangun
Play, to wappee, wabbee
Pleased, to be koort gwap
Plenty bulaa, boola, boolaring, pullara
Pluck out feathers, to pul-keen
Plume, a jeerelur
Pointed Spear gijee jellup
Poise, to (spear) wadam kwurt
Pole (rod or stick) ngata
Polite kwabaduk
Portion, a noona yana geen-pank
Possessing panjee
Pound, to (to beat up) bo'ming, ngo'lungeen
Powerful moorditch, ngombar mata
Praise (approval) kwaba
Presently booda, yella
Pretty minytch kwabaduk
Protect, to teetungeen
Proud woompup, wallawalla
Pull, to purring
Pursue, to toolangan, jenna dulling
Push, to wa'wit
Putrid wynda, ngooda
Quick kert kert, kēd kēd
Quit, to nun'yil yang
Raise, to yeera
Raw turdong orang, durdong
Ready kwejet
Red oobalyung, noobdong
Refuse, to yooat
Rejoice, to koort kwabba, koot kwap
Relate, to wango
Related, to be moorurt
Relation, a moorurt
Relief koolong kudding
Remain, to nga-ing-nga
Remember, to kuttijee
Renown koombar murt
Restrain, to purrung kata kooling
Retaliate, to bal nē-na bamba
Return, to kor kullee, kor kooling
Revenge, to yak kun inja
Right (proper) kwaba
Ring (circle for enclosing game) kaapinga
Rob, to byoo'il'ba burineen
Robber ter-in-man
Rogue mootcha, terinman
Roll over, to munda bel
Rope mujjee, maajee, maatchee
Rot, to nō'da
Roundabout woonwoon, wan-wan
Rubbing nabban
Rub together, to oolunitch
Rug booka
Run away, to ben koolee, yakkoolee
Run, to yakkool, yak koolee
Sad yn worra kuttingen
Safe koord ner eejum
Salt koonin
Same (the) neeja mookyn, mookyn
Satisfied koor gup
Save, to (the life of anyone) mineen kwobuna kar
Sawdust tookulya
Scab ngurt
Scar booerna?
Scold, to karrung
Scrape, to pe-yeena, binning
Scratch, to binning
Search, to wa' wat
See, to jenan, jinnung, jinning
Separate kurgut
Serious kata nuna pan?
Shadow mulleya, molla, yolla
Shake, to witta witta
Shame kool'mē kurra
Shank ngoritch
Share yanajee pakanujee an'up
Sharp (edge), a jillup, jeelara
Sharpen, to jeelarawan
Shavings ngetluk
She bal
Shield oonda, woonda
Ship yandij el burra
Shirt, a pwoga
Short korak, kurert
Shout, to wallee, wal-up
Shut, to wal-don
Shy wyan, wē'yinngan
Sick (ill) minditch
Side, the ngorril
Silent, to be wanga but
Silly nōr'put, nur kut put
Sinews of kangaroo's tail kweeruk
Sing, to kwēra kwēroo
Single kēn
Sink, to ngerdee, murdo koolee
Sit down, to ngarda nginnee
Slippery kokat kokat
Slow tabakan, dupakan
Sly wubbeluk
Small bottin, bottyn
Small piece, a bottyn
Smear, to wilgee
Smile, to minytch wom'opart, kowa
Smoke, to (tobacco) kee'era
Smoke, of fires booyoo kal, kala kee'era
Smooth kok'at kok'at
Snap, to pak'an
So many boolara
Sob wē-era
Soft kawnuk, koonok, koonyak
Somebody ngajjin
Song kwē-ro
Sore (or boil) mintaj
Sorrow win-ee-ngun
Sound morrotch
South meenung, kakal
Sparkle, to kwe'lamun
Sparks gwidamitch
Spear (generic term) gijee, boordon
Spear (fishing) marga gijee, gijal mordoning
Spear, to gijee don
Spear, to throw a gijee kwartee, gijee kwart
Spear (war) boral gijee
Speedily kit kit, ked ked
Spider's web kara mya
Spill, to ke nineejong
Spin, to (weave) kurrong een
Split, to yē'yilga
Spring (season of) jilba, jelba, jelbara, tchelbara
Spring (native well) kab ngoora, noora
Spring, to burdong
Squeeze, to pēning
Stale (old) tchallum
Stamping kēn, kē'ning
Stand, to yak
Stare at, to jinong
Steal, to bonulla parrongin
Steep (high) kar-kol
Stick boona, bunna
Stiff pulkara
Still (quiet) tanutba
Sting paakun, bakkan
Stir, to wē'erong
Stolen boourt, puranning
Stop! nan'nup, ngan'yin, nanup
Story koolyam, koolilyam
Straight, to put turkum

