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Title: Richard Helms, L. R. Wells - Fraser Range. W. Williams, Eucla & Eyre's Sandpatch. Campbell Taylor - Doubtful & Israelite Bay. R. Helms - Esperance, Hampton Plains and Knutsford.

Languages: Mirning, Noongar

Richard Helms, L. R. Wells - Fraser Range. W. Williams, Eucla & Eyre's Sandpatch. Campbell Taylor - Doubtful & Israelite Bay. R. Helms - Esperance, Hampton Plains and Knutsford.
Man, his relationships, etc.
Baby walboo, wandee, tcheek? minya
Blackfellow majjilba, meening?, yungar, min'nin
Blackwoman toogaboo, tookaboo, yago, werrungerra, yok
Boy kow'an, kija wandee, (kija possibly corruption of "kid") minmin possibly corruption of "man"
Brother elder = ngandada dudaloo, ngoondan younger = ngandada, moongan
Childrenwon'derong, wandee murna, koolungurra
Daughter nuggal
Father mummaloo, mum'ma, maam, mammun
Girl, littlewanya, moola
Granddaughter murran
Grandfather demman
Grandmother murran
Grandson demman
Man, oldmajjilba tcheera, mundaldoo
Man, youngmajjilba, ngoon'ara
Man minning, minin, bulga, malba, yunga, kapeen bordoo
Mother yak'kaloo, yarkel?, ngan'gan, 'kun
Sister baaye, tchook, jookan elder = baaye wallaroo, wooleroo younger = baaye boordoo
Son bidding
Virgin maddal, bindee
White Man majjilba moondooloo, yittong
Wife weea, kardo
Woman wurnang, joorlee, kortyeen yeernunging, toogaboo, yago, yook, mirga
Woman, oldtoogaboo boolga
Parts and Functions of the Body
Ankle walba, bilgut
Arm (lower) marrak, ngurna
Arm (right) wanga, karree ?
Arm (upper) wangoo, wanga ungoo, wagoon ?, wurnok
Back illaree, gamboo, ngolorr
Beard nangoo, unga, ngoomool, ngenok, ngalana, ngalenna, garne
Blood ngoop, yurning, yurnin, yelgoo, yalgoo, yalga
Bone kwetch, jurbo, daja, danka, jirboo, kambo, kombo
Bowels me-re yal, dangul, dardul, needee, yelilliman, kwijopel
Breastsbeebee, koondoo, bubboo, pip
Breath weroon, waggar
Calf of Leg wullit
Cheek nijja, ngoodoo
Chest ngaka, moondoo, yid
Chin nganga, kandan, nganba
Drink, to ngowannin, nalgwin, kep ngunga

ke'yan, goola, dwunga, gulla, goolē'ya, koorlē'ya

ke'yong, goola, dwunga, gulla, goole'ya

Eat, to worra ma-o-wud, nalgun, ngalgun, ngamma, ngalgoo, ngunga, nganning, ngalla
Elbow gurgun, kur'koo'nak'kee, koo'kaia, ngoy
Eyebrow ngambin, meel ngoand, mēl ngamboo
Eyelash meel ngoand, mēl ngamba
Eyelid mel nimbit, mel kalba, meel biggard
Eye mēl, wardoo, waddoo, meerl, meel
Fat gā'noo, wid'daija, widdija, tcherrung
Feel, togungoo, perangin
Fingersmurra ka budd, ngaldee, mar, mara munyurda
Finger nail mara beeree, peeree
Footjinna, yinna, jenna, tchen, yen
Forehead yoo'arroo, ngamba, pab?, ngalla
Generative Organ (female) taid ?, tēd ?
Hair ngoomool balga, wen'doo, kada warna, kada birdee, ngornt, kada wendoo, ngoanda balthur
Hand murra, mara, maia maya?, mar
Head kada, kad, balga, katta, kunitch
Heart molla?, ngaga, koordoodoo, wiroon, kurd
Heel yinna murloo, mooboo, tand
Jawboneirreejurbo, jurbo yerree
Jawyerree, ngallok
Kidney tchoob
Knee murdee, dadda, peernith
Leggoora, gora, māta
Lipeemee, taminyee, moonee, min
Liver ngal'dee, maia
Lung yaral, waggar, nganbukka
Moustache moonee, moornee
Mouth thumminjee, aiga?, danga, tchaa, dungan, taa
Navel nunyit, goad
Neck kurloo?, dangin?
Nose moola, mulla, mullē'ya, moolya, moolee
Penis tab'it, pē-jan, meed, mēd
Pregnant moogalla berbin
Seeing jin'nungin
Shoulder kalbee wil'yin'dee, mandoo, munk
Sinew paldee
Skin we'yul, narra, kooloo, mop, biggut
Sleep koobooloo, kud'ny'ella, koobala, kud ngalla, kuballin, bukkaman
Smell, to pooka, peeka, kandun
Sneeze, to mulla kardit, mulla winyabut, nulboo
Speak, to dooroo
Spit, to dalya, delya, wod'da
Stink, to pooka, peeka
Stomach mukulla, mugalla, gambittee, weela, koolga, kurpul
Taste, to kweebatuk?
Teeth yeeree, ngallee ngallee, eeree, nalgo yerree ngorlok, ngallok, yeeree, gardiddee, kardiddee
Thigh tooenda, towel, tunda, kanda, jeera? nart
Thirsty wela kumbun, gabbee mulgurn
Throat gooldoo
Thumb murra yagoo, mara agoo, yalba
Toe yinna balga, bindee
Toenail yinna beeree, peeree
Tongue thālid, talit, daaling, dallong
Vein kandatta?, ngala yurning, ngala yurnin, kurrak
Walk, to ngaralgunee, gooling, pala ngun gurteeman, ngunung
Walk quicklyjinna bā'dee
Wrist noo'kooee
Bandicoot birring
Dingodoytchoo, doodoo, joodoo
Kangaroo, generic pirkooda, pigurla?, madooroo, koolbirra?, yowda
Kangaroo Rat wirlooloo
Opossum, Black damma?, bilda, pilda
Wallabywilla, gooloong
Wallaby, spinifexmē'ree yurra
Bird (generic) jeda, gamma, gumming
Bird's egg numboo, noorok, ngamboo, nga'oo, kabbin, noorgoo
Bustard, Wild Turkey barreel, eedilaija, yee'daijal, peepaleer, koolee
Cockatoo, Leadbeater's Pink kakaloo
Cockatoo, white, Southernka'kaloo, kaw kawla, munatch
Crow wajigga, wongala, wongilla, wartung

Oreoica cristata = banban ak'am'ina kulyang

Oreoica sp = banban gudarra jidda, eppin'al'kwin ngarmut

Eagle yarda
Eagle Hawk yadda, worlik, walya? walja?
Emu toola, tulla, wēd, gal-ē-ya, kal-ē-ya, watch
Harrier, Swamp Hawk kandun, gililka, gargin
Hawk, Fishkandun, gililka, gargin
Hawk, Sparrow kandun, gililka, gargin
Laughing jackass kooladdee
Magpie goorbarroo, yelyet, yimbaloo
Pelican ya'oo, noorlaloo, peelar'ribung
Swan maa'lee
Crayfish danbee
Fish (generic) moodee
Iguana (generic) galka
Iguana, long-tailed nurril, bilalla
Iguana, stump-tailed yoornga?' kakilga
Lizard (generic) wogga
Lizard, Horned (York Devil) gidda minyin
Lizard, sleepingwadding kalda
Snake (generic)

moola wooda, mullabutta, yedda, mullawudda, bulla?, budding

deaf adder = kalda, carpet snake = bulla? bulla, boola, probably corruption of bulya

Ant (common small) minga, minnin
Ant (generic) minga
Ant (sergeant or lion)barna mamma
Beetle (generic) nurnun, dallee-brindee, moorangan, milba, burna, yidajee
Butterfly dardalyung
Fly (generic) wee'ya wee'ya, waia waia, mooroo mooroo, ngoorawoora
Grasshopper yindalga
Mosquito koonjee, ngingup