noo'kart?, weeranga

noo'kart?, weeranga

Strangle, to worran
Strayed (stock) kuneen eetong?
Strength kyteet, mooreetch
Strike, to baam
String, of a bag majjee
Strong murdutch, mooreetch
Stuck (fast) nona
Suddenly ket ket
Sufficient keenuk
Sugar goo'in'gun, ngook
Sulky (cross) karrang, kurrang, karrung, dalgy
Summer beerok, beerak
Surprise, to karul kwerting
Surround, to woon woon gullee, mulyurk kwerting
Sweat banya, bēnya
Sweet nyool nyool, ngook, ngooka
Swell, to kwontan
Swim, to nginneen
Swoon, to ngaljē, ngalgē
Take in the hand, to porong mara
Tall walyardee, wallardee
Tame ngaakul
Tattoo, to walja kwedding ?
Tattooing walja kwedding ?
Tea mank, manga
Tear, to jerran
Tell me wangee ngyna
Tell, to ngana wonganin
Temper kurrung
Terrible windong
That very thing elleeabul, alleebal
Their bal, baal
Then kwo eetcha
There allee a
They balgup
Thief kukkuj
This neetcha
This one alya kēn ?
This way neetcha ngaan, yool gullee
Those al-ya belgup
Thrash, to baa'min, baam
Threaten, to wēyen neeting
Three mo, warrang
Through kun'eetchel
Throw, to kworuk, kwart, kwartee
Throwing kwartee
Throwing board meera, meero, wommera
Tickle, to jee'der go'roo, kit kit
Ticklish kit kit
Tie, to ooteneen, yootero
Tired mē lun ?
Tobacco kee'ero
Together ngulla goojal, donga
Tomahawk kojo, koja
Track (footprint) jeena talannan?, jen, jenna dulling, jenna
Traveller matuk kooleēra
Troublesome yeedud yeeded
Turn back, to kor gullee, mullun wat yak
Turn over, to ngunda ballee
Twirl round, to wunijee wunijee
Twist, to kwurrung
Two goojal, kujjal
Uncooked meat dytch derdong, taaja tardan
Under nurdagut, nurdee, ngerdee
Understand, to kuttitch minnung lan?, twonga, nyn kuttij
Unfasten, to wintch kutchel? bellern
Unknown kattitch but
Unwell minditch
Upright yeerkon
Upside down kwunna nurdee
Upwards yeerkon, irrakan
Us ngulla
Useless wethee
Vain (proud) woola woola, woombup
Very bad wēndong, windong
Very good goombara nut gwabba, kwabbala, gwabba
Vicious wēndong, karrung
Violent kurrung
Wait, to yella, kaw'kun
Wander, to (off the right track) taa'ring al'ong ?
Warm moonok, moonak, kal'lar
Watch jinung kitabuk, wata minung
Weak yoolup yoora
Weapons woonda, gijee, etc.
Weighty (heavy) goombar, murrup murrup
Well (not sick) dorduk (alive?), kwabba
West merruk?, win'nekul, kēning?
Wet palyan
What yarn, nonup?
Where winjal, winjee
Whistle winyen
White wilbart, toonda
Who ngeen
Whole biddē'era?
Whose alya ngeen?
Why naajee, ngaatch
Wicked wēndong
Wide kopara
Wild native yungara kota gulla
Will, I naitka kullee?
Will they? alya balgup
Will you? kuttee noonda
Winter mōker, moggar, mooker
Within yē nutch?
Without yē yooat ?
Wood boona, bo'na, boorna, pono
Worn out kwurarago
Wounded batchal?
Wrong ngat?
Yam-stick woona, wanna
Yellow putcheron
Yes kya, kwa
You nundoo, yenna, noonda
Young koolamundee, koolamantee
Younger koopadung
Your noonda
Yours noonda
Short Sentences
Afraid, I am not, of you

Ngyja we'yenin noona but

Ngyn wyan yooad; nyna wywy yooad

Afraid, What are you, of? Kanaga woolin wyan?
Asleep, He is Bal ngoondee, bal beejur
Bad, That is very Alya wēndong, alya withee, konajil wēndong
Bad, You are Noonda wendong, yenna withee, nyinna wendong
Brother, He is my Bal ngung ngoondon, bal ngyna ngoondon
Brother, That is my Alya ngung ngoondan, alya nana noondun
Bury him Boomur al been, boojur al jeen?
Care, Take, of Purda jenung
Carry this Burrung gat gool
Cattle, Bring in the Yooal kat "bullock"
Cattle, Did you see the? Koodee jinhung "bullock"
Children, Where are your? Winjal koolan, winjera noona koolangur
Come from, Where do you? Winjal yinna yool
Come here Yooal kool, yinna yool?, yooal goolee
Come, I, from Ngyna koola
Come in Boora kool, yooal gool
Come, I will Ngyna noonan koolee
Coming, They are Alya koolee ngan, bal yool gullee
Coming with you, I am

Ngyna noona kooling

Ngulla dil koolee

Cook that --- Allinga tookin
Country, What is the name of your? Naa boojera (?), yarn kwellee noona boojur?
Country, Where is your? Winja noona boojera, winjel yinna boojur, Winjal noonda boojur?
Coward, You are a Nyinna wywy
Daughter, Is that your? Allee noona nurt?
Dead, he is Bal we'na, bal wē nit, bal wēning
Deceiving me, You are Noonda koolyam wan
Dingoes, Are there many?

Tooara bullara, dooda bulla

Dwerda yakkyn bulla

Direction, In this Neetcha koolee
Do this Allinga woona
Doing, What are you? Ngaat nunda woonan
Eat, Can you, this?

Nunda neena nanning

Koodee yinna ngannin?

Moonda koodee neetch ngannin

Father, he is my

Ngung maman

Neetch nan mamman, ngynya mamman

Find, Where did you, them? Winjee nunda parranga, winjal noonda berring
Finish this Kēna neetcha?
Fire, Make a Kala kooling (?), kala dookurn, kall kullin
Fire, Make by friction kala kworoning
Fish, Catch some wēpa noobla peruning
Fish, Cook that wepa tukkin
Flour, I want some Marryn yung, dalba yongur
Food, Give me Marryn yung, dalba yongin, marryn yonga
Food, I will give you Ngyn noonda marryn yung
Food, Where shall I find Winjee marrang
Friend, I am your

Nging moorert, ngyna babbin

Ngyna noona nundinee

Get along Ket ket kool
Get up Yeerakul
Give me Nging yung, nana yalla (?)
Go away Wata koolee, wat goolee, wata gool
Go before me Kwējee gut koola
Go behind me Woolingut koola
Go, I will, now Ngyna kwejeegut koolee
Going away, I am, now Nging kweditch koolee
Gone, He has just Bal kwejat gullee, bal ya wata goolee
Gone, he has, to Kweditch kool
Gone, Where has he? Winja bal koolee
Good, That is no Alleea wēndong, alleea withee
Good, That is very Alleea gwabbaduk, alleea gwabba
Good, You are no Nyinna wēndong, yinna withee
Good, You are very Nyinna gwabbaduk, yinna gwabba
Go, I, to Kit kit goolee
Go quickly Dupagan goolee
Go there Alleea koolee
Go you Yinna goolee
Here it is Neetcha, neeja
Hill, What is the name of that?

Ngeenda kwela katta

Yarn kwellee katta, narning alya katta

Horses, Bring in the?

Barrong kat "horses"

Yooal kat "horses"

Horses, Did you see the? Kootee jinung "horses"
House, Am I near a? Mya porduk, mya borduk
House, Are we getting near the? Mya porduk, mya kootee borduk
Husband, Is that your?

Alleea noona korda

Alya noonda korda

Husband, Where is your?

Winjal noonda korda

Winjee yinna korda

Ill, I am Ngyn minditch
Ill, You are Noonda minditch
Is that your ---- Al'ya noonda - ?
Kangaroo, Are you hunting?

Noonda dytch ngurerdong

Yongar ngorduming

Kangaroo, Where shall I find? Winjal yongar
Killed, He has been Bal kwojet paana
Killed, Who has, him? Ngeen da paama
Killed, You have, him Noonda bal paama
Know, I Ngyn kattij, ngytcha kuttijan
Know, I do not

Ngyja kattij burt, ngyn twanga but

Ngyna kattij but

Lake, What is the name of that? Ngarning ngerditch, naa kwella kwongan (?)
Lake, Where is the? Winjal ngerditch, winjal kwongan (?)
Lazy, You are Noonda beetabab, peedee papa
Leave me Winja, wintcha
Let it alone Wintcha gool
Lie down Ngoonda
Listen to me Ngyna kuttij
Long time ago, That was a Koorar, alya koorar, koora
Look out Jinna jinna
Lying, He is, down Bal noondan
Mother, She is my Bal nana nungun, bal nyna nungun
Mother-in-law, She is my Murran ngana
Name, What is your? Ninna nēn kwella, yinna neen, naaning noonda kwel
Natives, How many, are there?