meeka meeka, mikka mikka, munban, pupa of moth = wandandeeree

cocoon = wandanwalla

Scorpion war'nee'yad
Silverfish birrang birrang
Spider (generic) kaira, gē'ra
The Elements, etc.
Bough of a tree small branch = dal'galla
Bush (the wild country) jai'dooroo, jē'dooroo
Clay, white der'gan, wandamoyn
Cloud mulga bildee, malga yet, malga bildee, weera, marr
Cold mulgan, numulya, mulgun, yoolgan, minya, nyetting, gurrgel, nāgo
Dark tun'jinda, ngooboo, konkee, kombertung
Day nullaruk?
Daylight womooburrum
Duststorm tanba
Earth, the ba'na, pa'na, poojar
Fire kai'ya, kē'ya, kal, kalla, kala
Flowers me'roo, no'al
Grass yoolga, tchilba
Ground (surface of) yoola, bootcha
Gum ngora
Heat goornan, kumburn (hot = kallaruk)
Hill booree, pooree, weenda, wadda, moolun, kāda
Hole karoo
Lake, saltnapurr, woy'a
Leaf (shrub or tree) undin, oondin, peeal
Light ya'roo, birrabooda
Lightning kai'ya bar, bar, bindan, weergoo
Manna birgilla
Moon waial, wee'yal, ya'gin, weeal, yaggin, meekee, meemok, meeuk, yaawin, yowing, paia?
Mountain kāda
Night ngooboo, konkai, kutbenk, kutbuk?
Peach, native koordee (fruit of = galba), willora
Quartz wooree il'il'ya, pooree irilya
Rain kē-pee, mulga, kēp wolmunung, kappee dilbin, wannin, wunnin, jeedee
Rainbow wanduka, gurrurringa, kurringa, nyoordong
Resin (blackboy) ngō'ra
Rock poy'
Rockhole kappee kulla dunya, meera gabbee
Roots, of trees, ediblengalla yeera, ngalla gooya
Sand bā'na, jering?
Sandhill wanda
Sea wam'mong, wammongat
Sea-shellsbirree birra
Sea-weed yaloo wē
Star bungoo, burnga, worrit, mallamunning, bilyel, milyarn,nangar
Stone poy, booree, pooree, boondong, bwoon?
Sun jintoo, tchindoo, jindoo, jenda, nganga, batta, ngarnga, nganga, tchundoo
Sunrise jindo barrangunyin
Sunset jindo kargan
Thunder kēpee mama, kappee bar, bulla?, mamma anga, bulla mē'ran
Thunderstorm kappee bar
To-day birboodoo, yē'ya, yeetcha kurrum?
To-morrow min'yaka, bēn kurrulding
Venus yindela
Water gabbee, kappee, mai'jal, gab, walbee, kaipa, kēp, kowin, water, no = gabbee kooya ?
Water (running) mulga noorndee
Wattle tree yalloo
Whirlwind yinga orrarringa
Windpiriddee, mag'ooroo, nooyung peeka, birrila, winnaka? mara
Yesterday bookooloo, kurrum
General Vocabulary
Alive yathero
Ashes bunga
Badkā'nung, booka?, walyee
Bark (used for food vessels) binbee, bimbee, bai'aral
Bark (used for making huts) yoobal
Belt namba
Big doolgala, dunnal
Black kum'ma
Board, for throwing spear worda, meeroo, wordat kambo hook of meero = tad'il, wara stone in end of meero = bē'tal
Boomerang kē'lee, wallanoo, wolanna, kylee, wallana
By and bynoo'a boo'dan, booja?, poolak?
Call, to maia bord
Camp, native minda, wan'o'moo (shelters made with brushwood and bushes) wamma ngooda, yango, kallal
Charcoal ir'gal'yoo
Circumcision ngungurr, jabbun, subincision = pē'yan
Club koondee, dowk
Come onyoolo nganyarree, yoolow, wattee yeren?
Cooked (pounded and roasted roots)ngalla yindalya
Cry, to mil'eling ngin, palloolee, goolan
Dance yoorin
Dead kakkabukka, mandin, ngalba
Die, to kakkabukka, mandin
East kak'ara, manong
Fall, to yoonda gā'tee
Few warrong
Fight, topaijajee
Fillet for the head namba
Food ngalgoon, ngalgoo, nājoo, marring
Ghost boorga, wawk?
Good pujja, yaddoo, gwap
Good, no walyee, wadang
Green kooyal, turdong
Gum, edible meenoo
Hair stick balya, yowillee balga, dalgerree yowillee, yowillee talla
Head ornamentyin'din'ga
Head dresskada windoo, kada wurna
Hear, to perridee, kadijin
Heaven wilka?, wooloo?
House mulga mintorad, malga mintorat
Hungry boobera, booba bungoo, werrut
I ngana, neeja, ngan, naija, nganya, ngailo?
Ill (sick) mē-indee
Jump, to majjoorad, bordagarin
Large burdin
Laugh kurdee din, kurdee kudadnee, gooreeman
Lie (to lie down) palloo wed, kan'gla goodan?
Lie (to tell a lie) karralee
Little moongan, moonjan, nuggal, wandee, nākal
Look back, tongunguken
Lying (down) oeel'oobed?
Many tchat'oodee, partanna
Message sticks unnain, bergoo?
Milk koondoo bilgan, koondoo, pip
Mine (my own) nunga
No yan'gun, mukka, yooaddo, kaian
North kē'yella, morruk
Nose-piercing kē'yee'yin
Nose stick kondel, wondarra
One kutta?, kai'_ad'noo, kai-an-noo, kain, kai-an¯oo, gain, ken
Picture etchings on barkwar'ma, worma
Paint, to gon'yin
Play, to yoorimmee
Plenty bardoo boodan, murna, kowan
Quickly goordēma
Red yurnin, nguppilong
Run, to wud'na'_yer'ee, moordeejangul
Scars on chestngaka warma
See, to jummingen?, mēl nungoo, tchinnung, mel nangoo, mela noongoo
Shadow boodanee, ngooan
She bal
Shield woonda
Shout, to maia bord
Sick (ill) men'dee
Sing, to mē'ya,maia, kanjeelan
Sit down, to ning'arn, ngunting, billa nyinaree, yinnan, nyinnong
Slily, stealthilydarragal boodan
Small nuggal
Smoke, of fires kai-ya pooya, kēya pooya, kai'ya boy'ya boomadan booja, pooee, pooya
Sore (or boil) mindin, andan, derriga
South koorilla, ngaddee
Spear (generic term) kajee winda, kajee, winda, ke'jee
Spear, to throw a jy'jee angoon
Spear (war) kejee ularra, gaijee, jaijee, geejee, keetch
Steal, to yoorgwil
Stick yanda
Strike, to yagookoo, bun'gun
String, made of opossum furwarreeya
Sweet noomba boodan, ngweentch?
Tattoo, to ngāka warma
Tattooing ngāka warma
There nundinga
They balgoon, they two = boola?
Three marding, warrul, merting, mo, mangurra, yalgatta, mangurroo, ngarril?
Tickle, to gijeeboo?
Tired boorooka
Tomahawk koytch
Track (footprint) balgatta, jenna yinga, jen, pim,
Track, akulbaia, kulbeea, pō'ree, kulba
Two kootharra, kootarra, bwool?, koodal, koojan, koojal, kardoora
Vessels (bark, etc) ken'nee, ya'ree, moy'a
Wenganneel, wilingul
West kalda, winnung
Whistle woyd, maiamirrat
White tel, dond
Wood warda, wadda, boon
Wound, to parkaltoo, mindin, andan, derriga, kwud
Yes ō, naden, ya?, ngaia, ee, kwa, ngeeya
You noonda, nginduk, nginnee, nginnuk (plural) nyoorang
Short Sentences
Know, I do not ngana gooya, naija mukka yoorg, ngairlo tchunuk kubba?
Natives, Where are the? Bokathalla meening Yungar yarnpat
You two Nyoobal