Naaming yungara, nowman yungar

Yungar bulla

Natives, Where are the? Winjel yungara noonerding, Winjal nungar, Yungar wa
Native, Who is this? Nee nitcha yungara, alya ngeen yungar
Noise, What is that? Naatch alya wongan
Relation, What are you to? Neena neena murrart
Rising, The river is Kēpa yeerup
River, Where is the? Unjee alya murditch
Roots (edible), Find some Unjee too'oota
Roots (edible), where shall I find? Unjeera twetta paronning
Run away Yok kool, yak koolee
Sea, Am I near the? Nēna purdok watamil?
Search for that Watta jeno
Shoot that Alinga yanto paama
Sleep, I shall now

Ngyn ngoondee, nyna ye yee beejar

Nēna yēya noondyn

Slow, You are very Noona tubukkan
Speak, Do not Wangbut, wankee but
Spear, Where is your?

Winjal noonda gij'el

Unjee noona keetcha

Station, Are we getting near the? Ngulla yēya porduk kalluk
Stay with me Nyin narnyiddee (?) Nēna nyinnee
Stay, you, here Yinna nanup ninee
Steal, From whom did you? Noondee ngeen "Kwibbel" (?)
Stolen, You have, that Noonta puronning al'inya
Stop here Neeja nanup
Take this to Neetchaburrong, alinya purrong
Tell .... to come to me Wonga yooal koolee, wonga yooal kool
That, I want Aling nana yonga
Tired, I am Ngyna munjon
Track, Where is the? Unjee jeena, winjal jenna, jenna wa
Tree, what is the name of that? Naaj kwella alya bona, naaning alya boona, yarn kwellee boorna
Tribe, To what, do you belong? Unjin alo noona moorurt
True, That is not Noonta nytch koneejero wongan, alya kurnijal but alya koolyam
Turkey, Where shall I find a?

Unjil nytch, jinungin pelpilyar

Winjel pibilyar jinung, bibilyar wa

Understand, Do you? Noonda kootee kuttijan, noonda kattij, nyinna dwonga
Understand, I do not Nytch kuttij but, nyna kuttij yooad, ngyn kattij but.
Want, What do you? Nujjee naatoo kuttija
Water, Am I near? Nguna kootee keba porduk
Water, Boil some Kēba tookunin
Water, Give me Gabbee yonga, ngyn kab yung
Water, Have you found? Noonda kootee kab berrong
Water, I cannot find Keba yooat
Water, I want some

Nytcha koortul kēba

Nyna gabbee yonga

Water, Where shall I find? Keba winjal
Way, Come this Yooal gool purdok
Way, Go that Watagool
Well, where is the? Winjee ngo'ra
What is it? Naatch
Where are you going?

Noonda winjal koolee

Winjee nyinna kooling

Winja yinna koolee

Where do you come from? Unjil alla nyinna kooling
White man's house, Where is the?

Winjal tchenga mya, Winjal jenga mya

Winjal nit ten mya, Unjee ngeeting mya

Who is that? Alya ngeen
Who is there? Alya ngeen
Wife, Is that your? Alya noonda korda, Alya noonok korda
Wife, She is my

Bal ngung korda, bal nyna yokko

Bal kurnijel ngana korda

Wife, Where is your?

Winjal noonda korda

Winjal yinna yakko

Winjee noona korda

Wood, Find some Kal boon berrong, boona burrong
You and I Ngulla koojal
You two Noonta kut koojal (?)
Answers to Questions
George Monger
2. Not any circumcision in these parts.
4. I believe such to be the case.
5. After death they bend the body nearly half circle, dig a hole in the ground about 3 or 4 feet deep, and lay the body on its back. They then cover it over. Build half circle hut round the grave, between the grave and hut they make a half circle of soil in which they put all his implements of war and domestic utensils, after the hut is finished they make a fire in front for the evil spirit to come and warm himself. They only believe in the devil.
7. Weapons : kidgee, cylie, warmherer or mearer, dowark (woondan).
10. White gum (wander), red gum (curdan)?, mahogany (jaran), York gum (twatar), Jam tree (mungite), sandalwood (coonild) poison plant (bolyher), Flood gum (coolit).
21. They will eat anything living toasted on ashes.
23. Not in these districts.
24. Generally the dry blackboy stick called mellon.
27. They believe in ghosts or the devil.
28. Generally each tribe have a boylya or doctor.
31. Signalling by lighting fires when travelling.
J.H. Gregory
1. Cannot say.
2. Not in this district.
3. The child if a girl is allotted or given by the parents to a man as soon as born. Sometimes to an old man, sometimes to a young, as the choice may be.
4. Cannot say.
5. In this district a sandy piece of ground is selected and a shallow hole is dug about half the length of the body. The head is placed to the east and the body is crumpled up and covered with their cloak and the earth filled in. All effects belonging to them such as panican, spears, miro, is placed on the grave.
6. The men roll the hair around the head and bind it with a string called nulgh..... which they spin of the hair of the possum, then plaster it over with wilgi and grease. The woman had it loose.
7. Gigey (spear), meero (throwing board ), kiely, dowac (boomerang), koigee (or axe). The women has a pointed stick called wanna which they use for fighting or digging roots.
8. After finding a track that the kangaroo frequents, they dig a deep hole on it and cover it over with light bushes, hence it forms a trap. It was much used before the domestic dog was introduced.
10. I have given many names in the general vocabulary that were used in this district.
11. Might is right.
12. The natives in the early stage of the colony was not subject to many diseases, their trouble was principally by the spear.
13. I know of none. They had some belief in a doctor man. There was one in each tribe.
14. I cannot say.
15. The corroboree was held in high estimation by both sexes, and when friendly terms existed between tribes, was much resorted to.
16. I cannot say the exact extent of tribal country but it seemed to be about 20 miles apart, and in each a chief or governor who advises on most public matters, but who has very little authority otherwise as might seems to be right with them. All my answers and remarks apply to the early natives, and not to those of the present time.
17. Nearly in all cases often a locality - as Perth, York, Northam, etc.
18. Only by naming certain hills, rivers, brooke etc. in various directions from a locality named.
19. Not any that I know.
20. Yes, for friendly exchange of things, that is not found in every district, such as wilgee, clay, spearwood, gum to make hammers, etc. etc.
21. The native man does very little work except hunting large game such as kangaroo, emu, possums, when trees has to be climbed. The women has to hunt or collect small game, such as frogs, birds, nests with young or eggs, insects, roots and bark of trees etc. etc. Also make huts, the fire, fetch wood and water and all other domestic work which may be required. They never stay long in one camp although they stop some length of time in the locality, owing to the non-observance of sanctuary arrangements.
22. I never knew or heard of any.
23. Not in these districts.
24. Any soft woods, but the blackboy stick is preferred as the top part is rather hard and the bottom soft. The latter is laid on the ground, held by the foot, with a small hole made in it. The hard piece is inserted and rubbed or twirled between the two hands very quickly, which causes friction, igniting the small dust that is made, hence fire.
25. Trees has oftimes cavities that will hold water collected through the winter season and where there is a hump or knot on the outside of the tree generally it is hollow, so by cutting or boring water can be obtained.
26. They have no idea of a Supreme Being, although they seemed to have some idea of rising from the dead. They used to say that when they died they would get up white fellow. I myself and many other of the early settlers bore the name of natives who died in the last century.
27. They believe there is an evil spirit, the devil, who is able to kill or to cure through bulgar (boylya) away or to impower another native to afflict sickness or death, but what they think of the future state, I cannot say.
28. Answered in 27.
29. Yes, by singing and dancing.
31. They signalize when travelling by the smoke of fires - when crossing a tract by sitting on the ground a few blackboy tops, the points in the direction they were going.
30. Do not know of any.
Rev. James Flood
1. The father and mother, brother and sister, uncle, aunt and cousins - first cousins only.
2. Just a belief in one great master. Circumcision not permitted in this district, practised however amongst tribes nearer the Eastern Goldfields, never permitted here. There is a kind of belief in the "transmigration of souls"; after anyone dies they believe his spirit is hovering about the trees. They have a ceremony of blowing and sucking in the air much as they can, to suck in the spirit of deceased, and so have a double soul or spirit.
3. This is interesting. The mother of "would-be"b ride asks the young man. If he accepts, the parties are then and there husband and wife. The young man never asks. If he refuses, he must wait until some other girl's mother asks him,
4. This theory has been exploded in this district. There is, and has been well known cases, when the pure aboriginal mother gave birth to a half caste, and afterwards to pure black children, There is one case in which the mother gave birth to half caste and black alternately.
5. They keep the dead body for one night only, buried at 10 a.m. the following day. Before burial the finger nails are first burned and then peeled off. Hair all cut. The forefinger and little finger of each hand tied together. All march to grave, weeping etc. dig grave with stick called woona about 5 ft. in depth, build small hut over head to keep it dry, and make a fire at the foot of the grave to keep feet of deceased warm. The fire is kept lighted for 1 month. The hut is kept up for 12 months.
6. They tie up the hair by a cord made from wool of the opossum skin. The hair made stand up in a lump on top of head. Emu's feather over each ear, two fancy sticks also horizontally over each ear. Stick through the nose.