Helms, Esperance

Yunga dialect

(The similarity between the Esperance and Perth dialect is apparent) Barkok = the name given to the tribes living inland, by the Yunga. (These tribes circumcise and slit the urethra, which the Yungas do not.)

Campbell Taylor, Doubtful Bay to Israelite Bay

Ngokgurring or "shell" people

W. Williams, Eyre's Sandpatch

Wonunda Meening Tribe. Wonnunda = Eyre's Sandpatch.

According to W. Graham the country of this tribe commences at Point Culver, extends east along the coast for about 140 miles and inland some 30 or 40. Wonunda is the name of the principal water. From Point Culver to 100 miles east of Eucla - a distance of 350 miles - all the tribes use the word Meening (people) Mining groups do not go just Border (W.A.-S.A.) on Nullarbor Plain nunga means man. In the Eucla & western areas Mining means man. North of Eucla. Boundary Dam, Waddi means man. n.w. of Eucla - mulba means man. etc etc. in conjunction with the name of the principal swamp or waterhole in their country as their tribal designation. The tribes immediately to the west of the Wonunda Meening speak of the latter as Bardooks or "know nothings". The Wonunda speak of the tribes to the north of them as katabungata and mooroon, the last word meaning fat or stout. Those to the West are koorardee or tall. The country of the Wonunda is little better than a waterless desert and its inhabitants are half starved, spare in person, low in stature, and use weapons and implements of an inferior sort.

(To be corrected).

Helms, Fraser Range

Helms obtained the following vocabulary from several natives met near the Fraser Range. They inhabited the districts to the east and west of that locality and to the south about 100 miles from the coast. Habits and language were essentially the same with all the tribes, but in some instances different terms were applied for the same object.

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