7. Spear "keejee" with a "woomera" for throwing it.

Kaylee, corresponding with boomerang.

Dowack, tomahawk made of a sharp stone on one side and blunt on the other, bound to wood in stick as handle. The handle made of blackboy gum (?)

8. Use no traps for securing game, just surround the kangaroo and spear him. Catch the opossums in the hollow tree.
9. None whatever.
10. The jam, mungut; York gum, t-wutta; white gum, wownda; Bankshee, mung'gutch; jarrah, jer'ell; Flood gum on river bank, koo'lunn; sheoak, quail-a; prickly tree, paynta; wild potato, corna.
11. No justice system whatever. All disputes and injustices settled by the spear (?)
12. No diseases except colds up to the advent of white man, except perhaps toothache.
13. They cured the cold by chewing the bark of the tweta, twetta tree, or lying alongside of the fire.
15. Not symbolical of anything. Corroboree the only form of sport or amusement. The refrains used on these occasions are only for sound sake - the measuring of time.
16. This tribe have about 25 miles square - natives number about 200. Now nearly all at the mission, the balance in the country of other tribes.
17. Mau'ra Dundarriga Bindoon
18. They have certain trees and hillocks and creeks to define the boundary beyond which it was death to cross if found out.
19. There is a singular and plural but seldom used, and a verb occasionally. I could not satisfactorily make myself at home when to use, or how, the verb.
20. Not at regular intervals or particular places. Sometimes individuals of one tribe had friends in another district to whom they would write in the ordinary letter stick. They met accordingly and exchanged spears, kangaroo skins, etc.

21. Several kinds, roots, worrang; nuts, maatcha; potatoes native, quawna; chupuck, another kind of potato; poo-aun, a red onion of sandplains; wanga, kookoin, red berry. The York gum roots is the sweetest and most stable of all. They roast skin inside bark and eat it like good sweet bread.

Wooda, big mushroom; wa-miller, poo-ee-a, excrescences on leaves of some trees at certain times.

22. Never boil food. Nearest approach to boiling is by baking in a hole in the ground made hot, the food being covered up by hot ashes until fit for use. This they find out by piercing with a sharp stick.
23. Not cannibals in this district, although one case is known in a time of great distress in bad weather. They killed a little girl, cooked and ate.
24. The blackboy and the blackboy stick. They have system of rubbing two pieces of blackboy stick, to and from, between the open hands, pressing hands hard whilst rubbing, at same time keeping the ends of the sticks pressed closely to the blackboy trunk on which they sit. The friction of the two sticks in the hand and that of the blackboy itself, on which the ends of the sticks are constantly rubbing during the process, makes fire.
25. They find water in white gum trees. They see a bulge on the side of the trunk and a rusty kind of track from it to the ground. This is a sign of water. They tap the lump and the water spurts out.
26. Only the bare idea of a great master above. (?)
27. Great believers in ghosts, spirits hovering about, which poison water and kill if interfered with. No idea of good spirits.
28. None - no boyl-ya in these parts. (?)
29. No, except in a very simple form - no secret pass words or signs.
31. Smoke signalling = kee'era Smoke signalling is called key'era. In case of one in the camp wishing to know where one of the family who is from home is, the one in camp makes a fire and big smoke; this is answered by the one who is away. If the absent party is wanted home, another fire and more smoke.
32. Have only three numbers - 1,2,3, the numbers beyond these they count on fingers - months by moon, no year - so many moons.
33. The average height for a native is 5' 5" or near that. The extreme I can find is 5' 11". Some of them girt as well as the whites. The majority are thinner. This depends on the quality and quantity of food.

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